Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:

speak from experience

Added to glossary by adremco
Aug 15, 2010 15:33
14 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Dutch term


Dutch to English Medical Advertising / Public Relations
Ik weet dat het woord al op Proz staat, maar dat is niet "mijn" context. Ik zoek ervaringsdeskundige in de zin van iemand die het zelf heeft meegemaakt. In dit geval een ziekte. Hieronder de zin (het gaat over symptoomreclame, zie een eerdere vraag van mij):

Patiëntenorganisaties worden ingezet bij marketingcampagnes. Ze spreken in de media, leveren ervaringsdeskundigen en organiseren informatiebijeenkomsten


adremco (asker) Aug 22, 2010:
Patient experts it is In this context anyway ;) Thanks Lianne.
sindy cremer Aug 20, 2010:
@ Lianne's post grading comment Although it might fit in Adremco's context, 'patient experts' doesn't cover the concept. "Ervaringsdeskundigen" also work in the field of poverty reduction and social in/exclusion, for instance. I add some examples to my earlier answer.
Lianne van de Ven Aug 20, 2010:
post grading comment Hi adremco, you sure have given great consideration to your answer. After just having tranlated a text on pharma marketing (big & serious) I think it's best to use patient experts. It reflects the intention & context better.

Proposed translations

6 mins

speak from experience

I don't think there is one word. You need to rephrase it as 'patients speak from experience'. See google.
Peer comment(s):

neutral copheoske : perhaps it could better be phrased as "patient experiences"?
3 hrs
agree kamilw : I'd say "patients with first-hand experience". ...and many more examples in the web.
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "After serious doubt between 'patient testimonals' and 'patients with first-hand experience', I've decided to go for the latter option. Companies would indeed be using patients delivering testimonials that ultimately contribute to the sale of their product, so the fact that 'patient testimonials' have a positive, endorsing connotation shouldn't be a problem - if a medicine would be mentioned that they could endorse. 'I cured my fungal nails with be-gone-fungal-nails in two weeks!' But because this is symptom advertising and pharmaceuticals often aren't mentioned, I think it concerns mostly sob stories that make viewers go to their doctor and see if they might have that disease. So I went for 'patients with first-hand experience'. Thanks, Lianne and everyone else! "
6 mins


in this context it seems fitting that they gave testimony about their experiences

Note added at 16 mins (2010-08-15 15:49:52 GMT)

Yes adremco, this seems fitting here...
Note from asker:
How about ".., provide patient testimonials and organise information sessions." Seems to fit nicely here.
Peer comment(s):

agree Lianne van de Ven
1 min
agree Laura Morwood
1 hr
disagree Willemina Hagenauw : I am not so certain testimonial is the right word here, as it is very much used in a context of endorsing or advertising a certain product. See Google!
2 hrs
disagree copheoske : I agree with Willemina - testimonial is always positive, endorsing, recommending, admiring, etc.
3 hrs
agree Barend van Zadelhoff : Ik zou deze optie niet zo maar af willen keuren, het gaat vast alleen om de succesverhalen: Recently, companies appear to be using more patient testimonials in their DTC advertising. I am thinking in particular of ..
4 hrs
neutral Kitty Brussaard : I agree with Willemina. Also, '(they) provide patient testimonials' is not the same thing as '(ze) leveren ervaringsdeskundigen'. I would prefer '(they) provide patient experts' or something similar.
6 hrs
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3 hrs


Volgens mij kun je hier gewoon over patient-experts praten, omdat het gaat om patienten die deskundig zijn op het gebied van hun kwaal. Als je het googled kom je voldoende voorbeelden tegen.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kitty Brussaard : Inderdaad, maar dan wel gewoon geschreven als 'patient experts' :-)
3 hrs
agree Lianne van de Ven : see discussion entry
4 days
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1 day 6 hrs

expert by experience

widely used in British (health) care system.

"John Thomas’s account of his illness
in his ‘Narrative’ reinforces the
importance of a patient helping
themselves and being given the time to
recover. Self-help and understanding were
critical in this case. John Thomas took
the view that, as the patient knows most
about his mental health, his views should
not be discounted nor his behaviour
penalised by restraint.
John Thomas had become an expert
by experience."

- basically the entire passage about "experts by experience".
an excerpt:

"‘Experts by experience’
‘Experts by experience’ is an important reclassification of the social worker–service user relationship, as it, unlike ‘service user’, ‘client’, ‘consumer’ or ‘customer’ before it, makes a claim for a specialist knowledge base rooted in an individual's experience of using services."

"Our experts by experience are people of all ages, with different impairments, from diverse cultural backgrounds who have used a range of social care services."

Note added at 5 days (2010-08-20 22:23:03 GMT) Post-grading

post grading references :

“Een ervaringsdeskundige in armoede is een persoon die armoede heeft ervaren, deze ervaring heeft verruimd en via een opleiding houdingen, vaardigheden en methoden kreeg aangereikt om de verruimde armoede-ervaring deskundig aan te wenden in één of meerdere sectoren van de armoedebestrijding.” (Vlaams decreet Armoedebestrijding 2003)"
(Empowering Parents in Sure Start Local

"Self help based on a shared adversity can provide a basis for challenging inappropriate or high-handed professional practice and knowledge. Being an ‘expert-by-experience’ is important and can turn groups into both receivers and distributors of information as well as the providers of expertise and new knowledge (Williams, 2004b)."

ENGAGING EXPERTS BY EXPERIENCE. The Missing Link,. Het verhogen van de sociale inclusie door de inschakeling van ervaringsdeskundigen ...


Appointment of ex-addicts as Expert By Experience. Bouman GGZ, 2007 ... Experience" (in Dutch: ervaringsdeskundigen) are former addicts who have been ...

(emphasis added)
Peer comment(s):

agree Michael Beijer : fits my current text perfectly, thanks!
2727 days
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Reference comments

1 day 4 mins

Patient experts or expert patients?

It appears that the term patient expert is used to refer to a person who is an expert on (certain) matters relating to patients but is not necessarily a patient. The role of the patient expert is to provide information.

The term expert patient, on the other hand, usually refers to a person with a chronic illness who takes control over his/her own condition of health and is, more often than not, associated with a formal programme. The function (or role) of the expert patient is personal.

No doubt some crossover between these terms will be encountered on "the interwebs".
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