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Added to glossary by Spa-trans
May 31, 2005 01:41
19 yrs ago
41 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Law/Patents Law (general) Passport
United States Passport
" permit the citizen / national of the United States named herein..."
How do you translate "national"?
Thank you!!


Daniel Burns (X) May 31, 2005:
To further confuse the issue, "national" is sometimes used as a synonym of "citizen", even in the U. S. Immigration Act, but I am a retired U. S. immigration officer and had this drummed into me during training. "S�bdito" I just happened to find.
Juan Jacob May 31, 2005:
...suena a rey-siervo, casi casi. Soy de nacionalidad belga, pero jam�s me tratar�n -ni dejar� que lo hagan- como s�bdito pues, a mi entender, tiene una connotaci�n negativa equivalente a "sumisi�n".
Carlos Diaz de Leon May 31, 2005:
There are several offical U.S. sites that refer to U.S. Nationals as "Nacionales estadounidenses", may I suggest you corroborate in Google?
Juan Jacob May 31, 2005:
Muy interesante tu apunte, Daniel. �Diferencias entre nacional, oriundo, ciudadano, s�bdito? Tu enlace sin embargo no me convence, pues dice: "pueden competir por puestos competitivos.", lo cual no tiene ning�n sentido. S�bdito, en espa�ol...
Daniel Burns (X) May 31, 2005:
A link on this subject:
CITES BY TOPIC: "National" (citizenship) Open this result in new window
... are not entirely synonymous; one can be a national of the United States and yet not a citizen ... only remaining noncitizen nationals are residents of
Daniel Burns (X) May 31, 2005:
I don't know if there is any equivalent in Spanish for the usage of "national" here, but it is important to realize that a "national" of the U. S. is not the same as a citizen. This term is used for natives of the outlying possessions; American Samoa, etc

Proposed translations

26 mins


Pero tiene un importe especial, no es ciudadano ni natural ni originario de Estados Unidos, se refiere a los habitantes de otros territorios que quedaron sujetos a EE.UU. Pongo "nacional", pues no creo que el término tenga otra equivalencia posible.

Para mayores aclaraciones: -

Peer comment(s):

agree Carlos Diaz de Leon : Totalmente de acuerdo. U.S. National = Nacional estadounidense
29 mins
Gracias, Carlos.
agree daviniact
8 hrs
Gracias, Davinia.
agree Ana Brause : En Uy, Cédulas de Identidad expedidas a personas que no son uruguayas dicen al dorso: Nacional uruguayo Ley XXX (o Constitución XX) Creo que no hay problema utilizando la palabra "nacional" Saludos!!
10 hrs
Gracias, Ana.
agree Christina Courtright : suficiente
11 hrs
Gracias, Courtright.
agree Daniel Burns (X) : I agree, if the distinction between "citizen" and "national" is understood, but it appears from most responses that it is not.
15 hrs
Gracias, Dan.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "¡Mil gracias a todos! Elijo esta respuesta por la fundamentación y referencia. "
1 min

nativo, natural, originario de, ciudadano de

Según Simon & Schuster's.
Buena suerte y saludos del Oso ¶:^)

Note added at 2005-05-31 01:45:07 (GMT)

Y también simplemente *nacional*

1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo a una nación.
2. adj. ***Natural de una nación, en contraposición a extranjero.***
Peer comment(s):

