Glossary entry (derived from question below)
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English term
On the surface, break-even analysis is a tool to calculate at which sales volume the variable and fixed costs of producing your product will be recovered. Another way to look at it is that the break-even point is the point at which your product stops costing you money to produce and sell, and starts to generate a profit for your company. (Weatherhead School of Management)
Generally, an initial break-even analysis focuses on a relatively narrow range of sales volume in which variable costs are simple to calculate. (JBV's Competitive Edge)
A senior executive at Associated Newspapers has predicted that the London freesheet it is launching today will break even within four years, sooner than expected in its original business plan. (
4 +2 | 收支平衡;盈亏平衡;收支相抵;扯平 |
Frank Wang
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4 | 损益平衡 |
William He
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Oct 2, 2008 23:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
Oct 5, 2008 23:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
Note added at 6 hrs (2008-10-03 06:10:46 GMT)
收支平衡点(Break-even Point)就是收益与损失相等的那一点, 它能够反映投资何时将产生积极回报。 收支平衡点也是销售收入与成本费用相等的那一点, 或者是总成本与总收入相等的那一点。 在收支平衡点处,既没有盈利,也没有损失。 在制定价格和决定边际利润之后,收支平衡点就成了盈利水平的底线,因此,在经营管理中,把握好收支平衡点非常重要。 (12MANAGE)
损益平衡分析,是用于研究成本、销售收入与利润三者关系的一项重要分析方法。损益平衡 分析,就其性质而言,基本是一个由企业的总成本曲线和总收入曲线组成的损益平衡图 ... (MBA智库百科)
损益平衡点,即指产销数量在某一数额时,无利益之获得,也不发生损失,收入恰等於成本费用,损益为零。产销量如超过此点即有利益可得,产销量如低於此点,即可能发生损失,该点即为损益平衡点。 (雅虎知识堂)
Thank you for your input! |
As I let my paying membership lapse last year. However, were I allowed to, I'd suggest "item amount". "Concepto is usually an "item" or "entry" in this context. And I see no mention of "total" in the original (pax David-H). |
Item amount. |
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