Oct 31, 2023 19:44
11 mos ago
33 viewers *
French term

montage "aller-retour"

French to English Law/Patents Real Estate
This is a case about a town council which was told to build a gendarmerie barracks, but things went awry because this council tried to avoid the contract being classified as a public works contract (see previous 2 questions for more details)...

This link may be of use for explaining the term https://droit-des-contrats-publics.efe.fr/2015/07/23/montage... :

BEA is "bail emphytéotique administratif".

"Par une délibération du xxxx, le conseil municipal de la Commune de AAA a :
 Approuvé la construction d'une caserne de Gendarmerie sur son territoire ;
 Approuvé le principe du recours, pour ce faire, à un bail emphytéotique administratif associé à la conclusion d'une convention de mise à disposition ;
 Autorisé le Maire de la Commune à « poursuivre les démarches initiées en vue de mettre au point l'ensemble des documents nécessaires à la contractualisation du projet » ;
Dans le détail, cette délibération rappelait :

 Que le titulaire du BEA réalisera, sous sa maîtrise d'ouvrage exclusive, la gendarmerie ;
 Que cette gendarmerie sera ensuite mise à disposition de la Commune par l'emphytéote, en échange d'un loyer versé par la Commune
 Que la commune conclura un contrat de location avec l'Etat, pour l'occupation effective de la Gendarmerie
 Que « ce schéma de réalisation d'un ouvrage public, sous maîtrise d'ouvrage privé » ne constitue pas un marché public, en l'absence de maîtrise d'ouvrage publique ;
En d'autres termes, la Commune décidait de recourir à un montage « aller - retour », par le biais du BEA, afin d'éviter l'application du Code des marchés publics."

"En effet, faut-il le rappeler, selon l'article 1er du Code des marchés publics, alors applicable :
« Les marchés publics de travaux sont les marchés conclus avec des entrepreneurs, qui ont pour objet soit l'exécution, soit conjointement la conception et l'exécution d'un ouvrage ou de travaux de bâtiment ou de génie civil répondant à des besoins précisés par le pouvoir adjudicateur qui en exerce la maîtrise d'ouvrage. »
Les montages contractuels de type « aller-retour », comme celui en cause, ont donc eu, pendant un certain temps, le vent en poupe, en ce qu'ils permettaient facilement de contourner l'application du Code des marchés publics.
Néanmoins, en l'occurrence, l'analyse de la Commune était erronée.
En effet, le droit européen, et principalement la directive 2004/18/CE alors applicable, ne reprenait pas l'exigence posée par le Code des marchés publics, relative à la maîtrise d'ouvrage publique, pour qualifier un contrat de marché public de travaux."
[... goes on to explain that this aspect of EU law in fact made it harder for French (at least) local government to go in for this sort of thing]

These appear to be PPPs (as we'd call them in the Anglosphere)... but they appear to have been slapped down by means of that EU directive. Are they *just* PPPs though, or is there something more specific about them? Why use the expression "aller-retour", exactly? To me this might suggest something along the lines of "give-and-take"...


Peter Shortall Nov 1, 2023:
Okay, I will!
Mpoma (asker) Nov 1, 2023:
Answer? "Leaseback" seems to be it. Anyone want to put in an answer? I don't think it goes in the glossary otherwise...
Bourth Oct 31, 2023:
Lease-leaseback as has been suggested.
And in the US there is the same problem with this being used abusively to avoid competitive bidding for contracts.
Peter Shortall Oct 31, 2023:
Aller-retour I think the aller-retour idea is explained below in this description of BEAs (baux emphytéotiques administratifs), which are mentioned in your context - an arrangement whereby an authority leases land to a developer for the purpose of building something, and the developer then leases the built property back to the authority, so there's a kind of reciprocity or reversal involved (something like "lease-leaseback" as opposed to a "sale-leaseback" arrangement):

L’article L1311 du code général des collectivités territoriales définit le bail emphytéotique administratif comme permettant à une collectivité territoriale propriétaire d’un bien immobilier de le louer à un tiers qui pourra construire un ouvrage sur le domaine public et ensuite le louer à la collectivité propriétaire du terrain.

I see a similar thing happens in the USA, e.g.

Proposed translations

16 hrs

lease-leaseback arrangement

As explained above, the idea is that the authority leases land to the developer, and the developer then leases the built property back to the authority.

It looks like "leaseback" on its own generally means sale followed by a lease (aka sale-leaseback), which isn't what's happening in your text:

So what you would need here for "aller-retour" is lease-leaseback, whereby A leases to B, and B leases back to A.

Most of the examples I found relate to the USA, it seems to be more common there, but I did find a few UK results, such as:

Investment and financing solutions

Investment models used for student accommodation and retail assets have started to make inroads into council PPPs. Lease-leaseback models attract much interest [...] the model provides a guaranteed index-linked income to the investor, typically over a 30-to-40-year period, and it delivers a council asset on leased land at no cost to the authority. At the end of the lease period, the authority has the option to acquire the asset back from the investor for a nominal sum.

Another US example:

The Lease-Lease Back construction law authorizes a school district to lease a school site to a contractor for a token amount (say for example $1), if the lease contract requires the contractor to construct, or provide for the construction of, a building to be used by the school district, so long as the title to the building would vest in the school district at the end of the lease. The contractor will then build the school and lease it back to the district for up to 40 years.
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrew Bramhall : Sounds plausible to me;
34 mins
Thanks, Andrew!
agree AllegroTrans
1 hr
Thanks, Chris!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
17 hrs

council building lease 'round-trip' scheme

a token, 'sounds plausible to me' alternative to incorporate the council building idea.

"bail emphytéotique administratif": is a a long, public authority lease/hold scene.

Note the meaning of a 'buidling lease' meaning a lease granted to a developer to build on, common FRE and DEU > 'hereditary building right'..

As aller-retour is in inverted commas, I see a reason for an alternative to a dull-thud, leaseback permutation or combination
Example sentence:

A Round Trip Lease requires that a container is returned to the same Envirotainer Station that it was released from.

Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : Ah yes, it's about container logistics
25 mins
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12 days

run-around scheme

The municipality (how commune can be translated is a debate in itself!) resorted to a run-around scheme... There may be a better term in legalese, but getting the run-around or sometimes the royal run-around in urban planning is sadly a well-known phenomenon!
Example sentence:

He gave them the royal run-around.

People appreciate not being given the run-around.

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