Jul 8, 2022 11:30
2 yrs ago
36 viewers *
English term

Credit Footprint

English to French Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)

Je cherche à traduire "credit footprint", et "empreinte crédit" ne semble pas fonctionner.


Francois Boye Jul 10, 2022:
No one has given me so far a documented definition of credit footprint.
Francois Boye Jul 10, 2022:
footprints grow because of the credit boom that has happened since the 1990s in the Western world and the need to check a larger number of credit reports
AllegroTrans Jul 9, 2022:
The credit search "footprint" is only ONE aspect of a person's overall credit "footprint"
You don't want to "grow" the credit search footprint - this will be counter-productive and will LESSEN the chances of obtaining credit
Francois Boye Jul 9, 2022:
What is credit footprint?
What a credit search footprint involves. Simply put, whenever a lender, debt collector or loan provider checks your credit file they leave a so-called 'footprint' on your report, which indicates to you, and to others that they have looked at your record, and provides easy confirmation of having done so.
Daryo Jul 9, 2022:
"Footprint" starts as a most literally "down to earth" concept - traces you leave behind you on soft ground as you move along; there are several steps before you get to "footprint" used figuratively in IT or anywhere else - like carbon footprint, or the "credit (record file) footprint" in this ST.

Insisting on ONE use of "footprint" - one obviously out of context - is (trying to put it nicely) not the best of methods.
AllegroTrans Jul 9, 2022:
"Footprint is an IT concept" (per Francois) Not here it isn't. It's about a person's credit record. And NOTHING to do with Kaspersky and one's use of the Internet
AllegroTrans Jul 9, 2022:
Francois You ref https://www.kaspersky.fr/resource-center/definitions/what-is... hasn't even got anything to do with the subject
Daryo Jul 9, 2022:
In this case, all the context you need is in this sentence:

"a company helping people to get loans"

and the fact that lenders are as much scared of "blank" credit reports as of "bad" credit reports, as in

"Scenario 2: You have a 'thin' credit file and need to establish a credit history.. "
AllegroTrans Jul 8, 2022:
Asker What comes before and after "Grow your Credit Footprint" please?
Samuël Buysschaert Jul 8, 2022:
Une réflexion Effectivement, dommage qu'il n'y ait pas plus de contexte.

Pour ma part, "footprint" me fait penser aux antécédents, historique du dossier de crédit, mais le terme "grow" laisse à penser en effet au "credit score associé" et à une solution pour peut-être "augmenter" ses "points".
On est dans l'idée à mon sens, de construire son historique de crédit dans la durée et d’obtenir la meilleure "note" possible.
Par exemple:

Après il est difficile de savoir, si cette solution est axée sur un aspect ou offre une solution plus large pour aider les gens à obtenir les prêts/emprunts; et peut-être dans ce cas-là signifier qqch comme: "Améliorer votre profil d'emprunteur".

Transexpertise (asker) Jul 8, 2022:
Here is the only sentence I have: "Grow your Credit Footprint", it is for a company helping people to get loans
AllegroTrans Jul 8, 2022:
Context please Please post at least one complete sentence containing the term and tell us which country this is from and what is your document

Proposed translations

19 hrs
English term (edited): \"Grow your Credit Footprint\"

"étoffer votre historique de crédits" ("étoffer votre dossier")

FIRST: point of method - asking the right question.

If you hope to get anywhere, you have to translate the whole of

"Grow your Credit Footprint"

as one unit of meaning.

All the context you need is here: "a company helping people to get loans" - that is direct link to a very specific type of companies offering to "improve your credit rating"

The key point of this offer is linked to the fact that lenders are almost as much wary about a "blank" credit history as a "bad" credit history of late/non repayment of loans - as much afraid of lending to someone who never took a loan as to someone who repays loans late or never.

