Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Related Party Transactions
French translation:
opérations entre personnes/entités apparentées
Added to glossary by
Johanne Bouthillier
Jul 14, 2011 14:11
13 yrs ago
14 viewers *
English term
Related Party Transactions
English to French
Finance (general)
Dans un titre, je cherche à traduire XXX Related Party Transactions
J'aurais dit transactions entre parties liées de XXX, mais je ne suis pas sûre que ma traduction soit très précise.
merci de votre aide
Dans un titre, je cherche à traduire XXX Related Party Transactions
J'aurais dit transactions entre parties liées de XXX, mais je ne suis pas sûre que ma traduction soit très précise.
merci de votre aide
Proposed translations
Change log
Aug 21, 2011 22:13: Johanne Bouthillier Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
8 mins
opérations entre personnes/entités apparentées
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks"
2 mins
transaction entre parties liées
"What Does Related-Party Transaction Mean?
A business deal or arrangement between two parties who are joined by a special relationship prior to the deal. For example, a business transaction between a major shareholder and the corporation, such as a contract for the shareholder's company to perform renovations to the corporation's offices, would be deemed a related-party transaction.
Investopedia Says
Investopedia explains Related-Party Transaction
American public companies are required to disclose all transactions with related parties such as executives, associates and their family members in their annual 10-K report. While the great majority of related-party transactions are perfectly normal, the special relationship inherent between the involved parties creates potential conflicts of interest which can result in actions which benefit the people involved as opposed to the shareholders. For example, in the infamous Enron scandal, related-party transactions with "special-purpose entities" were used to help the "
"FocusIFRS - IAS 24 "Information relative aux parties liées ... - Cached
22 juil. 2010 – Une transaction entre parties liées est un transfert de ressources, de services ou d'obligations entre une entité présentant les états .."
A business deal or arrangement between two parties who are joined by a special relationship prior to the deal. For example, a business transaction between a major shareholder and the corporation, such as a contract for the shareholder's company to perform renovations to the corporation's offices, would be deemed a related-party transaction.
Investopedia Says
Investopedia explains Related-Party Transaction
American public companies are required to disclose all transactions with related parties such as executives, associates and their family members in their annual 10-K report. While the great majority of related-party transactions are perfectly normal, the special relationship inherent between the involved parties creates potential conflicts of interest which can result in actions which benefit the people involved as opposed to the shareholders. For example, in the infamous Enron scandal, related-party transactions with "special-purpose entities" were used to help the "
"FocusIFRS - IAS 24 "Information relative aux parties liées ... - Cached
22 juil. 2010 – Une transaction entre parties liées est un transfert de ressources, de services ou d'obligations entre une entité présentant les états .."
26 mins
opérations entre parties liées/apparentées
related party transaction - opération entre parties liées (apparentées)
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Karikhou (X)
: Entre parties liées
4 hrs
37 mins
transactions entre parties liées
Je crois que votre traduction est tout à fait correcte. "Transaction entre parties liées: un transfert de ressources ou d'obligations entre des parties liées, sans tenir compte du fait qu'un prix soit facturé ou non." Je crois que le mot "transactions" doit être au pluriel dans votre cas.
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
FX Fraipont (X)
: j'ai posté la même chose 35 minutes avant vous
2 hrs
ESSENTIAL context here