Feb 15, 2008 07:28
16 yrs ago
18 viewers *
English term

disease or condition

English to Chinese Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals Medical
Reduced functioning of the immune system, usually as a result of a disease or condition such as HIV infection.

disease和 condition都有疾病的意思,放在一起的话如何区分呢?


jyuan_us Feb 26, 2008:
Bill Lao Feb 26, 2008:
Bill Lao Feb 26, 2008:
Han Li (asker) Feb 26, 2008:
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 26, 2008:
核子反应炉已出事,辐射已外泄,核子尘已飘了大半个地球,那些专家还说:这个问题需要专家来解决,不是核子工程师可以解决的。嗯,原来专家也还不是专家,翻译者也还不是翻译者。但奇怪,怎么每个人都那么喜欢当专家,每个翻译者往往都觉得自己的翻译实在“完美”、实在“无懈可击”。Such conditions like this 有那么严重吗?建议close the question ungraded,理由:not resolved;或随便选个答案,给个一分到四分,关闭问题就好。做翻译倒没有必要那么“颤巍巍”地。
Bill Lao Feb 26, 2008:
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 25, 2008:
@JY: 嗯嗯,由于身体不适的长期状态,感觉身体出了状况,等到发现疾病就有了有明显的症状;前头身体不适的状态和的感觉到的状况,都是主观的不明显的症状;到医院用仪器检查发现的疾病,那就是明显的症状。所以,前头的是condition,后头的是symptom? Now, we got here a real condition.
Bill Lao Feb 25, 2008:

Bill Lao Feb 25, 2008:
jyuan_us Feb 24, 2008:
突然感覺LAI‘AN說的“長期性” 好像有一定道理。DISEASE有時指需要立即看門診或住院的病﹐比如急性炎症﹐ 腦卒中等﹔而狀況是指CHRONICAL DISEASE﹐例如冠心病﹐高血壓等。不過在這個句子中﹐HIV INFECTION如果僅僅表示帶原而未發病(潛伏期)﹐就還真不能稱為一種疾病﹐只能說是一種狀況。
jyuan_us Feb 24, 2008:
Bill Lao Feb 24, 2008:
Han Li (asker) Feb 23, 2008:
Bill Lao Feb 23, 2008:

jyuan_us Feb 20, 2008:
@LAI' AN: your pre-existing condition ismost used in the context of deciding the qualification of the patient to join a health insurance program, which simply means a chronic illness what would increase the medical cost. It has nothing to do with 疑难杂症。
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 20, 2008:
嗯,像"disease or condition"这类的翻译问题,简单说,就是“解读上的一些疑难杂症”(pre-existing interpretational condition),它们都是很难预先解读的字词,或者是些超出现有的翻译水平所能解读翻译的字词,比如涅槃或南无阿弥陀佛等。
chica nueva Feb 20, 2008:
“pre-existing medical condition”简单的说就是一些疑难杂症,它们大都是很难预先确诊的疾病,或者是些超出现有的医疗水平的难以治愈的疾病,比如癌症或艾滋等。
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 19, 2008:
...通常是由某種疾病或某種身體狀況(例如人类免疫缺陷病毒感染)所造成的。--> ...通常是由某種疾病或例如人类免疫缺陷病毒感染造成的狀況。--> ...通常是由某種疾病或例如人类免疫缺陷病毒感染造成的情況。--> ...通常是由某種疾病或例如人类免疫缺陷病毒感染造成的狀态。--> ...通常是由某種疾病或例如人类免疫缺陷病毒感染造成的不适。--> ...通常是由某種疾病或例如人类免疫缺陷病毒感染造成的病症。--> ...通常是由某種疾病或例如人类免疫缺陷病毒感染造成的症狀。--> ad ∞.
jyuan_us Feb 19, 2008:
a disease or condition﹕在這裡﹐disease並非具體指AIDS﹐泛指任何可能導致免疫功能減弱的疾病。 condition也是泛指﹐HIV感染只是作為例子提出。雖然通篇講的可能都是關於HIV/艾滋病的內容。就句意本身來說﹐兩個詞都是泛指。
jyuan_us Feb 19, 2008:
jyuan_us Feb 19, 2008:
lhcm Feb 18, 2008:

