Apr 21, 2013 08:25
11 yrs ago
3 viewers *
French term

récupérateur de mégots

French to English Marketing General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Bonjour je traduis le site internet d'une société qui a inventé un étui pour paquet de cigarette avec récupérateur de mégots. C'est Own box.

Comment diriez-vous cela en anglais ?

with a cigarette end recovery/recuperator ?
Change log

Apr 21, 2013 13:08: writeaway changed "Field" from "Other" to "Marketing"


Catherine Gilsenan Apr 24, 2013:
cigarette-ends might be better in UK English
chris collister Apr 24, 2013:
Divided as we are from America by a common language, we Brits need to be careful about bandying around words like butt and fag. But then, if we made a mistake, we could always get rid of it with a rubber...
Catherine Gilsenan Apr 22, 2013:
No fag-ends I presume you were joking about "fag-ends". This is used, but is extremely colloquial, and not suitable for advertising copy.
Evans (X) Apr 22, 2013:
Rachel's photo links remind me that buses of the same era also had signs saying "no spitting" - times change!
Tony M Apr 21, 2013:
Oh Germaine! I'll have to be careful with all these butch butts around ;-)

Rachel's photos certainly bought back memories for me to.

Gilla made me think, yes, in informal language, we'd talk about fag-ends, wouldn't we...
Germaine Apr 21, 2013:
Wow! Une page d'histoire cette photo! (et quelque chose qu'on n'oserait jamais faire ici!). On est donc passé de stub à butt, si je comprends bien... Et c'est butt qui s'emploie au Québec aussi... parfois déformé "butch" (prononcé bâtch et non boutch) en québécois.
Rachel Fell Apr 21, 2013:
stubber Anyone else remember these from the back of seats upstairs on UK buses? http://www.flickr.com/photos/fjroll/6133196244/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/29520195@N08/3963813834/

Tony M Apr 21, 2013:
@ Nikki Not really, I'm older than you ;-)

But my parents were very old; so go back to the early 20C, hence many of my linguistic references come from the '20s and '30s.

My Mum saw a Zeppelin, and my Gran saw Queen Victoria
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Apr 21, 2013:
Thanks for aging me Ton'! True enough, the last time I had anything to do with a cigarette, I was 7. (One puff woz enuff). that was 44 years ago. Damnèd. one thing I have missed in moving. Ciggie slang. 8-(
Tony M Apr 21, 2013:
@ Gilla Nice one! As a Brit, I'm certainly familiar with 'butt' — I half suspect 'stub' is maybe slightly dated now, it sounds to me like the sort of thing my parents' generation might have said...
Evans (X) Apr 21, 2013:
Unscientific straw poll among several friends I've just been out for a walk with. I asked them separately a non-leading question about what they would call a fag end if being slightly more formal. Answers: three 'cigarette butts', one 'cigarette end', one 'cigarette stub'.
John Holland Apr 21, 2013:
@Gilla Evans The Cambridge online dictionary indicates that butt is used in British and American English:

"Butt" is used by the BBC, as well:
https://duckduckgo.com/?q="Cigarette butt" site:www.bbc.co.u...
Evans (X) Apr 21, 2013:
Butt v stub I am interested to see that people regard stub as UK English and butt as US English. I am a native speaker of UK English and the word I would use is butt, never stub. I am prompted to ask around my friends.
Alan Douglas (X) Apr 21, 2013:
If neither a holder nor a receptacle... then what is it? It is perfectly clear from the website that you open the flap, stub out your cigarette, then close the flap. The butts are then stored in the holder (or receptacle). Opt for receptacle if you want to clearly distinguish this gizmo from a cigarette holder that holds a cigarette while smoking from a holder that holds the butts when finished.
pooja_chic Apr 21, 2013:
I have found the site but it does not seem receptacle or holder but something else
Alan Douglas (X) Apr 21, 2013:
Appologies Gilla I posted my response before yours appeared on screen.

Proposed translations

1 hr

cigarette stub box


Note added at 1 hr (2013-04-21 09:53:47 GMT)

Part of a whole into which stubs can be put or carried.
"stub" for UK.

Note added at 3 hrs (2013-04-21 11:59:48 GMT)

Here's the FB page for the product in question.

Note added at 3 hrs (2013-04-21 12:00:39 GMT)

"récupérateur de mégot" : cigarette stub box
"...intégrée" : built-in

Note added at 3 hrs (2013-04-21 12:01:04 GMT)

In context, "built-in stub box" would suffice.

