This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Nov 26, 2013 18:06
10 yrs ago
6 viewers *
English term

Best before the date printed on the package

English to Macedonian Marketing Food & Drink Food Labeling
Best before: see the date printed on the package
Information on a product declaration
Differs from "Употребливо до/Use by". See here:
Best Before Date – 'Best before date is used as an indicator of when the product will begin to degrade from optimal quality; this includes when the food becomes stale, begins to taste 'off' or decays, rots or goes mouldy.

I need the exact phrase used in accordance with the Macedonian food labeling regulations.

Thank you in advance!
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Non-PRO (1): Milena Chkripeska

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Vesna Maširević (asker) Jul 22, 2014:
The answer found in Правилник за начинот на означувањето на храната (Сл. Весник на РМ бр. 118/05)
Vesna Maširević (asker) Nov 26, 2013:
Thanks Aneta. Literal translation is not a solution either (unless if the differentiation hasn't been implemented in the MK law yet).
It is not a matter of choice. There are specific regulations about declaring foods durability. EU specifically prescribes when the 2 variants are used. The same has been implemented in the Serbian law this year.
What I am looking for is the correct (if prescribed by law, then the exact) phrase to indicate the date of minimum durability of a foodstuff - the date until which the foodstuff retains its specific properties when properly stored. (Articles 9 and 10 of Directive 2000/13/EC and Article 9 of Regulation 1169/2011)
Aneta Risteska Nov 26, 2013:
If we go literally, all right. But the point is, they are interchangably used and I have not heard about nor have seen a product where both of them are found. I usually use the shortest and most condense version - language and space economy.
It is your choice.
Vesna Maširević (asker) Nov 26, 2013:
the difference between 'Use by' and 'Best before' The 'best before' dates are more about quality than safety. When the date runs out it doesn't mean that the food will be harmful, but it might begin to lose its flavour and texture.

Proposed translations

17 mins

Рокот на траење/употреба е втиснат на пакувањето

Note from asker:
Thank you Aneta! Unfortunately, there are two ways of declaring product shelf life, one is by "Use by" (which may be "Рокот на траење" where this applies "Да не се употребува после истекот на рокот на употреба втиснат на пакувањето!") but there is also "Best before" (SR verzija toga je "Najbolje upotrebiti do"
Peer comment(s):

agree Darko Ivanovski
11 hrs
Фала Даре!
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44 mins

најдобро (е) да се употреби пред датумот втиснат на пакувањето

Најдобро (е) да се употреби пред датумот втиснат на пакувањето.

Example sentence:

1. Датум – „Да се употреби до“ или „најдобро е да се употреби пред“, се датуми кои индицираат дека до последниот ден од впишаниот датум, пр�

„Најдобро да се користи до” е датумот до кој квалитетот на одредениот производ е најдобар, што не значи дека споменатата храна не може да с

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