Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Never take anything for granted

French translation:

Ne jamais rien tenir pour acquis / Il ne faut pas vendre la peau de l'ours avant de l'avoir tué

Added to glossary by kironne
Apr 3, 2007 06:46
17 yrs ago
English term

Never give anything for granted

English to French Art/Literary Idioms / Maxims / Sayings Biography
This comes from a draft of a book being written at the moment by a notorious businessman. He's German, and he has a very funny way of telling stories.

It started while talking to him. He was constantly checking references for everything he himself said, and even when I stated something, he checked and double checked references, as if I were somehow trying to "trick" him. Even words, he looked them up in the dictionary. I asked him whether he didn't trust what I was saying. He smiled at me and told me an anecdote, which actually pretty much illustrates the average Chilean work idiosyncrasy, and that I'd like to share with you.

On one of his first jobs in his early twenties at a copper mine in Chile, a piece of equipment had broken down and it was imperative to have it up and running ASAP. Millions of dollars were at stake. So his boss sends him over to ask the technician how long it's going to take to repair it.

He goes, asks the technician, comes back, and tells his boss "he says about 8 hours". The boss says, "Hum... that's not right. Go back and ask him again." Very odd reaction, because hadn't he asked this already? He goes back to the technician, asks him again, and comes back with a new answer: "about 6 hours".

The boss again says, "Hmmm... that doesn't seem right. Go ask him again". And again he goes.

- "He says 4 hours"
- "Hmm... But still, that doesn't seem quite right. Go and ask him again, please."

Finally, he returns with the answer: "he says it's going to take 2 hours".

- "Well, that seems just right", he says as he turns around and looks at him in the eye, "Young man, never take anything for granted."

Et voilà le contexte.
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kironne (asker) Apr 3, 2007:

Yes, Melzie. Right above your note, you can see it says "never take anything for granted". Must have been a lapsus linguae, or rather, a lapsus calami. Thanks for pointing it out.
Melzie Apr 3, 2007:
shouldn't it be 'take'?

Proposed translations

35 mins

ne jamais rien tenir pour acquis

DOC] Le concept RELATIME – Une autre vision du tempsFormat de fichier: Microsoft Word - Version HTML
Pour innover sur la lecture du temps, il faut « ne jamais rien tenir pour acquis ». Le concept de lecture relatime est simple, et les modifications ... - Pages similaires

Pôle Nord Agence de performance marketing - La vie de l'agence... qu’il confie « ne jamais rien tenir pour acquis. Le secret pour être performant ? Il faut aimer la nouveauté et être curieux pour rester dans la course. ... - 27k - En cache - Pages similaires

André Morisseau*Ne jamais rien tenir pour acquis *Rester ouvert et humain. - Avez-vous un site préféré ? Toujours celui qui est en projet ... - 17k - En cache - Pages similaires - Un 8 mars dans l’ombre d’un nouveau patriarcatTout rappelle aux femmes de ne jamais rien tenir pour acquis : il leur faut sans cesse recommencer, réclamer, dénoncer, affirmer leur présence et leurs ... - 36k - En cache - Pages similaires

Argos ConseilEtre présent à vos côtés aux moments clés, vous accompagner, vous questionner, vous connaître aussi bien que possible et ne jamais rien tenir pour acquis. ... - 8k -
Note from asker:
Thank you, Francis!
Peer comment(s):

agree Najib Aloui
19 mins
agree mchd
1 hr
agree katsy : je trouve que ça garde le mieux l'humour de l'original
2 hrs
agree Lou-Ann Dubé : Il ne faut jamais rien prendre pour acquis (on dit comme ça au Québec).
3 hrs
agree karim_benahmed
14 hrs
agree Marie-Josée Labonté (X) : D'accord avec Lou-Ann :-)
17 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks everyone for your input! I'm including two of your answers to the glossary."
5 mins

il ne faut jamais rien prendre pour argent comptant

ou ... ne prenez jamais rien pour....

Note added at 15 minutes (2007-04-03 07:02:16 GMT)

signifie ne pas croire ce qu'on nous dit sans vérifier
Peer comment(s):

agree Roger McKeon : Oui, le contexte appelle cette solution.
7 hrs
Merci Roger!
Something went wrong...
4 mins

ne faut jamais présumer de rien


Note added at 9 mins (2007-04-03 06:55:55 GMT)

Never take anything for granted / Ne rien prendre comme allant de soi ?

Note added at 13 mins (2007-04-03 07:00:10 GMT)

"grant" in dictionary Collins English-French
- [ Перевести эту страницу ]
It's not a good idea to take anything for granted. Ce n'est pas une bonne chose de ne jamais rien remettre en question. to take it for granted (that) . ...

Note added at 16 mins (2007-04-03 07:03:09 GMT)

Psychonet : Thérapies - Comment savoir si l'on a trouvé le bon psy

... c'était justement de ne jamais rien remettre en question. Quand on ne va pas très bien, on n'est pas toujours capable de choisir un bon psy. ...

Question de temps - Forum Physique sur - Page ...
Je suis pourtant d'accord avec certaines de tes idées : il est dangereux de ne jamais rien remettre en question. Néanmoins, et ce problème te concerne de ...
Something went wrong...
11 mins

"ne jamais se fier aux premières impressions"

En principe, l'expression correspond à "ne jamais considérer quelque chose pour acquis".
Vu le contexte, il y a une notion de confiance, donc, je dirais "ne jamais se fier aux premières impressions".

Note added at 44 mins (2007-04-03 07:31:14 GMT)

Rectification, je pense plutôt, vu le contexte, à "remet toujours en question ce que l'on te dit"
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

Il ne faut pas vendre la peau de l´ourse avant de l´avoir tué ?

dans le contexte....

Note added at 6 heures (2007-04-03 12:50:50 GMT)

Oooops ! désolée pour la faute de frappe ! merci Gilles !
Note from asker:
I really liked this option, Anne, I wish I could split points!
Peer comment(s):

agree GILLES MEUNIER : ours
1 hr
Something went wrong...
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