这几个程度,一个比一个重,都是受损。impaired or damaged or destroyed. 请考虑一下这几个词的在程度上的不同。
lhcm Feb 18, 2008:
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 18, 2008:
I thought, a pregnant woman is in a condition of pregnancy, but not in a medical condition. Another question: Is immunocompromised 免疫受损 or 免疫功能受损 or what? I guess I'd better stop here least I could be "compromised" by what I've ever said or about to say!
Jinhang Wang Feb 18, 2008:
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 18, 2008:
Aha? http://www.webmd.com/baby/guide/medical-conditions-pregnancy... "Any medical condition that can affect you when you're not pregnant may have a significant effect on your pregnancy."
lhcm Feb 18, 2008:
所有的疾病disease都属于“medical condition (需要医疗/医护的状态)”,但不是所有的medical condition (需要医疗/医护的状态),都属于疾病disease。
例如妊娠,它是一个(medical) condition (需要医疗/医护的状态),但是它不是一个疾病disease。除非是异常妊娠,才是疾病,同时也是一个(medical) condition。
lhcm Feb 18, 2008:
lhcm Feb 18, 2008:
处于“人类免疫缺陷病毒感染(HIV infection)状态”跟“获得性免疫缺陷综合征/艾滋病(AIDS)是两个相关而又区别的概念。通常而言,当受到“人类免疫缺陷病毒感染”后,人就处于“人类免疫缺陷病毒感染”状态,其免疫系统就会随着时间的增长而受到不同程度的,越来越严重的损坏,当受损达到一定程度,就导致综合征出现,就成了“获得性免疫缺陷综合征/艾滋病(AIDS)”。注意,免疫系统受损,在“感染状态”---〉发展---〉“艾滋病”这整个过程中,都是存在的,而且是越来越严重。因此,在初期处于“感染状态”的时候,免疫系统已经开始受到损害,此时,受损程度还没有达到导致出现“症状(symptom)”。那么,这个受感染者,是处于“感染状态”。还没有到达“艾滋病”的程度。
immunocompromised - 免疫受损
Reduced functioning of the immune system, usually as a result of a disease or condition such as HIV infection
immunocompromised - 免疫受损
Reduced functioning of the immune system, usually as a result of a disease such as AIDS
Jinhang Wang Feb 18, 2008:
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 18, 2008:
@JY: 谁都有看错的时候。没事儿。不过,按照我刚才提出的那两个链接的比较,中文版里确实把 condition 翻译成“疾病”。所以说,这个 condition 真是害人不浅,让这么多翻译者都有了某种 condition!
jyuan_us Feb 18, 2008:
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 18, 2008:
Let's compare the first paragraphs of the following two links: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/人類免疫缺陷病毒 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV --- Simple case, isn't it?
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 18, 2008:
@jyuan_us: 这里哪来的AND?句子说的是"usually as a result of a disease or condition such as HIV infection"。AND和OR的逻辑可是很不同的呦。
lhcm Feb 18, 2008:
immunocompromised - 免疫受损
Reduced functioning of the immune system, usually as a result of a disease or condition such as HIV infection
To translate sth properly, there is a golden rule : always relying on the context. Above is the source link which contains this sentence. Thanks!
jyuan_us Feb 18, 2008:
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 18, 2008:
@jyuan_us: 再怎么扯,每个人说的“虽不中,亦不远矣”,八九不离十,可惜就是统统不到十。
jyuan_us Feb 18, 2008:
yue che yue yuan a, haha.
jyuan_us Feb 18, 2008:
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 18, 2008:
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 16, 2008:
Han Li (asker) Feb 16, 2008:
Thank you all!
rushidao Feb 16, 2008:
状态 definitely = condition, 状况 definitely = situation. That's too rigid an interpretation.
rushidao Feb 16, 2008:
Regarding 状态 and 状况, I think we have to go back to the original meanings of 态 and 况. http://www.zdic.net/zd/zi/ZdicE6Zdic80Zdic81.htm and http://www.zdic.net/zd/zi/ZdicE5Zdic86ZdicB5.htm Note that we often say "身体出了状况" instead of "身体出了状态". So we can't say
lhcm Feb 15, 2008:
medical condition不总是表示“疾病状态”,只是问题中的那种情形下,是关于疾病状态的,所以,在整个句子的建议译文中,我用了“疾病状态”,以便跟前面的disease呼应。怀孕,属于一个medical condition(医护/医疗状态),它需要不同平常的照料。但是不属于疾病,除非出现了疾病。例如,高龄妊娠,就是一种特别要注意的“medical condition".
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 15, 2008:
lhcm Feb 15, 2008:
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 15, 2008:
How about "She is in such a condition of pregnancy."? :o)
lhcm Feb 15, 2008:
lhcm Feb 15, 2008:
为什么用“状态condition”,不用“状况situations”/“情形situations/circumstances ”。
lhcm Feb 15, 2008:
If someone is infected by 乙型肝炎病毒/hepatitis B virus, as a result of the infection, he might become a hepatitis B patient who has symptoms and signs of hepatitis B, the liver cells are damaged, he became a patient with a disease called hepatitis B. or as a result of the infection, he might become a hepatitis B carrier, who has no symptoms of signs, except the hepatitis virus is detected in his blood, the liver cells are not damaged, he has a medical condition--- he is in such a condition of being a carrier of the hepatitis B virus.
