Russian term
выше головы не прыгнешь
Nov 2, 2005 21:27: Natalie changed "Term asked" from "Jump higher than your head" to "�� ����� �� �����"
Proposed translations
I found this on (suitable for E>R)
... Among the other possible contenders was the even more common, vyshe golovy ne prygnesh' (you can't jump higher than your head). ... - 4k - Supplemental Result -
Note added at 2005-11-02 21:02:00 (GMT)
Lubensky\'s R>E Dictionary of Idioms offers this for that expression:
A person can only do so much.
\"I can\'t work miracles\" is about the same idea
agree |
Inga Jurkeviciute
: Выше головы не прыгнешь. You can’t jump higher than your own head. (You can do only as much as you can, you cannot work miracles.)
3 mins
agree |
: Right. The question should have been asked using Russian for the source
20 mins
agree |
Ewa Odrobinska
: I like it the best, too :) Both expressions given above are a perfect equivalent
59 mins
agree |
Alexander Demyanov
6 hrs
agree |
Maruf Rahimov
6 hrs
agree |
19 hrs
In over your head?
Did you mean this to be an English-English question?
one is not bound to see more than he can
it's impossible to hoist oneself by one's own boots straps;
one is not bound to see more than he can;
there is no building a bridge across the ocean;
you can't bite off more than you can chew;
you can't jump over your own head;
eg. "something is over my head" , see explanation below
In newsroom politics, "going over my head" means that somebody spoke to my editor about something I think they should have come to me about. Going to my boss instead of me (or after me) makes me look bad.
It happens when someone goes to the boss' boss with a beef or issue.
Let me know if is was something you was looking for or if I understood what you need correctly.
Note added at 9 mins (2005-11-02 20:55:35 GMT)
This is the article where I got these explanations from:
Note added at 17 mins (2005-11-02 21:03:36 GMT)
if I am not capable of doing something = it's way over my head.
one can't tumble over oneself
... to tumble over oneself прыгнуть выше головы; ...
You can't stand a head taller than you are
You can't bite off more than you can chew
There’s a limit to what you can do
You can't stand head and shoulders above yourelf
One can do only so much and no more
It's impossible to hoist yourself by your own boots straps
There is no building a bridge across the ocean
Gary, I need to translate that exact Russian expression" "vyshe golovy ne prygnesh'". I thought there was a very similar American equivalent. "In over your head" has a completely different meaning, though.