Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:

integrated physical environment permit

Added to glossary by Marinus Strang (X)
Oct 12, 2011 10:42
12 yrs ago
20 viewers *
Dutch term


Michael Beijer Jun 15, 2019:
ha ha, … no, ondernemer/entrepreneur is just one of those silly things that just won't die, and I of course just use something in correct English, but … with these names of government thingees, if 90% of the NL/BE sites are using a specific Dunglish term, I do tend to use it since anyone actually trying to use the document for whatever reason would have an easier time when looking through the many Dutch govrenment websites for further info
Richard Purdom Jun 14, 2019:
and... quoting from that link from Sindy Cremer:

In the province of Noord-Brabant you can apply for this temporary exemption order via Message Box. Message Box is a secure email system that enables you as an entrepreneur to exchange digital messages with Dutch government agencies. You can send attachments with your application. Please check the name that you give to the file(s).

Does that mean we have to translate 'ondernemer' as 'entrepreneur'? or is it slightly sloppy, besides all the literal stuff (enables you as an...)?
Richard Purdom Jun 14, 2019:
and.... I had to translate this very line today!

'Milieuvergunningsaanvraag - Omgevingsvergunning'

you really can't use 'environment' twice, anyway it mostly deals with planning permsission
Richard Purdom Jun 14, 2019:
FYI De omgevingsvergunning vervangt en verenigt verschillende vergunningen:

omgevingsvergunning voor stedenbouwkundige handelingen (vroegere stedenbouwkundige vergunning)
omgevingsvergunning voor het verkavelen van gronden (vroegere verkavelingsvergunning)
omgevingsvergunning voor exploitatie van ingedeelde inrichtingen of activiteiten (vroegere milieuvergunning)
omgevingsvergunning voor kleinhandelsactiviteiten (vroegere sociaal-economische machtiging)
omgevingsvergunning voor het wijzigen van kleine landschapselementen of voor het wijzigen van vegetatie (vroegere natuurvergunning).
De aanvragen worden ingediend bij één loket, het Omgevingsloket, waarna één openbaar onderzoek en één adviesronde worden georganiseerd.
Richard Purdom Jun 14, 2019:
yeah I googled alder bench, and got some nice furniture
Michael Beijer Jun 14, 2019:
totally agree re the poor English but if that's what all the gov websitys are using, I tend to follow suit so anyone reading my translation (highly doubtful in most cases;-)) can easily find the relevant thing googling
Richard Purdom Jun 13, 2019:
That's not what 'integrated' means in English really, however it might sound to the Dutch/Flemish. Even according to your text, 'combined' would be better than 'integrated'. As for the one further below, 'the Municipality through the
Bench of mayor and aldermen' yukkety yuk!
Michael Beijer Jun 13, 2019:
nothing wrong with it, but... I notice that both the NL and BE gov bodies seem to be using specific, and even (almost) consistent EN translations. e.g., another BE ref I just found:

"Integrated environmental permit

If you want to build or renovate a house or start a company in Flanders, you must check whether you need an integrated environmental permit (former urban planning permission and environmental permit combined)."

( )
Michael Beijer Jun 13, 2019:
see e.g. "Which authority is competent to decide on your
firm’s project?

The authority which is competent to receive an
integrated environmental permit application and to
decide on such an application, is determined by the
nature and size of the project. Under the Integrated
Environmental Permit Decree three authorities
could be competent: the Flemish Government, the
provincial council and the Municipality through the
Bench of mayor and aldermen."


Omgevingsvergunningsaanvraag (OVA) = Integrated Environmental Permit Application
Michael Beijer Jun 13, 2019:
and now it's my turn so I was merrily using what I think is probably the best for the NL version (see below), when I all of a sudden remembered I am translating a BE text :-|

anyway, I think the consensus seems to be that in a BE context it should be called a ‘integrated environmental permit’. what do you people think?

PS: my NL version = All-in-one Permit for Physical Aspects (Omgevingsvergunning)

Richard Purdom Dec 13, 2018:
well I've just got landed with this, the site explains it all very nicely, anybody think 'universal permit' would cover it?
Michael Beijer May 26, 2013:
@Terry John Costin: Hi Terry,

And what would you translate it as? That is, what would the people behind the 'The Integrated Environmental Permitting Guidelines for EECCA Countries' call it?
sindy cremer Oct 12, 2011:
Very well, however since the Ministry has provided a (horrible) English description and uses it in information material (cf. also the English pdf), it would make sense to mention it in the note in that case.
Tina Vonhof (X) Oct 12, 2011:
Translator's note An equivalent permit may not exist in English. I would use a translator's note.
sindy cremer Oct 12, 2011:
environmental doesn't cover it (and Jurlex isn't always right). See my ref.
W Schouten Oct 12, 2011:
'Single environmental permit' according to JurLex