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 15, 2008:
Or, without beating aroung, "通常是疾病的结果或例如 HIV 感染的情况."
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 15, 2008:
So, if 症兆 or 症状 to be avoided, I would like to change my translation for "usually as a result of a disease or condition such as HIV infection" as "通常是疾病造成的结果或因例如 HIV 感染而呈现的身体状况."
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 15, 2008:
Should a condition be a 状态, why not call it a 情况 or 状况? Both of the latter are all right for me. I didn't study medicine and I am not sure of the distintion between a disease and a condition or that between a condition and a symptom. Can anyone be sure?
lhcm Feb 15, 2008:
Fever/发热,it is a symptom in sense of being felt by the patient, and is a sign in the sense of being detected by the doctor using a temperature measuring device.
lhcm Feb 15, 2008:
The later -------typo, should be "the latter"
lhcm Feb 15, 2008:
To wenjer: The difference between symptoms/症状 and signs体征: the former is usually subjective, observed by the patient, and not measured. The later is objective, detected by a doctor during a physical examination of a patient. For example: pain is a symptom experienced by the patient. We cannot use a device to measure how much pain the patient is feeling. For example, high blood pressure, it is a sign not symptom, it is detected by a blood pressure measuring device.
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 15, 2008:
So, there are some 症兆 or 症状 telling that he is having some condition which will lead eventually to some symptom that may indicate he has some disease. Isn't it so?
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 15, 2008:
So, there are some 症兆 telling that he is having some condition which will lead eventually to some symptom that may indicate he has some disease. Isn't it so?
lhcm Feb 15, 2008:
To Wenjer: in the early stage of HIV infection, the affected person might not feel any discomfort( he doesn’t realize any symptom),however, his immune system is declining gradually, he has a medical condition.
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 15, 2008:
If there isn't a commonly agreed distinction, how can we be sure that both 症状 and 症兆 mean the same thing? That is exactly the trick to have the term "disease" used together with "condition" and the "condition" used together with "symptom"!
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 15, 2008:
We have the terms "disease," "condition" and "symptom" to distinguish and there isn't any agreed distinction between them. My question would be: Why should a symptom be otherwise than a condition?
Jinhang Wang Feb 15, 2008:
In Chinese, 症状and 症兆 virtually means the same, i.e. symptom.
Shirley Lao Feb 15, 2008:
By saying that there is no universally agreed distinction between these terms, I do not mean these terms may be freely translated. I only mean that there is no general consensus on their usage and interpretation.
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Feb 15, 2008:
If there's no universally agreed distinction between "diseases", "medical conditions", "symptoms" etc., the translator may translate such terms as freely as he wants. I would abide with my translations: disease = 疾病, condition = 症状, sympton = 症兆。
Shirley Lao Feb 15, 2008:
There is no universally agreed distinction between terms such as "diseases", "medical conditions", "symptoms" etc.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disease
rushidao Feb 15, 2008:
I think disease = 疾病, condition = 身体的状况, symptom = 症状
Han Li (asker) Feb 15, 2008:
谢谢两位!那么下面这句中Because understanding that chronic pain is a disease in itself—and one that is harmful to the body—is a new way of thinking. Until recently, pain was considered only as a symptom of a disease or condition, or just a natural part of aging.
disease和condition如何区分呢?symptom也同时出现了,似乎英文中disease or condition同时出现的地方还比较多。

