Oct 21, 2003 16:07
20 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Spanish term

aguas superficiales y de los suelos

Spanish to English Science
Afectación de la calidad de las aguas superficiales y de los suelos

Proposed translations

2 mins

superficial and soil waters

It really does look that simple...
Peer comment(s):

disagree Nikki Graham : sorry, but it's surface
6 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
9 mins

surface waters and soils

Dependiendo del contexto, podría ser también surface and soil waters, pero me parece que si se está hablando de contaminación, se refiere a suelos por un lado y a las aguas superficiales por el otro.


TERM aguas superficiales

Reference CSIC
TERM aguas pluviales

Reference CSIC
TERM agua de lluvia

Reference CSIC

Definition rain water and melt water running off the surface

Reference TNC 62
TERM surface water

Reference TNC 62
TERM storm water

Reference TNC 62
TERM run-off

Reference TNC 62
TERM rain water

Reference ISO 6107-1:1980

TERM suelos

Reference Diccionario Técnico de Presas, UNESCO, 1969

Note {DOM} petrografía

TERM soils

Reference Technical Dictionary on Dams,UNESCO,1969

Note {DOM} petrography

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14 mins

surface and ground water

at least in the U.S....

EPA Ground Water and Drinking Water
The Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (OGWDW), together with states, tribes,
and its many partners, protects public health by ensuring safe drinking ...
www.epa.gov/safewater/ - 35k - Cached - Similar pages

Surface and Ground Water Quality
... Surface and Ground Water Quality. ...
www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/water/quality/ - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Ground- and Surface-Water Terminology, AEX-460-94
Ohio's surface and ground water resources provide a variety of water supply
needs for the state. These water supply needs can be separated into. ...
ohioline.osu.edu/aex-fact/0460.html - 25k - Cached - Similar pages

CEO - Caucasus Environment Outlook
2.4 Fresh Waters. 2.4.3 Surface and Ground Water Quality. Water quality
is one of the major environmental concerns in the Caucasus. ...
www.gridtb.org/projects/CEO/ch2_4_3.htm - 48k - Cached - Similar pages

SOFIA - Poster - Quantifying Hydrologic Exchange Between Surface ...
Poster - Quantifying Hydrologic Exchange Between Surface and Ground Water
in the Florida Everglades, WCA-2A. USGS South Florida Information Access ...
sofia.usgs.gov/geer/2000/posters/hydro_exchange/ - 29k - Cached - Similar pages

Surface and Ground Water Study of South Florida
Estuaries, Surface and Ground Water Study of South Florida. WES is working
with the US Army Engineer District, Jacksonville, the South ...
chl.wes.army.mil/research/estuaries/southflorida/ - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Surface and Ground Water Interactions: El Paso - Juarez Region
Surface and Ground Water Interactions: El Paso - Juarez Region. John Walton Department
of Civil Engineering, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968. ...
rorykate.ce.utep.edu/surfgw/SCERPMonograph/ web/SCERPMonographWWWVersion.htm - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

Contamination of rural surface and ground water by endosulfan in ...
... Environ Health. 2003; 2 (1): 1 Contamination of rural surface and ground
water by endosulfan in farming areas of the Western Cape, South Africa. ...
www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/ articlerender.fcgi?rendertype=abstract&artid=153526 - Similar pages

[PPT]Surface and Ground Water Mixing in a Semi-confined Karst Aquifer ...
File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint 97 - View as HTML
Surface and Ground Water Mixing in a Karst Aquifer: An Example From the Santa
Fe River. Randy Dean. Department of Geological Sciences. University of Florida. ...
palmm.fcla.edu/lfnh/related/Dean.ppt - Similar pages

Environmental Health | Abstract | Contamination of rural surface ...
... Contamination of rural surface and ground water by endosulfan in farming areas
of the Western Cape, South Africa Mohamed A Dalvie 1 , Eugene Cairncross 2 ...
ehjournal.net/content/2/1/1/abstract - 13k - Cached - Similar pages
Peer comment(s):

agree Sarah Ponting : not only in the US - that's what we say in the UK too :-)
5 mins
agree James Calder : Yes, this is it. My 'under' is superfluous.
17 mins
agree Norbert Hermann
1 hr
agree Dorene Cornwell
1 hr
agree Walter Lockhart Ries (X)
3 days 13 hrs
agree Lesley Clarke
911 days
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1 hr

superificial waters and soils

ya que por el contexto de la oración creo que estas hablando de dos cosas indistintas, una de las aguas y otra de los suelos por si solos..............
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1 hr

surface and soil water

You really should ask two questions when there are two terms, as both the terms I'm suggesting have already been suggested, but not by the same person.

agua superficial is definitely surface water (and most certainly not superficial)

agua del suelo = soil water. This is not the same as groundwater. Soil water is water travelling in the zone between the ground surface and the water table. It is held by soil or rock particles. Groundwater is all the water contained in the void space within rocks and generally excludes soil water (or vadose water).

Soil water
MT 2.50 Hydrology
FR Eau du sol
SP Agua del suelo
http://www.ulcc.ac.uk/unesco/terms/list143.htm#Soil water

See 1st ref for a glossary (Spanish - English, which includes the term)

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