Apr 12 21:25
7 mos ago
30 viewers *
Spanish term

que considere a bien

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Unlimited Power of Attorney
Buenas tardes,

Estoy traduciendo un poder generalisimo (unlimited power of attorney), y me gustaría confirmar mi traducción de una expresión en una cláusula del poder.

A continuación el texto:

El agente podrá otorgar en nombre y representación de los mandantes, Poderes de Administración, Generales o Especiales y Generales Judiciales, **a las personas que considere a bien**.

The agent/attorney-in-fact may grant, in the name, place and stead of the principals any power of attorney for management functions ... **to the persons the agent deems appropriate**.

Una vez más, agradezco todos sus aportes.


Proposed translations

34 mins
Spanish term (edited): las perosnas que considere a bien

such persons as the latter sees fit / may deem appropriate

again to virtual oblivion, the subjunctive mood is - literally - fittingly captured by a 'such .. as' locution - as we know from Anglo-Am. legislative including policing statutes: self-defenc/se etc. 'using such force as is reasonable -> now commonly: proportionate'.
Example sentence:

to such persons as he thinks proper and upon such terms and conditions as he sees fit to prescribe.

Peer comment(s):

agree Andy Watkinson : And we give thanks that they didn't opt for the fut. subj. "Considerare"
13 mins
Thanks & moltes gràcies Andy - a good one! QED using Harrap's listed tenses, I - all of 50 years ago - won a 100 pesetas bet with a stubborn ENG Barrister-cum-impromptu 'abogado de empresa' at our Madrid bufete de abogados that the future subj. existed.
agree María López-Contreras Conde : may deem appropriate
17 mins
Gracias and thanks, Maria1 Our Central London Notarial translation office certainly used to prefer the locution with *may* as expressing some uncertainty or doubt.
neutral philgoddard : It's not 'the latter', ie the principals, it's the agent.
5 hrs
Indeed - really the former, but I was out to dodge the gender gap: he, she or it.
disagree AllegroTrans : It isn't "the latter", unless you completely twist the sentence around
22 hrs
Indeed - really the former, but I was out to dodge the gender gap: he, she or it.
agree Michelle Rodriguez
3 days 7 hrs
Gracias, merci and thanks!
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