Proposed translations

3 days 15 mins


Reduced functioning of the immune system, usually as a result of a disease or condition such as HIV infection.



Note added at 3 days19 mins (2008-02-18 07:47:58 GMT)


Note added at 3 days5 hrs (2008-02-18 13:20:42 GMT)


Note added at 3 days18 hrs (2008-02-19 02:13:52 GMT)

Reduced functioning of the immune system, usually as a result of a disease or condition such as HIV infection.


Note added at 3 days21 hrs (2008-02-19 05:18:44 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

neutral lhcm : 请参考我的译文,我说的是“例如人类免疫缺陷病毒感染状态”---“感染状态”,这里是不用“状况”来代替的。就您假设医生对病人说的那句话“你有狀態了”,我并没有建议可以这样说,语境不同,表达就有不同。如题目中的语境,医生是这样说:" 在人类免疫缺陷病毒感染状态下,免疫系统的功能会受损”。
4 hrs
謝謝﹐ HOWEVER﹐專業人士好像也不說狀態吧﹖哪個醫生跟病人說﹐嘿﹐你有狀態了﹗
agree chica nueva : a medical condition = an illness, allergy etc. as in 'preexisting medical conditions = 原有疾病' in insurance contracts. chronic condition = 慢性病患病; condition 指長期影響身體某部位的健康狀況
1 day 21 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "谢谢各位!"
9 mins


我想,condition 指的是“带有疾病的状况”,所以称为“症状”。

Note added at 11 mins (2008-02-15 07:40:31 GMT)

...通常是疾病造成的结果或 HIV 感染带来的症状。

Note added at 13 mins (2008-02-15 07:42:02 GMT)

...通常是疾病造成的结果或例如因 HIV 感染而带来的症状。
Peer comment(s):

agree orientalhorizon : 我觉得港台电影中常说的“出状况”用在这儿挺合适,即身体生病或出状况,如果更符合大陆说法,那就说“有问题”。
10 mins
agree rushidao
22 mins
agree Shirley Lao : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disease
1 hr
neutral lhcm : 因为原文是在医学专业的语境中,把condition翻译为“症状“,是不妥当。因为,在医学的语境中,中文的“症状“只跟“symptom“相应。
2 hrs
disagree chica nueva : 症状 = symptom. it is not the same as a medical condition (= illness, allergy etc). see pre-existing medical conditions 原有疾病 in insurance contracts. chronic condition = 慢性病患病 condition 指長期影響身體某部位的健康狀況
1 day 23 hrs
disagree Bill Lao : 应为疾病或不适/单从中文来讲,疾病和症状是不同性质的概念,怎么能作为并列选择的对象呢?疾病是身体的一种不良状态,而症状则是疾病的表现。比如我们能说“我去北京或树木”吗?
2 days 8 hrs
agree pkchan : timway.com/hk/Health/Diseases_and_Conditions/
2 days 18 hrs
agree Amy Shen
2 days 21 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 mins



Note added at 27 mins (2008-02-15 07:56:17 GMT)

“a symptom of a disease or condition, or just a natural part of aging” 可翻译为“疾病或生理状态的一种症状,或是身体老化的一种自然反应”,供您参考
Peer comment(s):

agree Shirley Lao : 疾病或症状 (状况)
1 hr
disagree chica nueva : a medical condition = an illness, allergy etc. as in 'preexisting medical conditions = 原有疾病' in insurance contracts. chronic condition = 慢性病患病 condition 指長期影響身體某部位的健康狀況
1 day 23 hrs
disagree Bill Lao : should be 疾病或不适/“疾病或患者的情况”,这个翻译按中文语法,应该理解为“疾病的情况和患者的情况”,这显然是错误的。
2 days 8 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs


查美国传统词典,condition的解释是A disease or physical ailment。该词涵盖了disease 的意思,同时似乎含义更广泛些,physical ailment指身体的小病,不适等。这两个词并用,应该是泛指一切疾病。供参考
Peer comment(s):

disagree chica nueva : chronic condition = 慢性病患病; condition 指長期影響身體某部位的健康狀況
2 days 8 hrs
Thank you lai an! I will find one copy!
agree jyuan_us : 有时这样译是可以的。
2 days 17 hrs
agree Wenjer Leuschel (X) : Most of the times, yes. //是呀,“寡人有疾”说的就是“老子有那么点儿小病”! :D
3 days 4 hrs
Thanks! 从古汉语的角度说,疾就是小病的意思,但也可泛指病,似乎与condition对应
Something went wrong...
3 hrs


Reduced functioning of the immune system, usually as a result of a disease or condition such as HIV infection.

