Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Simplified / Traditional
Arabic translation:
الصيـنية المبسطة / الصينية التقليدية
English term
Simplified / Traditional
Jun 15, 2005 05:05: Fuad Yahya changed "Field" from "Other" to "Art/Literary"
Proposed translations
الصيـنية المبسطة / الصينية التقليدية
Traditional Chinese character
"Traditional Chinese characters are one of two standard character sets of printed contemporary Chinese written language. The other form is Simplified Chinese. This form of writing is most popular in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and most overseas Chinese communities.
Among Chinese people, Traditional Chinese characters are also called Complicated Chinese characters or orally Old characters. Some supporters of simplified characters will object strongly to the term as this states that traditional characters are correct.
When printing text, people in Mainland China and Singapore use mainly the simplified system, which was developed by the People's Republic of China government in the 1950s. However, the PRC also prints material intended to be read outside of Mainland China using traditional characters. When handwriting text, most Chinese will use informal individual simplifications, and there are some characters in which an informal simplified form is more common even in traditional Chinese text, notably the Tai in Taiwan.
In computer text applications, Traditional Chinese is most often rendered using the Big5 character encoding scheme.
Note added at 2004-02-14 19:40:03 (GMT)
Typo correction:
. . . are not two languages or (not \"ore\") dialects.
I apologize for the error.
اللغة الصينية المبسطة /اللغة الصينية التقليدية
agree |
: المبسطة / التقليدية
1 min
Thanks Alhanash!
agree |
Abdelazim Abdelazim
9 mins
Thanks Abdul-Azim!
agree |
2 hrs
Thanks Ali!
neutral |
Musab Hayatli
: actually, it only refers to the writing system, not the langauge!
16 hrs
agree |
6 days
الصيـنية المبسطة / الصينية التقليدية
لا جديد فى الترجمة ولا فى أنهما طريقتين فى الكتابة فقط بعض المعلومات المفيدة
•Simplification is one aspect of constant variation and evolution for the last 3,000 years.
•“Simplified” characters are not necessarily simpler than their “traditional” counterparts.
•Character variation is seen within “traditional” character using regions.
We must separate the writing system from the “dialect”:
–The written language is based on Standard Mandarin, as spoken in Beijing
–Dialects such as Cantonese, Shanghainese, or Taiwanese are rarely written except in magazine articles or novels.
•Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters are not mutually unintelligible, though the differences can be difficult.
Simplified characters are used in Mainland China and Singapore.
•Traditional characters are used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao.
–Taiwan uses Mandarin with Traditional characters.
–Hong Kong uses Cantonese with Traditional characters.
–Many dialects, including Mandarin and Cantonese, are used in the Mainland with
Simplified characters.
•Modern Writing Reform
–The Communist Government started studying writing reform in 1952.
•Collected and cataloged variant forms in day-to-date use.
•Produced first list of Simplified characters and character components in 1956.
•Updated list issued in 1964 and reissued in 1986 with 2,236 simple forms replacing 2,264 complex forms.
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