Jan 30, 2002 22:23
22 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Latin term

ceterius paribus

Non-PRO Latin to English Bus/Financial Economics economics
this phrase is being thrown around in my macro economics class and no one can give me a word for word literal translation of the phrase, not even the teacher who uses it so willingly

Proposed translations

14 mins

All OTHER things being equal

Cecilia's completely right, of course, about the idiomatic equivalent in English, but note that "ceteris" [sblative absolute] means "the rest, the remainder," as in "et cetera" [neuter nominative plural) ("and other things").
Peer comment(s):

agree Nigel Patterson
41 mins
agree Flavio Ferri-Benedetti
16 hrs
agree Umit Altug
20 hrs
disagree John Kinory (X) : This is not a translation but a 'transliteration', since idiomatic English is not simply the Latin words rendered into English and then strung together literally.
1 day 22 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
6 mins

Every thing other is fixed , other things means does not change

dear Matthew that is not a simple word in that context, when you have a lot of variable f(x,y,..) and when you want only understand, let us say price to quantity relation you say ceterius paribus that is all other things does not change , or not varied.
That means partial differentiation in mathematical context.

Note added at 2002-01-31 10:18:20 (GMT)

That means all (other) things being equal but that does not mean anything to asker, It is used to find out or to focus on the relation between two variable one dependent and other is independent in that context. In short, it also means partial derivative of such dependent variable with respect to independent one.
Peer comment(s):

disagree John Kinory (X) : Dear Tayfun, no offence but you cannot offer a translation into English that is not correct English.
1 hr
Well, I changed the sentence and then forget to delete some words, Don't worry about my English translations
disagree Antoinette Verburg : This is not correct English. As to your note to John: if you notice any mistakes in your answer, you should either add a note, or just 'hide' your answer
8 hrs
I have nothing to hide, if it is not correct english ok, but do not judge or condemn persons but only criticize answers !!!
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6 mins

all things being equal

It's a formula.
Peer comment(s):

agree John Kinory (X) : Indeed
1 hr
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15 mins

all other things equal

ceterus = other
par = equal
See reference.

Hope this helps.

Note added at 2002-01-31 07:24:19 (GMT)

More examples:

\'All other things equal, going from very low income to higher income, predicted adequacy decreases\' (http://www.hec.ohio-state.edu/hanna/sowhat.htm);

\'All other things equal, it reduces unnecessary travel and preserves open space\' (http://www.bayweekly.com/year00/issue8_34/reflect8_34.html);

\'After a stock repurchase there are fewer shares of common stock outstanding and therefore, all other things equal, earnings per share is increased\' (http://web.utk.edu/~jwachowi/tfquiz/tf18.html);

\'A decrease in the supply of a good or service will, all other things equal,
a. Increase equilibrium price and quantity of the good/service\' (http://lamar.colostate.edu/~alex/EC202H/test100.html);

and so on and so forth. :)
Peer comment(s):

disagree John Kinory (X) : That cannot stand on its own as a phrase
1 hr
Sorry to correct you, John, but it most certainly can! You'll find 2.300 sites on www.google.com to prove it, e.g. http://ebusiness.dci.com/articles/1998/06/25radin.htm, http://www.hec.ohio-state.edu/hanna/sowhat.htm, etc., etc.
agree Flavio Ferri-Benedetti : Indeed it can, and reminds me the clarity and brevity of Latin's absolute ablative. Very good!
16 hrs
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20 hrs

On translating into your own language

Here we go again ...

1. Tayfun: nobody is 'condemning' you, and to claim they do is not just an untruth but an inflammatory slur. Your proposed translation is atrocious English, and I will continue to criticise such offerings. This question was posted under Latin>English, and only correct, or reasonably passable, English should be posted.

2. Mirror: I notice you claim to translate into 4 languages. No serious professional can do that, or claim they do. Is English your native language? Do you live in England? I do, and translate into English, and I tell you this phrase does not feel right: it is not idiomatic, whether or not it is grammatically a 'pass'.
Throwing Google hits about proves very little.

3. Flavio: Latin may have all the things you claim for it, but this is into English, not into Latin. We are dealing with a translation, not simply 'transliterating' the Latin into English. As such, it fails.
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1 day 2 hrs

Still condemnation

You are still condemning all.
You can not determine wheter a person can translate into English or not just looking at an answer,
I do translate from Turkish into English :
Medical, sociological,Legal,Scientific
however they may need a proofreading by
a native speaker (but a qualified one).

As you know translation pairs and Interest pairs may be different, these are pairs your are not good at traslation but you only have an orientation toward or interest in them.
As for latin, that is not a latin question at all !
Why? : This word like many latin origin words used in jargons.(legal, Medical,etc.)
You need not ELIMINATE any answer,if you have superior one, let them live together, superior will be un-"naturally" selected by asker.!
I respect any critics, and they add something valuable to me more than any "agree" can do.
However if you go on this way you will "inflame" a desire in me to learn Hebrew and answer them as well.

Peer comment(s):

disagree John Kinory (X) : Oh, so you've been to my page, have you? And you are going to answer Hebrew questions too, from now on? OK, be my guest [LOLOL]
20 hrs
OK do'not laugh so loud on line, if you want discuss such things there are forums.By the way Congatulations for your showroom
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