Jun 2, 2013 06:10
11 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Italian term

in momento caldo

Italian to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy
From a description of the objectives of an online training course. Context:
Il trasferimento dei contenuti permette di trasformare l’aula in laboratorio, in momento caldo di confronto.

Maybe the perfect moment? The optimum environment?
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (1): Michael Korovkin

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Proposed translations

1 day 1 hr

arena [for discussion and debate]

turning the classroom into an workshop, an arena for discussion and debate

See how hot and cold are used in this example:
Questo costituirebbe il momento “caldo” di confronto tra gli operatori della scuola che dovrebbe supportare poi i momenti più “freddi” legati alla comunicazione per via informatica.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you Judy, this answer fit best for me."
1 hr

an dynamic exchange of ideas/ a stimulating discussion

some ideas

3 fig. Che è, che denota passione, facilmente alterabile, eccitabile: essere una testa c. || prendersela calda per qlco., con molta partecipazione emotiva | una c. accoglienza, molto affettuosa, cordiale

Peer comment(s):

agree writeaway : well certainly nothing to do with 'perfect or optimum'.
43 mins
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4 hrs

A hot bed of debate/discussion

Something went wrong...
9 hrs

At the moment of heated discussion

According to the text, there is a transision of the contents during the class in which the classroom becomes a laboratory at the moment of heated discussion.
Peer comment(s):

neutral JudyC : no, not the temporal meaning of "momento" but "trasformare in momento" (figurative meaning
16 hrs
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1 day 6 hrs

participatory/exhilirating experience

an active and interesting experience, not a passive one where one just listens without saying anything
Note from asker:
Thank you, I like this explanation but will go with "arena" for conciseness.
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