Jan 14, 2005 19:46
19 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Chinese term


Non-PRO Chinese to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
what is the English for this term?



chica nueva Jan 16, 2005:
to JYuan It would have been easier if I'd known it was from an Articles of Association. As it was I had to try to search for all the possible contexts to get a fix on the term and its usage - Chinese is not my native language, you know...
jyuan_us Jan 16, 2005:
Excuse me if my comment above bothers people.
jyuan_us Jan 16, 2005:
Lesley: Non-cash, other than cash, non-monetary, û��ô���Ӱ�? ��Ӧ�㲻��רҵ�ʻ�, Ҳ��۲������Ȼ. �ѵ���Թù�SEARCH һƬ���. ����, ��Щ������ı����Լ�ǿ��? I doubt it. I always use a critical eye while I obsorb the nutrients from published articles
chica nueva Jan 16, 2005:
Tingting, I decided to move my comments here because I thought peers might not like the 'neutrals'. The reason I couldn't put 'Agree' to any one of the answers is only because I don't know the correct answer myself!
chica nueva Jan 16, 2005:
Zhoudan's is good, but how do you explain �Էǻ��ҷ�ʽ����;�Ի����ʽ���...֧����ʽ, ʵ���ʲ�.....֧����ʽ, �ֽ�.?// how about monetary/non-monetary? ����ʵ���ʲ��������ڻ����ʽ�...(�ô����)//to understand �Ի��ҷ�ʽ��/���� you have to understand �Էǻ�
chica nueva Jan 16, 2005:
J_Yuan_US's is good too. My Google search brought up �ɶ���������:XXX�Ի�����ʽ����.���ҷ�ʽƽ�е�Ӧ�û���XX�������ʽ - absolutely. But how do you explain �Էǻ��ҷ�ʽ����? I think that might be the key. The analysis is good - it's a positive contrib
chica nueva Jan 16, 2005:
Joe Wang's is good. Google search brought up �Ի����ʽ�ʽ, and it seems to include ֧���ֽ�,ʵ��(both cash and kind).I don't know what the correct term is yet...
Non-ProZ.com Jan 16, 2005:
To Zhoudan: how about contribute via means other than cash for 以非货币方式入资? I am wondering if I could use invest in cash instead contribute in cash for my original question?
Non-ProZ.com Jan 16, 2005:
To Lesley: I agree with Zhoudan. The meaning here is to invest or put down money, in Chinese ��׻�Ҳ���dz�Ǯ����Ͷ�ʡ�but I am looking for a formal way of saying it. I guess Zhoudan's contribute in cash could work here.
Zhoudan Jan 16, 2005:
Hi Lesley, I'm pretty sure that ���� is the same as ����.
chica nueva Jan 15, 2005:
Hi Tingting. I'm wondering if ���� and ���� are the same. More context might be really helpful - I guess we don't have many specialists in the Chinese-English pair, have to try to understand the term first...

Proposed translations

10 hrs
Chinese term (edited): �Ի��ҷ�ʽ����

contribute in cash

contribute in kind

Note added at 10 hrs 44 mins (2005-01-15 06:30:47 GMT)

Note added at 1 day 7 hrs 29 mins (2005-01-16 03:15:22 GMT)

To Lesley:

For \"非货币方式出资\", what do you think if I translate it as \"contribute in forms other than cash\"?

Note added at 1 day 12 hrs 26 mins (2005-01-16 08:13:05 GMT)

I prefer \"contribute in cash\". \"Invest in cash\" does not mean \"以货币出资\", as you could see in this sentence which I found via googling: \"For instance, CMTs have the same goal, but they only invest in cash whereas monthly income funds invest in cash and a variety of fixed interest investments.\"(http://www.mlim.com.au/cms/public/mlim003753.jsp)

Note added at 1 day 12 hrs 32 mins (2005-01-16 08:18:26 GMT)

I also did a google search for Tingting\'s suggestion \"via means other than cash\", no hits! My search for \"in forms other than cash\" returned 321 hits.
Peer comment(s):

1377 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you for the discussion here.I didn't expect this when I posted the question. This shouldn't be a complicated question. The original context is from Articles of Association. In the US, information like 各方入资don't often appear in Articles of Association. The original text doesn't mention shareholder at all, so I cannot use shareholder for the translation. Contribute in cash sounds fine with native speakers, I checked that. Also contribute in forms other than cash is also correct to a native speaker. but my own suggestion really sounds odd. As for a more formal, accurate way of saying it, maybe I should consult some lawyers here? Thanks again, everybody. "
6 hrs
Chinese term (edited): �Ի��ҷ�ʽ����


可否直接说成:offer fund investment (以资金投入)
Peer comment(s):

neutral Zhoudan : 入资方式有很多种的:货币入资、实物入资、技术入资等等,所以必须说明是货币入资
4 hrs
But as I mentioned 'fund', that may be used to imply money, cash or currency.
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10 hrs
Chinese term (edited): ����



货币方式表示用现金, 当然也包括现金支票. In cash? with available funds? I don't know.

与货币方式平行的应该还有融资等其它方式. 还有人可以用声誉, 地位, 技术,品牌,证券,房屋产权等入股, 甚至有卖身股一说(stock option).
This is laymen's informed guess.

