Mar 6, 2004 17:03
20 yrs ago
English term

generosity of his gift and with a becoming neutrality toward his own abilities

Non-PRO English to Chinese Art/Literary Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
At that moment, his was a saint’s blithesome face, loose and half a-smile with the generosity of his gift and with a becoming neutrality toward his own abilities, as if he had long since cheerfully submitted to knowing that however well he rendered a piece, he could always imagine doing better.
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PRO (1): Last Hermit

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Discussion Mar 7, 2004:
These is the description of a violinist who just finished the playing.

Proposed translations

14 hrs


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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
11 hrs


generosity of his gift=天资聪颖 (generosity=abundance)
with a becoming neutrality toward his own abilities

没有因为他的(演奏)能力而傲慢自负的表情, 这种表现很得体(becoming).
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6 hrs


I think it reads like this:

1 on account of the generosity of his gift
and 2 with a becoming neutrality towards his own abilities, his saint's blithesome face was loose and half a-smile.

becoming (old fashioned) (老式) (a word which is sometimes used in a humorous way 有时表示幽默)= 1 looking very good on the wearer (穿在身上)合适的 eg Blue always looks very becoming on her. 她穿蓝色的服装总是很合适的. 2 proper or suitable 适当的;适宜的 His laughter was not very becoming on such a solemn occasion. 他在这么庄严的场合发笑有点不太得体.

neutrality 中立 = impartiality
neutral = without strong feelings for or against something 中立的;不偏不倚的. I'm neutral. 我保持中立.
impartial = 公平的;不偏袒的;公正的;不带偏见

generosity of his gift = he is bestowing a generous gift on the listeners (the tone is ironic)


Note added at 8 hrs 22 mins (2004-03-07 01:25:49 GMT)

还有可能the generosity of his gift是:他的天赋(gift)的\'丰满性\'...丰富,充满

generous = 1 willing to give money, help and kindness 慷慨的;大方的 2 larger in amount than usual 大量的;丰富的 eg a generous meal 丰盛的一餐; a generous gift 一份厚礼

but to be \'generously endowed with\' could be 丰满, I think. In other words you can give generously or be given generously.

(be endowed with something = to have a good quality or ability 是具有某种特质,使天生赋有(良好的品质或才能))

Note added at 8 hrs 23 mins (2004-03-07 01:26:29 GMT)


Note added at 13 hrs 45 mins (2004-03-07 06:48:20 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

disagree jyuan_us : gift is not 礼物, but talent。
5 hrs
Is 天赋OK?
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