Condition here refers to “medical condition(疾病状态)”。


就以上这句话提到的例子,“疾病(disease)”是“AIDS(获得性免疫缺陷综合征/艾滋病)”,疾病状态(medical condition)是“HIV infection人类免疫缺陷病毒感染(状态)”。

Note added at 3 hrs (2008-02-15 11:27:07 GMT)



Note added at 4 hrs (2008-02-15 11:29:45 GMT)

症状/symptoms : 是病人自己感觉到的。

Note added at 4 hrs (2008-02-15 11:34:38 GMT)


Note added at 4 hrs (2008-02-15 11:42:40 GMT)

用问题中的句子,以及其结构来分析“disease" 和“condition”,原句子可以写成
Reduced functioning of the immune system, usually as a result of a disease **such as AIDS** or condition ***such as HIV infection***.

Note added at 6 hrs (2008-02-15 14:08:00 GMT)

Conclusion: symptom(症状)=/=signs(体征)=/=condition/状态=/=disease/疾病
尽管有时候,人们所指的症状(symptom)包括了症状和体征,但是,在描述一个疾病时,症状和体征是有区别的。处于一种疾病状态,不一定有症状表现;疾病状态跟疾病有联系,但在某些语境中,指的不是同一个概念。例如,该问题提到的疾病状态“HIV infection”,在感染的初期,不一定有症状的出现。当免疫系统受损达到一定程度,各种症状和体征就表现出来了,当各种综合征出现时,就成了疾病“艾滋病/AIDS”。

Note added at 6 hrs (2008-02-15 14:09:39 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

agree rushidao
2 hrs
through discussion, we learn. Thanks!
agree karcsy
5 hrs
through discussion, we learn. Thanks!
agree Yongmei Liu : 狀況可以嗎?狀態 與 state/status 對應
23 hrs
请仔细看以上的解释和notes部分的讨论。状况=situations 状态=condition, state=状态(but not used in the context concerned here), status=状况,例如:婚姻状况 marriage status(married or single or divorced etc), 住房状况 residential status(owner, buyer, renting etc). Thanks!
disagree chica nueva : a medical condition you are right. but it means an illness, allergy etc, or a chronic condition like diabetes. see 'preexisting medical conditions 原有疾病' in insurance contracts for examples. chronic condition = 慢性病患病 condition 指長期影響身體某部位的健康狀況
1 day 19 hrs
Since pregnancy is considered as a medical condition,in your opinion, do you think pregnancy is a disease then? After you tell me that,we can discuss more in this regard.Thanks!
disagree Bill Lao : should be 疾病或不适/Hi hc-ha,请见我在回答中的解释。这个词与disease连用比较的时候,指的是身体方面不适或小病小痒/Hi,翻译切勿太迷信英文,英文错的时候很多。关于这个我是这么理解的,不一定对,HIV感染不等于是艾滋病,感染时人可能只是感觉到一些不适,但并无立即发艾滋病。/疾病或状态,这两个词是包含的关系,列为并列选择的对象,像上一个翻译“疾病或症状”一样,语法错误。
2 days 4 hrs
condition such as HIV infection--- You consider HIV infection as "小病小恙"的不适? Creative thinking! Have a nice day.问题中这两个词同时出现了,condition such as HIV infection,人类免疫缺陷病毒感染---属于“小病小痒”?
Something went wrong...
7 hrs


这里的condition可以理解为a diseased or morbid condition,与症状(symptom)不能混淆。
Peer comment(s):

agree Lu Zou : 这里的condition应该指生理功能不完全正常的状态
1 day 4 hrs
agree chica nueva : A disease is a particular medical condition with a particular cause. disease 是指由某一具体病因引起的特定的病症(朗文进阶词典) chronic condition = 慢性病患病 condition 指長期影響身體某部位的健康狀況 http://www.google.co.nz/search?hl=en&q=condition 病症&btnG=Goo...
1 day 16 hrs
disagree Bill Lao : should be 疾病或不适/“疾病或病症”,在中文,疾病就是病症。这根本不是原文要表达的意思。而且中文也没有这么说的。
2 days 1 hr
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2 days 6 hrs


