Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

margem de vitória no limite

English translation:

(... of the) margin of victory (MOV) at its limit

Added to glossary by Lilian Magalhães
Sep 27, 2015 21:41
9 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Portuguese term

margem de vitória no limite

Portuguese to English Bus/Financial Government / Politics política
A regressão descontínua padrão supõe que os resultados potenciais devem ser funções contínuas da margem de vitória no limite (Angrist e Pischke,2009).

Proposed translations

14 hrs

(... of the) margin of victory (MOV) at its limit

Margin of Victory (MOV), segundo

To capture the causal e§ect of incumbency, Lee looks at the likelihood a Democratic candidate wins as
a function of relative vote shares in the previous election. SpeciÖcally, he exploits the fact that an election
winner is determined by di = 1(xi  :0), where xi
is the vote share margin of victory (e.g., the di§erence
between the Democratic and Republican vote shares when these are the two largest parties). Note that,
because di
is a deterministic function of xi
, there are no confounding variables other than xi
. This is a
signal feature of the RD setup. & Pischke, 2009 "...
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