Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

builders/building plaque

Spanish translation:

Placa del constructor (o placa de construcción)

Added to glossary by Robert Mavros
Dec 21, 2009 13:37
15 yrs ago
English term

builders/building plaque

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Ships, Sailing, Maritime Yachts class rules
Hi, I have just finished translating a significant project and there are a few terms I would appreciate you help me with. It's from a technical document describing class rules of yachts and different parts of yachts and I would like to know the exact term. I very much appreciate your input and help.

Context is :
(a) The hull shall carry the Builders Plaque permanently placed in the cockpit.
ISAF shall, after having received the International Class Fee for the hull, send the ISAF Building Plaque."

Thanks a lot :)


Robert Mavros (asker) Dec 22, 2009:
Gracias :)
Javier G. Soria Dec 22, 2009:
Por si ayuda
En el Certificado de Matrícula constan una serie de datos tales como:

a) Nombre del buque y de su propietario o armador.
b) Tipo de buque y características particulares.
c) Dimensiones.
d) Tonelajes de arqueo o registro.

pero creo que a lo que refieres es el equivalente al no chasis de un coche.

Proposed translations

10 mins

Placa del constructor (o placa de construcción)

La autoridad Internacional de la Clase es la ISAF, la cual cooperara con la ..... de popa y la placa del constructor dentro del espejo de popa (ver regla ...
Note from asker:
thanks, much appreciated :) Thanks for the link to class rule too :D
Peer comment(s):

agree Victoria Frazier
2 hrs
Gracias, Victoria
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
10 mins

placa del constructor

Don't think there's a standard term for this small brass or aluminium plaque with the builder's certificate of construction conforming to class and EEC rules.
Note from asker:
thanks, much appreciated :)
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