Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

¡y más que resultarán!

English translation:

with even more to come!/and this is just the beginning!

Added to glossary by Edward Tully
Feb 4, 2011 11:35
13 yrs ago
Spanish term

¡y más que resultarán!

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Other
Any ideas on the translation of this term? Is this a common expression?

¡y más que resultarán!

Here it is in context, I think it's from a newspaper article:

La evolución experimentada en nuestro país en las últimas dos décadas es una buena muestra de cómo, apremiada por circunstancias impuestas por la macroeconomía (rigor presupuestario, contención del déficit, convergencia europea), la disminución de fondos presupuestarios asignados directamente a la inversión no sólo no ha generado una depresión de la actividad económica, sino que ha servido de acicate para la incorporación de nuevos agentes y nuevas fórmulas de colaboración público-privada, que han resultado esenciales (¡y más que resultarán!) para amplificar la inversión total del sector público.

Thank you!!
Change log

Feb 7, 2011 16:05: Edward Tully Created KOG entry

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Non-PRO (1): ARS54

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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philgoddard Feb 7, 2011:
You do know that the first character is an upside-down exclamation mark, and not an i, as you've written?

Proposed translations

28 mins

with even more to come!/and this is just the beginning!

2 options that seem to suit the tone...
Peer comment(s):

agree prosperlife : ¨...nuevas fórmulas....esenciales¨is the topic. And many more to come!
36 mins
many thanks! ;-)
agree Mónica Hanlan
3 hrs
thank you! ;-)
agree kalungo
3 hrs
thank you! ;-)
agree Marjory Hord
16 hrs
thank you Marjory! ;-)
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Edward, great suggestion which fits into the context nicely."
10 mins

which have become (and will become even more) essential to

It's a bit tricky to phrase but you could consider this.
Something went wrong...
45 mins

And which will prove to be ever more so

...'Which have turned out to be essential, and will prove to be ever more so'...
Something went wrong...
6 hrs

which have become, and will prove to be even more, essential to ....

which have become, and will prove to be even more, essential to ....
Peer comment(s):

neutral ARS54 : ...practically identical to Bill's answer (at 10 minutes...), :-)
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
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