Proposed translations

1 day 20 hrs

physical environment permit

Adding "physical" moves it away from the "milieu" connotation. And it also appears to be used in the English translation of the abstract of the relevant Act:;DIDPFD...
Note from asker:
Sounds excellent to me too! I will use <integrated physical environment permit>.
Something went wrong there, I meant to add: integrated physical environment permit
Peer comment(s):

agree sindy cremer : Excellent! I'd add 'integrated' as per the ref I add to corroborate your suggestion.
11 hrs
Thanks Sindy, ook voor de mooie toevoeging.
neutral Terry Costin : Doesn't the following body represent this matter and shouldn't official and moreover, European and International terminology go above own made up stuff?:The Integrated Environmental Permitting Guidelines for EECCA Countries
35 days
agree Michael Beijer : I would also go with: "integrated physical environment permit (‘omgevingsvergunning’)"
590 days
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Starting with Integrated Thank you alll for your enthousiasm! "
4 mins

environmental permit

vergunning = license / permit, but in this case definitely permit
Note from asker:
environmental is indeed too narrow, see comment by Sindy Cremer
Peer comment(s):

neutral sindy cremer : too narrow, imho. Pls. see my ref.
18 mins
neutral Kitty Brussaard : See Sindy's reference
1 hr
neutral Michael Beijer : too narrow
1550 days
Something went wrong...
9 mins

environmental permit

This is the term I used for an EU project. A permit granted for specific activities that have an impact on the environment, such as air, soil, etc.
Example sentence:

The environmental permit is requested for the following activities

Peer comment(s):

neutral sindy cremer : too narrow, imho. Pls. see my ref.
13 mins
neutral Michael Beijer : too narrow
1550 days
Something went wrong...
42 mins

all-in-one permit for physical aspects

according to the Dutch Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu :

Note from asker:
OK, the ministry is always right! right? Thanks Marinus
Planning would indeed sound better, but again it would be too narrow.
Peer comment(s):

agree Oliver Pekelharing : Can't argue with the Dutch ministry responsible for the permit in the first place! Not one of their most eloquent translations tho...
13 mins
agree with you - it's hideous ;-)
agree Chris Hopley
35 mins
agree writeaway : As Dunglish as it gets. Don't think a native Anglo was involved (certainly hope not at least). Personally I'd avoid using it -would keep the NL and just use all-purpose environmental permit or something. What a howler. /and just omit omgeving?
43 mins
agree, but would avoid the use of 'environmental'. All-purpose planning permit?//maybe not, but doesn't environmental have too much of a 'milieu' ring to it?
agree Kitty Brussaard : 'All-purpose planning permit' would sound a lot better, but who are we to disagree with the Dutch Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu .... :-)
1 hr
neutral Tina Vonhof (X) : I wouldn't adopt a wrong translation by the Dutch ministry. No native English-speaking person would understand what this means.
3 hrs
fair enough ... so what would you suggest?
agree Laura Byrne :
811 days
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5 hrs

environment permit

'environment permit' as opposed to an 'environmental permit' allows changes to be made, not only to scenery, but also buildings,
particularly listed buildings or 'Rijksmonumenten'
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22 hrs

planning permission

If this translation is for the UK or British English usage then it is

planning permission

Note added at 1 day7 hrs (2011-10-13 17:48:23 GMT)

Planning permission covers quite a range of activities, including all that you have listed.
Note from asker:
The translation is intended for foreign companies active in the Netherlands. The 'omgevingsvergunning' includes things like discharging waste water, cleaning up contaminated soil, placing a billboard on your exterior wall, etc. I don't think the planning permission covers all that
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2619 days

universal planning permit

a late entry here, but universal is surely better than 'all-in-one'
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Reference comments

21 mins


(…) Deze vergunning vervangt veel vergunningen op het gebied van wonen, ruimte, milieu en natuur. Als u meerdere toestemmingen nodig hebt, is de omgevingsvergunning voldoende.
Een voorbeeld: vroeger had u twee toestemmingen nodig wanneer u bijvoorbeeld een beschermd monument wilde verbouwen. U moest dan een bouwvergunning en monumentenvergunning aanvragen. Dit betekende dat u twee procedures moest doorlopen. Met de komst van de omgevingsvergunning is dit verleden tijd. U hebt nog maar één vergunning nodig en u hoeft dus maar één procedure te doorlopen.

Een greep uit de producten die zijn ondergebracht in de omgevingsvergunning:
• aanlegvergunning;
• sloopvergunning;
• ontheffing bestemmingsplan;
• bouwvergunning;
• monumentenvergunning;
• ontheffing verbod lozen afvalwater;
• uitweg/inritvergunning;
• vergunning voor alarminstallatie aan een woning of gebouw;
• kapvergunning;
• milieuvergunning;
• provinciaal project besluit;
• vergunning voor handelingen in beschermd natuurgebied;
• ontheffing beschermde inheemse diersoorten Flora- en faunawet;
• reclamevergunning.

Note added at 2 days8 hrs (2011-10-14 19:14:10 GMT)

I think Fiona's suggestion is excellent. Scan OESO_tcm174-295369.pdf

"A main element of this programme is the integrated physical environment permit (omgevingsvergunning) that will integrate
different permits within the field of housing, environment and physical domain (26 in total) into one integrated permit."
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Kitty Brussaard : Klopt helemaal, heb er onlangs een aangevraagd ivm een verbouwing :-)
1 hr
agree Michael Beijer
1884 days
Something went wrong...
1550 days


omgevingsvergunning =
all-in-one permit for physical aspects
integrated physical environment permit


Note: I am currently translating this as: integrated physical environment permit (‘omgevingsvergunning’) myself.
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