agree Nitza Ramos : Hola Oso..... llego el verano y salió el sol!!!!
0 min
landesman, thank you very much......xen
agree Alicia Casal
2 mins
Muchas gracias, Alicia. ¡Saludos! ¶:^)
agree Walter Landesman
5 mins
Muchas gracias, landesman ¶:^)
agree Juan Jacob : "Originario de" es el término acuñado en México. Debo rectificar: "oriundo de" también es usado.
5 mins
Hola Juan, gracias, estoy tomando el sol ¶;^)//Oriundo también es muy buena, gracias, Juan ¶:^)
agree mar52
7 mins
Muchas gracias, Mar ¶:^)
agree colemh : 8-). Me encanta la pinta ("look") veraniega. Cariños.
14 mins
¡Hola colemh! ¡Muchas gracias! Me da mucho gusto que te guste mi pinta. Un abrazo ¶:^)
agree juani
56 mins
Muchas gracias, juani ¶:^)
agree Gabriela Rodriguez
1 hr
¡Un sinfín de gracias, Gaby! ¶:^)
agree Maria Elisa Manfrino : válidas opciones!
5 hrs
Muchas gracias, Elisa ¶:^)
agree Anabel Martínez : natural
5 hrs
Muchas gracias, Anabel ¶:^)
agree Carlos José Mota Cardona : Ciudadano. Summer on, Oso!
10 hrs
Hola Traduce, ¡muchas gracias y a disfrutar del verano! ¶:^)
Something went wrong...
2 mins

nacional / natural de los Estados Unidos ....

Peer comment(s):

agree Ana Brause : Estoy de acuerdo con nacional (se utiliza también en mi país). Saludos! =o)
10 hrs
Muchas gracias, Ana........saludos a ti también.......xen
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14 hrs

"ciudadano estadounidense"

Deduzco que se trata de un ciudadano estadounidense con el pasaporte en regla. En base a ello, hago la siguiente propuesta:

...para permitir al ciudadano estadounidense acreedor del presente pasaporte...
Something went wrong...
48 mins


This is the term used by this official U. S. government website to differentiate between U. S. citizens (persons born in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam and the U. S. Virgin Islands) from those born in the Outlying Possessions (e. g., American Samoa). These latter persons can freely enter the U. S. and naturalize, but until they do so their status is different from that of U. S. citizens, and their passports are so noted.

Note added at 56 mins (2005-05-31 02:38:22 GMT)

\"subdito\" Apparently my tilde is not working. The link below discusses the status of the non-citizen U. S. nationals of American Samoa.

Note added at 57 mins (2005-05-31 02:38:48 GMT)

Faleomavaega Introduces Naturalization Bill Open this result in new window
... in the U.S. Territory of American Samoa are nationals of the United States, but not citizens, at birth ... For more than 103 years, American Samoans who are U.S. nationals have ... - More from

Note added at 1 hr 26 mins (2005-05-31 03:08:12 GMT)

The link that was not included in my note to asker:
This includes a fairly full discussion of the subject, and helpfully explains the difference between \"national of the United States\" (includes both citizens and nationals) and \"national but not a citizen of the United States\".

Note added at 1 hr 34 mins (2005-05-31 03:15:52 GMT)

This site does cause some confusion. Its states that under the Internal Revenue laws non-citizen nationals are \"non-resident aliens\", which is simply wrong as far as citizenship is concerned.

Note added at 1 hr 47 mins (2005-05-31 03:29:26 GMT)

Note added at 1 hr 50 mins (2005-05-31 03:32:31 GMT)

I resubmitted the above link as it did not seem to work the first time.

Note added at 2 hrs 20 mins (2005-05-31 04:02:07 GMT)

This site uses the term \"nacionales\" but in quotation marks:
Los samoanos son considerados \"nacionales\" de los Estados Unidos, pero sin derecho a votar en las elecciones nacionales estadounidenses si residen en las islas.

Note added at 15 hrs 58 mins (2005-05-31 17:39:51 GMT)

My LaRousse defines \"súbdito\" as: \"Persona que es natural o tiene la nacionalidad de un país y está sujeta a sus autoridades políticas.\" This seems to me to describe the status of American Samoans.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Carlos Diaz de Leon : I just swa your reference. It does in fact refer to them as "súbditos", but I am still not convinced. "Súbdito" me suena a monarquía, y sigue siendo un ciudadano (los "Nacionales" no lo son)
12 mins
It doesn't sound just right to me either, but I could find nothing in Spanish dealling with this little-known distinction, and my main interest was in letting the asker know what the specialized meaning was here.
agree Margarita Palatnik (X) : well, súbdito in the context of colonies makes perfect sense to me, regardless of considerations of political correctness or the absence thereof....
6 hrs
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