May 11, 2015 10:14
9 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term

Save where it appears to the contrary

English to Romanian Law/Patents Law (general)
Save where it appears to the contrary, the evidence contained within my statement is true to my own knowledge and belief.
Proposed translations (Romanian)
5 +3 dacă nu există probe contrare
Change log

Apr 19, 2016 12:07: Peter Shortall changed "Language pair" from "Romanian to English" to "English to Romanian"


Alice Crisan May 11, 2015:
. save where the contrary - Tłumaczenie na polski – słownik Linguee where the contrary...
(4 ) Save where the contrary is indicated, in the following, [...] the term ' competition concerns' corresponds, according to the. [...] stage of the procedure, to serious doubts or preliminary findings that the concentration is likely ... eur-lex.

Poate daca in aceasta forma il copiezi in browser si pe urma faci setarea ptr. romana, sper să meargă.
Alice Crisan May 11, 2015:

Incearca acest link, dar trebuie setat pe l. romana; nu am reusit de pe tableta.
Alice Crisan May 11, 2015:
. "reiese"
Diana Coada (X) (asker) May 11, 2015:
Aceasta formulare nu ar fi ''except when proven otherwise'', dle Liviu? Deci ma intorc la problematicul ''appears''.
Liviu-Lee Roth May 11, 2015:
o idee cu excepția cazurilor când se dovedește contrariul,probele/dovezile
In afara celor ce par contrare... La fel de ambiguu....
Diana Coada (X) (asker) May 11, 2015:
Ma iertati, dar nu ma ajuta la nimic Problema mea aici nu este cuvantul ''save'', ci cuvantul ''appears''. Cum sa-l traduc? Ma gandeam la ''in absenta probelor contrare'' insa daca ceva pare a fi ceva, nu este exact o proba.
meirs May 11, 2015:
save = except simplu

Proposed translations

4 hrs

dacă nu există probe contrare

Numele persoanei fizice indicat în orice document semnat de aceasta serveşte drept dovadă că documentul a fost semnat anume de către persoana respectivă, dacă nu există probe contrare.
Peer comment(s):

343 days
Multumesc! :)
agree Alice Crisan
343 days
Multumesc! :)
agree Iosif JUHASZ
344 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."

Reference comments

1 day 54 mins


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343 days
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