Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

di cui alla memoria di parte convenuta

English translation:

according to preliminary brief of the present party

Added to glossary by biancaf202
Jul 26, 2002 12:23
22 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Italian term

di cui alla memoria di parte convenuta

Italian to English Law/Patents
sul capitolo 1 "di cui alla memoria di parte convenuta" 30.3.99 risponde: Confermo che a partire dall'inizio dell'anno 1999 il prodotto oggetto del brevetto veniva venduto an un prezzo....

Proposed translations

52 mins

according to preliminary brief of the present party

more or less,
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you"
2 hrs

I believe a bit more context would have been appropriate, esp. in intended for the USA.

In the USA a brief is a very specific element filed by counsel presenting arguments that is filed with an appellate court.
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4 hrs

Vd sotto

"Parte convenuta" could well mean

"defendant" (respondent, if we are talking about a divorce).

With respect to (or: in reference to)
the defendant's brief, lodged on .....

In a legal case there are always two "parti in causa"
1- "Attore" [plaintiff, claimant, complainant; (in cause di divorzio) petitioner] e

2- "convenuto" [defendant; (spec in cause di divorzio) respondent]

"The present party" as previously suggested, in my opinion, is meaningless".

Buon lavoro,

Giuseppe (Melecci)


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4 hrs

Vd sotto

"Parte convenuta" could well mean

"defendant" (respondent, if we are talking about a divorce).

With respect to (or: in reference to)
the defendant's brief, lodged on .....

In a legal case there are always two "parti in causa"
1- "Attore" [plaintiff, claimant, complainant; (in cause di divorzio) petitioner] e

2- "convenuto" [defendant; (spec in cause di divorzio) respondent]

"The present party" as previously suggested, in my opinion, is meaningless".

Buon lavoro,

Giuseppe (Melecci)


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