Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Italian translation:

membro di classe

Added to glossary by Alessio Grassi
Aug 16, 2013 14:49
10 yrs ago
English term


English to Italian Tech/Engineering IT (Information Technology) si parla di classi informatiche e di ereditarietà
Il contesto è il seguente:
In C#, there is a constraint, and the constraint is that a *classmate* only inherit from a single base class. There may be a chain of classes that get inherited, but each class can only inherit from a single base class.

grazie in anticipo.
Proposed translations (Italian)
5 -2 membro di classe


James (Jim) Davis Aug 18, 2013:
@Alessio I think you need to give more of the source text and/or ask the author. Personally, I can see no obviously correct answers here.
Anastasiya Kachurenko Aug 18, 2013:
We are not helping Alessio anymore... *The C++ friend keyword is not really what the text is talking about, besides there is not friend in C#.

@ Alessio, I think you could stick to either "classe" (as Caterina correctly pointed out) which is generic enough not to be wrong or to "membro di classe" which apparently is much more complex to understand (given the length of this discussion) or using both, as I originally suggested in my answer (embracing already "classe o membro di classe" in the translation).

@ James, if you have not seen this before, like you said, may i ask why are you still commenting on this. I guess it would be wise to leave it to whoever has seen this. We, including myself, are not helping Alessio anymore, so this whole topic is getting pointless. If you will ever want to understand my point, feel free to contact me privately and i'll provide you all the details to fully understand this topic.
James (Jim) Davis Aug 18, 2013:
Yes but basically classes are inherited and members are what classes are made of which includes the methods. To say that members can be inherited doesn't make a lot of sense. As both Katerina and I have said, we have never seen this term before, so we can only guess. If the author intended members, then one imagined he would have used the word "members". I suggested "friend" but of course they can only be simulated in C sharp. @Alessio: MORE CONTEXT WOULD HELP.
Anastasiya Kachurenko Aug 18, 2013:
Thanks James, I indeed specified before I was not referring to methods. Would you mind sharing how you would translate "classmate" then?
James (Jim) Davis Aug 18, 2013:
Nastya You are picking on a very specific aspedt of C# to argue your point, which only holds for data members and not for method members
To define a field:

Class SampleClass
public string sampleField;

Properties have get and set procedures, which provide more control on how values are set or returned.

C++, java and C# are all object oriented languages which are based on classes. The classes contain members. The members can be methods or properties, where the methods are procedures which can be called and the properties are variables containing or pointing to data. Methods can never be inherited. Data can be sometimes. Data can be strings, numbers (integers) or objects. Normally speaking strings and integers cannot be inherited, but of course objects (instances of classes) can. It is a specific characteristic of C sharp that basic data variable types are in fact sub-classes of the class object, so you have no freedom to add methods or properties to that class or change its inheritance. They are built-in.
So technically what you say is true for properties but not for methods which are also class members.
Anastasiya Kachurenko Aug 17, 2013:
I can assure James I am not making any confusion at all.

A member of a class could be a field or a property (other than a method) and in these cases the field (or the property) must be typed. Given that any type is a class, it means that the member's type is itself a class, which can inherit from just one parent or base class, just like every other class.

As for Caterina, i was not referring to methods and overloading, but just to any typed field or property.

I guess James is slightly confused about the differences between C++ e C# which have more differences than similarities and definitely agree with Cateriana about this.
James (Jim) Davis Aug 17, 2013:
We have to agree to differ I learnt C++ and java before C sharp existed. C++ was the first object oriented version of C language. Java was designed as a virtual machine and language with a C/C++ notation. C sharp has been described as a "Java clone" (hardly a completely new language) and one of the design objectives was that it would be very easy for C++ programmers to learn, which it is. After C++, java and C Sharp are a cinch. Less exacting, but more limited. When C sharp came out, my reaction, like that of many was "Oh Microsoft have done a version of C++ for dummies". The original name was "COOL" "C like Object Oriented Language". As I said, if you read my discussion carefully, C sharp "does not allow 'friends' but you can create the same effect by using special 'keywords'". Perhaps the text in question is about a simulation of friends in C sharp.

Agree with you about members. Nastya seems to be confusing members with objects which instantiate classes.
Caterina D'Amico Aug 17, 2013:
@James, I agree that this could mean something in particular. Yet C# does not support the friend operator (which is a specific C++ thing) and C# is not a Microsoft version of C++ but a completely new programming language that was born to specifically take advantage of the Microsoft .NET framework (it has a leaner syntax than C# and it's more similar to JAVA).

<p>@Nastya_K When we talk about inheritance in programming, we are always talking about classes, not members (we talk about member and method overriding). In the context provided, I keep thinking that *classe* would be the appropriate word.
Anastasiya Kachurenko Aug 17, 2013:
Il vincolo normalmente si applica alle classi, ma essendo i membri di una classe a loro volta istanze di classi, il vincolo si applica anche a tutti membri.
James (Jim) Davis Aug 17, 2013:
@Alessio In C++ (C sharp is the microsoft version of c++ the first object oriented C language) you have the concept of a "friend" (un amico, un "compagno di classe"). A friend of a class is a class of function which has full access to everything the class itself can access. Perhaps this is what this guy is trying to say, calling a "classmate" a friend. C sharp is simpler than C++. It does not allow "friends" but you can create the same effect by using special "keywords".
Apart from the term "classmate" the concept expressed here is well know to people who first learnt C++ and then used C sharp. In C++ a class can inherit from more than one "parent" (c++) or "base class" (c sharp). C++ has "multiple inheritance", which can get quite complex. In c sharp inheritance is from one parent (base) class only. This is "single inheritance".
James (Jim) Davis Aug 17, 2013:
@Caterina I have programmed and Googled and never heard of a classmate, but in the context, a "classmate" obviously means something in particular.
Caterina D'Amico Aug 17, 2013:
Il termine *classmate* viene utilizzato in altri contesti all'interno del documento? Normalmente si parla di eredità tra classi e di classe padre da cui ereditano le classi figlie.

<p>Nel tuo contesto si parla di una generica classe che può ereditare da un solo padre, pertanto io lo tradurrei semplicemente come "classe", a meno che tu non abbia ulteriori elementi. La frase potrebbe suonare così: "In C# c'è una limitazione per cui una classe può ereditare solo da un'unica classe base".<p>

<a href="">Link a wikipedia</a>

<p>PS: mio marito è ingegnere del software e non ha mai sentito parlare di classmate o compagni di classe...</p>
Valeria Faber Aug 17, 2013:
forse questo può esserti utile
James (Jim) Davis Aug 16, 2013:
I know C++ which is basically the same as C sharp. The wiki page on C sharp makes no mention of these:

I imagine that they are just two classes inherited from the same base class and as such are "compagni di classe". that is assuming they are classes and not variables declared within the same class (I doubt this).

Proposed translations

20 hrs

membro di classe

La traduzione e': "membro della classe"

La traduzione del contesto e': "in c# c'è un vincolo e il vincolo è che ogni membro di classe può solo ereditare da una singola classe base"

Io personalmente la lascerei cosi' invece: "in c# c'è un vincolo e il vincolo è che ogni classe e membro di classe può solo ereditare da una singola classe base"

Note added at 20 hrs (2013-08-17 11:00:36 GMT)

si, scusa "membro DI classe"
Peer comment(s):

disagree Caterina D'Amico : When we talk about inheritance in programming, we are always talking about classes, not members (we talk about member and method overriding). In the context provided, I keep thinking that *classe* would be the appropriate word.
1 hr
disagree James (Jim) Davis : With Caterina in disagreeing, but don't believe "classe" is the right word.
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie"
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