Note added at 3 hrs (2013-04-21 12:05:13 GMT)

And the site for the product alone : http://www.own-box.com/

Note added at 3 hrs (2013-04-21 12:06:45 GMT)

It is designed to reduce the size of the stub by squashing it and to contain the squashed stubs. I would emphasize that it is not designed to act as an ashtray as such : Nous sommes ravis de vous accueillir sur notre site. Notre société vous propose une solution simple pour la récupération des mégots de cigarettes.
Avec l'étui OWN BOX ludique et pertinent, soyez acteur de votre environnement.
Simple d'utilisation, pouvant récupérer plus de 1500 mégots sans danger, OWN BOX est le partenaire idéal des fumeurs soucieux de leur planète.
Conçu en carton rigide et recyclable, OWN BOX s' adapte à tous les paquets de 20 cigarettes et aussi à votre image, impossible de l'oublier où que vous soyez, adoptez le et il vous rendra service pendant longtemps.
Muni d'une réservoir à mégots, accessible par simple glissement d'un tiroir pouvant accueillir jusqu'à 15 mégots en une seule fois, l'étui OWN BOX...C'est la solution !
Notre gamme OWN BOW, c'est ici
Pour toute question, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter

Note added at 3 hrs (2013-04-21 12:07:55 GMT)

Er, the Own-Bow site already exists in English by the way : http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http://www.own-box.c...

Note added at 3 hrs (2013-04-21 12:09:35 GMT)

Aaaaaaaaaahhhh! Horreur!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a Google translation version!!!!!!!!!!
Ignore my last post!!!!!!!!!!! yeauch and mega-yeauch!!!!!!!!!!
Peer comment(s):

agree Catharine Cellier-Smart : I prefer this, as 'stub' covers both the action and the cigarette end (butt).
1 hr
I had not thought of the verb and the noun aspect, simply more that "mégot" generally translates as "stub" in the UK and as "butt" in the US.
agree Rachel Fell : cigarette box holder with integrated stub holder- or butt holder, though that still sounds slightly jocular to me - http://www.google.com/patents/US7114504
1 hr
agree writeaway : or butt-in. or even me-got-it. butt-ash, butt-out??
2 hrs
agree Tony M : I'd vote for 'built-in stub box' — though trickier is the AE version is required, as I think '...butt box' works maybe less well.
3 hrs
Bit like translating "sac banane", bum bag, fanny bag...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
28 mins

butt receptacle

Never heard of such a thing but you could call this a cigarette case with butt receptacle. I'd personally be inclined to call them fag ends, but that wouldn't be appropriate here.
Peer comment(s):

disagree pooja_chic : No, it is not receptacle, see this:http://www.24presse.com/own_box__l_etui_a_paquets_de_cigaret...
9 mins
Nothing on the website to suggest this answer is wrong.
agree Dee Translation
14 mins
Thanks, Dee T
agree writeaway : also to counter the unfair disagree
3 hrs
Cheers, writeaway!
agree Tony M : Logically, this could be one solution, though I must admit sounded a little odd to me; but I too think a 'disagree' is unfounded here: one couldn't possibly say this is 'categorically' wrong.
4 hrs
Thanks Tony. The slightly odd 'receptacle' was an attempt to avoid 'butt holder' for reasons subsequently mentioned elsewhere. It's a word I quite like, a bit like spectacles, probably just for its rather old-fashioned ring...
agree MatthewLaSon : Hello. Not pleasant to think of - LOL. Have a great day.
6 hrs
Indeed no, thanks Matthew.
agree Jennifer Forbes : Or "butt container". What a brilliant idea - must get one!
23 hrs
thanks, Jenny! You're still smoking then?
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32 mins

butt holder

The Wikipedia reference below gives a number of options. This is a new French invention so there is no existing direct equivalent in English. If they catch on in anglophone countries it is the simplest and easiest term that is lightly to win out, i.e. not cigarette butt receptacle or similar.
Peer comment(s):

