Aug 20, 2020 13:42
4 yrs ago
22 viewers *
English term

a particular way

Non-PRO English to French Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
She expressed that they need to understand why they are feeling a particular way and she needs to be supporting of this being Nathan and Erika's emotions.

Also, can you translate "of this being" please. Thank you
Change log

Aug 20, 2020 18:22: B D Finch changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (3): Tony M, Cyril Tollari, B D Finch

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Tony M Aug 21, 2020:
@ Asker You really need to ask someone (probably NOT a translator!) with specific training in this field, who will instantly be able to confirm the point I am seeking to make.
Tony M Aug 21, 2020:
@ Asker Not really! It's MORE than just that... this is about the extent to which the feelings they have are, for example, in proportion to the stimulus — or not.
N'en déplaise à nous collègues natifs, in this emotional / psychological context, it it VITAL to properly convey this nuance of meaning, it can not and must not be "taken as implicit" — treat this as if it were a technical or scientific text (which to some extent it is), or a patent.
However, I'm not at all sure that 'particulière' is what is required here — a bit of a faux ami IMHO. I think the sense required is 'de telle ou telle façon', though of course that would be out of register here.
I think it is important to get away from the EN structure, and place the emphasis on the WAY they feel something, rather than WHY they feel it. I think that would lead to a much more idiomatic rendering in FR....
François Tardif Aug 21, 2020:
À Abdessamad Votre suggestion est aussi bonne que toutes celles proposées ci-dessous; elle ne répond pas cependant au grief de Tony.
François Tardif Aug 21, 2020:
Stricto sensu, Tony a raison! Je ne suis pas sûr par contre que la nuance soit si vitale que Tony le croit.

On pourrait traduire par « ...ils doivent comprendre pourquoi ils éprouvent un tel sentiment (de cette façon; d’une telle façon; d’une façon particulière)* ». Mais ce qui est entre parenthèses est implicite en quelque sorte. De dire « vous devez comprendre pourquoi vous éprouvez un tel sentiment de la façon dont vous le faites » revient plus ou moins à dire « pourquoi vous éprouvez un sentiment donné » non?

De plus, en règle générale, la syntaxe française met plus l’accent sur le « résultat » que sur la description des évènements, contrairement à l’anglais. Le français n’est pas très friand des explications explicite comme l’anglais. Mais cela, c’est un autre débat!

* Ou « ...ils doivent comprendre pourquoi ils ressentent ce qu’ils ressentent de cette façon particulière », construction lourde, s’il en est une!
ABDESSAMAD BINAOUI (asker) Aug 21, 2020:
suggestion Thank you all for your contributions. Here is my suggestion:

La raison derrière leurs émotions
ABDESSAMAD BINAOUI (asker) Aug 21, 2020:
suggestion Thank you all for your contributions. Here is my suggestion:

La raison derrière leurs émotions
Tony M Aug 21, 2020:
@ P/G Me thinks not — I've done a lot of work around this stuff, and these nuances of meaning we are able to express in EN are very important, even if they require a clumsy paraphrase in FR...
polyglot45 Aug 21, 2020:
@Tony Methinks you are overthinking
Tony M Aug 21, 2020:
@ All Please do note that this 'in a particualr way' is IMHO vital to the wanted sense here: this is not merely about understanding the reasons why they have the feelings they are having, but also why they feel them in the specific way they do. IOW, a given stimulus may not provoke the same feelings in all people — e.g. being told off might make some people sad or others angry or others again unloved.
People who have suffered past emotional trauma may react in different ways from what might be considered 'normal', and it might be all too easy to dismiss certain of their feelings as being 'silly', if the observer were not sensitive to the reasons behind their specific reaction.

Proposed translations

11 mins

(pourquoi ils ressentent d'une façon particulière

et elle devrait s'en occuper tout en confirmant leur validité;

Note added at 21 mins (2020-08-20 14:03:45 GMT)

"She needs to be supporting of this being Nathan and Erika's emotions." means she needs to acknowledge the validity of what they're feeling,and not upset them in any way, as they and their possibly unstable emotions obviously require tender handling.
Peer comment(s):

agree Tony M : Not necessarily just "not upset them in any way" — also simply not poo-poo their fears etc. because (from her viewpoint) they are unfounded, etc.
28 mins
Yes, indeed Tony, that would be a part of it; like you do with kids when they've seen night monsters!
neutral François Tardif : "qqch." is a little awkward though...
1 day 3 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you "
1 hr

de comprendre la cause de ce qu'ils ressentent

De comprendre la cause/la raison
Peer comment(s):

neutral Tony M : But doesn't that miss out the 'particular way' (which is actually central here)?
1 hr
Something went wrong...
10 hrs

un (de) tel

Elle a manifesté qu'ils doivent comprendre pourquoi ils éprouvent un tel sentiment...
Peer comment(s):

neutral Tony M : But doesn't that miss out the 'particular way' (which is actually central here)?
6 hrs
See my comment in Discussion.
Something went wrong...
2 hrs

le pourquoi de leur ressenti

ou de leurs sentiments

et elle doit respecter le fait que c'est ainsi qu'ils pensent

Note added at 20 hrs (2020-08-21 10:32:18 GMT)

@Tony et al

"leur" ressenti - donc le ressenti de personnes bien précises. Don't forget that the rest of the sentence also fills in the picture
Peer comment(s):

neutral Tony M : But doesn't that miss out the 'particular way' (which is actually central here)? / But of COURSE it does — even in FR!
27 mins
I don't think it matters in fact - not necessary in French// Sorry Tony but I thought long and hard about this and, honestly, the message is perfectly clear and complete. Translating is not about including every single word, even when not needed
agree Cathy Rosamond
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 days 23 hrs

comprendre leurs émotions

Me semble plus idiomatique.
Something went wrong...
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