Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

sentinta penala

English translation:

judgment in criminal case

Added to glossary by Lia Sabau
Sep 10, 2008 11:07
16 yrs ago
41 viewers *
Romanian term

sentinta penala

Romanian to English Law/Patents Law (general)
sentinta penala
Change log

Sep 24, 2008 05:46: Lia Sabau Created KOG entry


Liviu-Lee Roth Sep 11, 2008:
Pt.Nina abea sunt la sfarsitul literei "A"... way to go!
Nina Iordache Sep 11, 2008:
Pentru Liviu: Este grozav, Liviu! Te rugam sa ne spui cand va fi gata ca sa putem si noi sa ne inspiram de acolo!
Liviu-Lee Roth Sep 11, 2008:
pt.Nina: Mea culpa! aveam in minte disputa dintre penal(criminal) sentence si Civil sentence (care nu exista in US)
Este corect criminal sentence! Iar despre glosar, vezi cine l-a intocmit!
de aceea lucrez la el acum sa clarificam niste aspecte gresite.
Nina Iordache Sep 11, 2008:
Pentru Liviu: 1. Glosarul respectiv contine Criminal Sentence si deci nu este un termen tradus, prin urmare ar fi OK.
2. Pentru raspunsul meu am dat un link de la GDT care este cat se poate de limpede pentru "conviction".
Liviu-Lee Roth Sep 11, 2008:
am citit acel Glossary din CA si impreuna cu California Superior Court lucrez la el ca sa il corectez si imbunatatesc (contine foarte multe greseli cat si termeni netradusi)- pt. Nina

Proposed translations

7 mins

judgment in criminal case

Vladimir Hanga - Dict. juridic rom-engl.

Note added at 9 minute (2008-09-10 11:17:19 GMT)

sau "judgement in criminal case"

Note added at 11 minute (2008-09-10 11:19:27 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

agree Bogdan Burghelea
33 mins
Multumesc frumos!
agree Liviu-Lee Roth : de acord, dar n-am intalnit vreodata " No..." pt. "Sentinta Penala Nr..."..
15 hrs
Multumesc frumos!
23 hrs
Multumesc frumos!
agree Iosif JUHASZ
1 day 17 hrs
Multumesc, Iosif!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
16 mins
Romanian term (edited): sentinţă penală

criminal judgement

"Progress in these cases would be helped by an unambiguous criminal judgement against the firm; without that, proving liability in a civil courtroom may prove too complicated."

Note added at 21 minute (2008-09-10 11:29:55 GMT)

v. şi
Peer comment(s):

23 hrs
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

criminal verdict (fusing conviction and sentence)

In the UK, there can be (appeal against) 1. conviction on finding guilty = criminal finding and/or 2. the sentence imposed.

I can't work out - from the above and previous answers - if such a distinction is made in Rom e.g. if the sentence is pedeapsa etc.

Example sentence:

White college students’ racial attitudes were assessed before and after the O. J. Simpson *criminal verdict*. The authors tested two models, derived from the ...

Peer comment(s):

neutral Liviu-Lee Roth : "verdict"is given by the jury, and the judge gives the sentence
6 hrs
You're right. I wanted to avoid judgment, conviction and/or sentence, though.
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

criminal sentence/ sentence in a criminal case

Domaine(s) : - droit
droit pénal


peine n. f.
terme normalisé par l’Office québécois de la langue française Équivalent(s) English sentence

Définition :
Sanction applicable à une personne ayant commis une infraction.

Sous-entrée(s) :
terme(s) à éviter

Note(s) :
Le tribunal n'impose pas une peine au délinquant, mais la prononce contre lui ou la lui inflige. On peut dire également qu'un délinquant est puni ou frappé d'une peine, ou condamné à une peine.
Dans le même sens mais dans un registre plus familier, par exemple dans un texte journalistique, on relève abondamment l'emploi figuré du verbe écoper, verbe transitif direct (ex. écoper cinq années de prison) mais aussi transitif indirect et donc suivi dans cet emploi de la préposition de (ex. écoper de cinq années de prison).
Quant à la loi, elle édicte ou prévoit des peines.

Éviter les anglicismes sentence (ce mot existe en français dans un autre sens) et sentencé (l'usage ancien connaissait sentencié, remplacé par condamné dans l'usage moderne). Le mot sentence n'est correct que dans le cas où on peut y substituer les mots jugement ou décision; autrement on doit parler de peine.


utilizari ale expresiei ( in materiale de limba engleza)<1241:...

Peer comment(s):

agree Liviu-Lee Roth : am mai discutat problema aceasta: este simplu "sentence", fara "criminal"; daca cititi cu atentie textul(nu numai titlul!) din georgiafederalcriminal, rezulta ca este cum am afirmat
5 hrs
agree Nina Iordache :
15 hrs
multumesc frumos
agree Rose Marie Matei (X) : pentru Sentence, de acord si cu remarca lui Liviu
19 hrs
remarca e incorecta , In law, a sentence forms the final act of a judge-ruled process,iar aici se discuta hotararea unui judecator
Something went wrong...
1 hr



Note added at 23 hrs (2008-09-11 11:01:12 GMT)

Conform GDT!
Peer comment(s):

neutral Liviu-Lee Roth : condamnare
14 hrs
Something went wrong...
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