Note added at 10 hrs 30 mins (2005-01-15 06:16:50 GMT)

因此, IMHO, 货币方式还是译出较妥善.
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1 day 1 hr
Chinese term (edited): �Ի��ҷ�ʽ����


I'm guessing 出资 and 入资 are the same thing one from the perpective of the shareholder and the other from the perspective of the enterprise. 请教,是不是这样?

Maybe this will help with some context:

Context and usage, related terms: 以非货币方式出资;以非货币形式出资;以货币资金方式出资;以货币性资金方式结算;以货币资金投入;股东出资情况是:XXX以货币形式出资;以货币资金出资...支付方式, 实物资产.....支付方式, 现金.

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... 经营范围涉及前置许可的,办理相关审批手续;到经工商局确认的入资银行开立入
所有制企业办理入资手续(集体所有制企业以非货币方式出资的 ...
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云南铜业集团有限公司以货币资金300万元出资。 支付方式, 现金. ...
finance.sina.com.cn/stock/company/sz/000878/33_7.shtml - 45k - Cached - Similar pages

安彩高科_关联交易_重大事项_新浪财经 - [ Translate this page ]
... 交易简介, 西安海星现代科技股份有限公司拟出资49,222,811.28元人民币收购西安
海星科技投资控股(集团 ... 主要有:报告期内购买安玻公司燃料动力,交易价格按成本价,
累计交易金额292,320,619.56元,以货币性资金方式结算。 (2 ...
finance.sina.com.cn/stock/company/sh/600207/33_7.shtml - 36k - Cached - Similar pages
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南京市工商局- 政务网站 - [ Translate this page ]
... 人缴付的非货币出资数额。企业设立后出具非货币出资的 ... 资本(金)数额、
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(3)、投资人以货币资金投入的 ... 要开设验资户,实际出资人、出资数额、
方式必须 与公司章程规定相一致。 (4)、投资人以实物资产 ...
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传播有限公司,注册资本300万元,股东出资 ... 形式出资165万元,曾文丽以货币
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finance.sina.com.cn/stock/company/sh/600528/33_7.shtml - 39k - Cached - Similar pages

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以货币资金300万元出资。 支付方式, 现金. 交易金额, 27000000. ...
finance.sina.com.cn/stock/company/sz/000878/33_7.shtml - 45k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from finance.sina.com.cn ]

Note added at 1 day 3 hrs 0 min (2005-01-15 22:46:53 GMT)


货币资本(政治经济学p28) = 以货币形式存在的资本. 货币本身并非资本,只有用作剥削工具时才变成资本.最初利用货币进行剥削的资本形势是高利贷资本.在资本主义社会,货币资本是产业资本在其循环中所采取的一种形式,用来购买生产资料和劳动力,已进行剩余价值的生产. 货币资本的独立性态势*借贷资本.
货币资金(财物,会计p507) = 企业所拥有的,处于货币形态的资金.如库存现金,银行存款等.

货币 = 充当一切商品的等价值的特殊商品.货币是价值的一般代表,可以购买任何别的商品.
-> currency? money/monetary ? tangible assets?
货币地租 = 封建地租的一种形式.农民将农产品出卖后,相抵主教那一定数量的货币以代替劳役地租和实物地租.封建社会后期主要采取货币地租的形式.

货币 = money; currency
货币单位 = monetary unit
货币地租 = money rent
货币资本 = money-capital

not \'tangible\' = 有形物;有形资产 (英汉国际政治经济词汇)
maybe \'monetary\'? -> 不太合适,基本上都是\"货币信用\",跟国家经济,banking, etc 有关的专词.

Good example here of monetary/non-monetary, \'cash and kind\' investment in a joint-venture.

disp - [ Translate this page ]... of Choosing Investment Means, and Method of Choosing Investment Industry ... 通过对企业类型的选择,以减轻税收负担的方法。我国企业按投资来源分类, 可分为内资企业和外资企业 ... 100万美元,则可免缴20万美元的预提所得税。 如以货币方式投资 ...
www.businessmonthly.com.cn/ chinese/zybk/forum/disp.asp?id=65 - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Note added at 1 day 3 hrs 15 mins (2005-01-15 23:01:31 GMT)

may be something in these 2 refs, but no closer to an English translation, I\'m afraid...

宝信软件_关联交易_重大事项_新浪财经 - [ Translate this page ]
... 置换上海宝钢信息产业有限公司整体资产的重大资产重组方案,草签了“资产置换
协议”。 公司的拟置出资产即宝信公司的拟置入资产;公司的全部资产和负债;公司
的拟置入资产即 ... 支付方式, 现金,其他资产. ... 货币代码, 人民币元. ...
finance.sina.com.cn/stock/company/sh/600845/33_7.shtml - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

投资基金定义、种类和功能 - [ Translate this page ]
... 以解除信托契约抽回资金,也可以以卖价从代理投资机构那甲买入基金单位 ...
货币)的股份制投资公司。这种基金通过发行股份的方式筹集资金 ...
www.bioon.com/industry/company/ Securities/200407/62565_3.html - 25k - Cached - Similar pages
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1 day 7 hrs
Chinese term (edited): �Ի��ҷ�ʽ����

investment in cash

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1 day 19 hrs
Chinese term (edited): �Ի��ҷ�ʽ����

become a shareholder through cash contribution

become a shareholder through cash contribution

Note added at 1 day 19 hrs 36 mins (2005-01-16 15:23:08 GMT)

become a shareholder through cash input
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