disagree pooja_chic : No, its not holder too...http://www.24presse.com/own_box__l_etui_a_paquets_de_cigaret...
5 mins
See discussion entries.
neutral Rachel Fell : the name mightn't work in the US... ;-) http://www.dailyhaha.com/_pics/anything_to_help_out.htm
39 mins
You could well be right!
neutral Carol Gullidge : sounds like a dirty old man :O))
46 mins
agree Sandra & Kenneth Grossman : I would add the word "cigarette", so it's not a, you know, a "butt holder" :-)
1 hr
neutral Tony M : As you say, we need to invent a term here! Have slight qualms about this, but can't agree with a 'disagree', since it couldn't be said to be 'categorically' wrong. There are plenty of examples of 'holder' used in just this sort of (storage) context.
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
51 mins

small box or container for cigarette butts

A small box or container made of lightweight cardboard for putting out and disposing of cigarette butts, which includes (a) a drawer with a lid at one end, which receives a cigarette butt in a longitudinal channel, with a snug fit; and (b) a small open box for holding the drawer, which fits and slides therein snugly, such that when the drawer is fully inserted in the box the cigarette butt is quickly smothered and extinguished without burning or giving rise to excessive heat. The drawer preferably has two or more parallel channels, each as long as a cigarette, so that the whole cigarette butt is extinguished and can be kept in the smoker’s pocket or handbag until the smoker has the chance to dispose of it. Said small box or container may optionally be made of a fireproof material.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Evans (X) : This is a patent description, using the language appropriate to patent submissions not websites.
45 mins
neutral Tony M : Not really appropriate language / register for asker's stated context, and far too clumsy; also, almost tends to suggest this is a separate box, whereas in fact it seems to be part of the fag packet.
3 hrs
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2 hrs

(cigarette case with) a place to stash the butts

Here's what seems to be a video of the contraption:

Here's a wikipedia description of this kind of item, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette_pack#Features :
"Most cigarette packs have no features at all and are just made up of a single container filled with cigarettes. However, some cigarette packs have been proposed that also contain an empty container for disposing the cigarette butts into. This could reduce cigarette butts of being discarded unto the street, where they contaminate the environment (as they are not easily broken down)"

One person called his version a "Cigarette Butt Disposer":

Here's a patent application for another version, called a "Cigarette Pack Having A Space For Storing Cigarette Butts":

So, from the video, it looks as though one is to put a cigarette pack into the "Own-Box." I think that makes it a "cigarette case."

I'd call it a "cigarette case with a place to stash the butts," since the idea is to hide the butts away rather than to litter the ground with them. Alternatively, a "cigarette pack with a place to keep/stow/store the butts before throwing them away." Etc.

(How does it not smell horribly bad?)

Note added at 3 hrs (2013-04-21 11:32:31 GMT)

I should add that it seems important to me to indicate that the item holds stubs or butts and also cigarettes that have not yet been smoked, both in the one package, as in the video.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Nikki Scott-Despaigne : This is obviously the idea, which I think we have all understood this way.
38 mins
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2 hrs

cigarette butt/stub collector

another idea

Note added at 4 hrs (2013-04-21 12:42:51 GMT)

another idea,

maybe a little less formal:

a stub stash
Peer comment(s):

agree Tony M : I think the 'collector' version could work well (but don't like 'stash')
2 hrs
Thanks Tony!
agree Lori Cirefice : collector works well IMO
8 hrs
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2 hrs

built-in ashtray

Cigarette pack with built-in ashtray?

Actually, something like this exists already;

Note added at 1 day1 hr (2013-04-22 10:22:14 GMT)

Another suggestion:

cigarette box with compartment for butts (or stubs)
Peer comment(s):

neutral Nikki Scott-Despaigne : "Built-in" is the obvious choice for "intégré". However, although you can put butts/stubs in an ashtray, this contraption does not double up as an ashtray for ash really, just for the stubs, o'wise it wld say "cendrier". See the prod's FB page.
1 hr
agree laenai
20 hrs
thanks laenai
agree Jean-Claude Gouin
1 day 1 hr
thanks 1045
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3 days 6 hrs

in-built compartment which allows you to stub out your cigarette and store the ends

Smoke, Stub and Stash! This handy gadget comes complete with an in-built compartment which allows you to stub out your cigarette and store your cigarette ends (butts), ready to bin later.

(I didn't know how to edit or cancel my first answer).
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1 day 5 hrs

smoke, stub and stash

Comes complete with an in-buit compartment which allows you to stub out your cigarette and store your butts, ready to bin later.

Note added at 3 days6 hrs (2013-04-24 15:16:09 GMT)

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