Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:

GP consultation, family doctor consultation

Added to glossary by adremco
Aug 15, 2010 15:49
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Dutch term


Dutch to English Medical Advertising / Public Relations
"In 2006 nam huisartsbezoek onder twintigers in de randstad 20% toe."

Ik heb de zin verzonnen, maar dat is ongeveer wat ik zoek. Echte zin hieronder. Ik kan er natuurlijk wel iets op verzinnen, maar er is vast een standaardterm in het Engels die wordt gebruikt hiervoor. Die ik niet weet...

Omdat deze campagnes indirect leiden naar een geneesmiddel, huisartsbezoek stimuleren en geneesmiddelengebruik bevorderen...
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (2): writeaway, Buck

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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adremco (asker) Aug 15, 2010:
Yes we know It is very easy. I suggest you let this one go to the easy question answerers, writeaway. No need to lower yourself to this level and waste your never ending abundance of appropriate answers on such a trivial issue.

But anyway, it is probably about people going to their GP. I realise huisartsbezoek in Dutch might mean the doctor making a house call, but come to think of it, in this context, it is just about patients seeing their doctor - never mind who goes where.

Symptom advertising makes people harrass their doctor about the possibility that they might have a disease nobody has thought of yet - i.e. it increases GP consultation.

Thanks again.
writeaway Aug 15, 2010:
this is very easy but is it referring to young people going to the doctor or the doctor going to them?

Proposed translations

22 mins

GP consultation, family doctor consultation

I think I'd go for GP consultation here. Approx. 22000 hits on google...
Note from asker:
I think I agree. Sounds good, thanks. But I'll give it another 24 hours ;) I'm always amazed at what people come up with here.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kitty Brussaard
6 hrs
Thanks, Kitty.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "In the two sentences shown above, I think this fits nicely. Thanks everyone, also copheoske for pointing out the difference between doctor's visit and doctor visit!"
6 mins

doctor's visits / GP visits

"Doctor's visits" gets lots of hits and "GP visits" gets a substantial number as well. I would think "doctor's visits" would be okay here.
Example sentence:

Paying for a Doctor’s Visit in the Age of Medical Consumerism

What to expect at first GP visit?

Note from asker:
Could it be that easy? :)
Peer comment(s):

agree copheoske : It should be doctor's visits if it refers to a house call, or doctor visits if the doctor is visited by the patient in his consulting rooms.
2 hrs
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29 mins

Doctor's house call

This is the term used here (even though doctors don't make house calls here :-)

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-08-15 18:23:13 GMT)

niet goed dus: Het 'huis' in huisartsbezoek bracht mij op het dwaalspoor!
Example sentence:

MUHC brings “house calls” into the 21st century

Peer comment(s):

agree Laura Morwood : Same here in Northern Ireland, they are not keen!
27 mins
bedankt, Laura! Fijn te weten dat ik niet de enige was die ernaast zat! :-)
neutral Jack den Haan : Frank, 'huisartsbezoek' can mean visiting the doctor at his surgery as well as a visit from the doctor at the patient's home. IMHO, your suggestion is not general enough.
50 mins
yes, you're right! Het 'huis' in huisartsbezoek bracht mij op het dwaalspoor!
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2 hrs

number of GP consultations

perhaps it is good idea to quantify "huisartsbezoek"?

huisartsbezoek stimuleren

increase the number of GP consultations
Something went wrong...
4 hrs

Family doctor house call

GP is general practitioner en de opleiding is niet gelijk aan die van een huisarts. Family Practioner of Doctor is een huisarts, een uitgebreidere specialisatie. Deze opleiding is langer.
Housecall is een huisbezoek dwz de arts bezoekt de patient thuis.

While in these countries, the term GP has a clearly-defined meaning, in North America the term has become somewhat ambiguous, and is not necessarily synonymous with the term "family doctor".
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