So what this kind of company does is to "lend" to clients a relatively small amount, repayable over a year or two. As the client keeps repaying this token loan, the "credit footprint" (=the records kept by the Credit reference agency of loans taken and being repaid) keeps growing and shows that this borrower is "a good borrower" that keeps repaying loans in time.

You could make a parallel with Search Engine Optimisation, you could call it a kind of "cheating" or "playing the system". Feeding information twisted on purposed to give the desired result - a "credit report" more attractive for lenders.

That's all this kind of companies can do.

So, while the final aim is "to improve client's credit score", the method offered to achieve that aim is:

Grow your Credit Footprint = fill your credit report with entries that are in your favour

Note added at 19 hrs (2022-07-09 07:19:01 GMT)

Implied (or obvious in context): these companies will give a token loan to people who have no chance of getting a "regular" loan nowhere else.

Note added at 20 hrs (2022-07-09 07:39:49 GMT)

That's what is meant by

Note added at 20 hrs (2022-07-09 07:46:59 GMT)

Build your credit footprint
get a credit score and
watch it grow

Note added at 1 day 1 hr (2022-07-09 12:38:25 GMT)

possible variations

Créez votre empreinte crédit / Créez votre "empreinte crédit"

Créez votre empreinte historique de crédit / Créez votre empreinte "historique de crédit"

Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : Yes, you have this correct, good explanation but it would be helpful if Asker could post some more text; https://www.scotiabank.com/ca/fr/particuliers/conseils-plus/...
4 hrs
yes, having some more specific details available would be nice, but I doubt that there was some kind of revolutionary change in that sector recently (it's not like IT).Thanks!
disagree Francois Boye : The expression to translate is 'credit footprint'. Footprint is an IT concept that doesn't mean 'historique' in French. // What counts is to stick to the definition of source expressions submitted by Askers.
9 hrs
It can happen to anyone to stray in the wrong direction, but to persist is another thing. / What counts is the Source Text, not how Asker worded the question.
agree Samuël Buysschaert : Yep, that's it ! :)
9 hrs
agree Anastasia Kalantzi
11 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
7 hrs

l'empreinte numérique de la consultation d'un rapport de crédit



Note added at 1 day 4 hrs (2022-07-09 16:19:52 GMT)

What a credit search footprint involves
Simply put, whenever a lender, debt collector or loan provider checks your credit file they leave a so-called ‘footprint’ on your report, which indicates to you, and to others that they have looked at your record, and provides easy confirmation of having done so. The concept is still fairly new, hence there is a lack of awareness as to what a credit search footprint entails.

Note added at 1 day 4 hrs (2022-07-09 16:25:50 GMT)

Une empreinte numérique, aussi appelée ombre numérique ou empreinte électronique, désigne les données que vous laissez derrière vous quand vous utilisez Internet. Ces données comprennent les sites Web visités, les emails que vous envoyez et les informations que vous soumettez en ligne. Une empreinte numérique peut être utilisée pour suivre les activités en ligne et les appareils d’une personne. Les internautes peuvent créer leur empreinte numérique activement ou passivement.
Peer comment(s):

disagree AllegroTrans : Why would a person want to "grow" this and therefore worsen his credit record? Doesn't make sense
2 hrs
Did you read the attachments?//I don't understand why you are talking about 'to grow"//You haven't discussed the attachments above.
disagree Daryo : no // if you know how credit scoring works, you would know that repeated "searches" would worsen the credit rating. [compare with: "a company helping people to get loans"]
4 hrs
A statement has no validity without proof. This is basic!//Not the point! What is a credit footprint, Dario? You are irrelevant if you cannot answer the question.
Something went wrong...
3 days 2 hrs

rappel de crédit

Un "footprint" est une recherche de crédit approfondie qui reste sur le compte du demandeur principal jusqu’à 12 mois lorsqu’il fait une demande de prêt ou de crédit.
Je pense que "rappel" est le mot le plus approprié.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : same misinterpretation as Francois Boye + makes about as much sense as bragging about your worst mistakes in a CV.
7 days
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