disease or condition,我认为,这两个词放在一起的时候,condition一般指的一些身体的不适或小病小恙,可翻译成不适。
Peer comment(s):

agree Jinhang Wang
1 hr
Thanks, Jinhang!
disagree chica nueva : chronic condition = 慢性病患病; condition 指長期影響身體某部位的健康狀況
5 hrs
agree jyuan_us
14 hrs
Thanks, jyuan_us!
disagree Weiping Tang : 常人都知道“不适”即“不舒服”=discomfort,是个主观感受,与condition两码事,居然能混为一谈实,更居然有这么多人持“同意”态度,实为奇观。
17 hrs
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2 days 21 hrs

a disease or condition such as = 某一个(具体)疾病或其他病症/病如

美国的医疗保险制度由HIPAA 这样非常详细的法案规制,而就是这样各大医疗保险机构却在“pre-existing medical condition”上做足了文章。“pre-existing medical condition”简单的说就是一些疑难杂症,它们大都是很难预先确诊的疾病,或者是些超出现有的医疗水平的难以治愈的疾病,比如癌症或艾滋等。保险公司当然不愿看着自己的钱投向对这样的无底洞,所以他们往往对pre-existing medical condition部分的费用不予赔付。

disease usage 用法: Compare 比较 disease and 和 illness. A disease is a particular medical condition with a particular cause. It is often serious and long-lasting. disease 是指某一具体病因引起的特定的病症,病情通常较重,而且持续时间长. AIDS is one of the most alarming diseases of modern times. 爱滋病是一种当代最令人惊恐的疾病. Illness is a more general word for the state of being unwell, and an illness is not always serious. illness 时表示身体不适的一般用词,病情并不一定严重. At this time of year some children are always absent from school because of illness. 每年这个时候,有些孩子总要因生病而缺课.(朗文进阶词典)

condition (Colloq.) = an illness, ailment eg a lung condition (Collins Concise English Dictionary) -> IMO (一般用词)肺病,心脏病,等

病症 = 病 (现代汉语词典)

Note added at 2 days22 hrs (2008-02-18 05:34:10 GMT)

Examples of medical conditions:

Albion Medical Azikiwe 育亨宾纯育亨宾树ç - 男性性保健- 美国美容 ...- 繁 - [ 转为简体网页 - Translate this page ]几百年来,这种纯育亨宾提取物都被部落作为药材来治疗各种疾病,尤其是解决性欲和勃起 ... Some pre-existing medical conditions -- like hypertension, diabetes, ...
www.springsunday.hk/index.php?gOo=goods_details.dwt&goodsid... - 56k - Cached - Similar pages

[DOC] Beijing Devils Rugby Football ClubFile Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML
Pre-existing medical conditions (e.g. allergies or chronic illnesses): ... 既往病史(如过敏症或慢性疾病):. 北京鬼子英式橄榄球俱乐部敬请 ...
www.beijingdevils.com/.../38140/241239/BJDMembershipForm+20... - Similar pages

Note added at 5 days (2008-02-21 05:29:34 GMT)


Note added at 8 days (2008-02-24 06:16:02 GMT)

condition 指長期影響身體某部位的健康狀況:2Asthma can be a very frightening condition,especially in a child.哮喘是一種非常可怕的疾病,尤其是在童年。2She suffers from a heart condition.她患有心臟病。

Diseases and illnesses 疾病和身體不適Illness is a general wordfor a period of not beingin good health.illness 為廣義用詞,表示身體不適:2He died unexpectedlyafter a short illness.想不到他身體欠佳沒多久就去世了。

Having a disease 患病People usually talk abouthaving a disease or anillness.患病常說 have a disease /an illness

又见chronic condition = 慢性病患病 -> condition = 患病


Note added at 9 days (2008-02-24 10:37:45 GMT)

http://www.google.co.nz/search?hl=en&q=condition 病症&btnG=Goo...
Peer comment(s):

disagree jyuan_us : All the references you cited don't fit into this context. In the asker's context, the term is quite different to a "pre-existing" condition, which just means a disease. The asker needs to distinguish between a condition and a diseases here in this case.
2 days 4 hrs
Thank you! 那condition在这儿就指那一类可以处理,可以有个比较正常的生活,不用住院的那些病如过敏感,高血压,糖尿病,癫痫症,爱滋病毒感染,等. (如何?)
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