Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
disintegrations from the energies
Romanian translation:
dezintegrarea energiilor
Added to glossary by
Nov 7, 2012 14:42
12 yrs ago
English term
disintegrations from the energies
English to Romanian
Medical (general)
. . use a blue glass between the body and the source of the light
or the light itself. This would make for such an effect upon the
tissue as to retard the tendencies for infectious reaction, because
of the lack of coagulation and the *removal by the flow of impulse
of disintegrations from the energies* of the body-exercise; and
would also tend to make for healing forces.
or the light itself. This would make for such an effect upon the
tissue as to retard the tendencies for infectious reaction, because
of the lack of coagulation and the *removal by the flow of impulse
of disintegrations from the energies* of the body-exercise; and
would also tend to make for healing forces.
Proposed translations
1 | dezintegrarea energiilor | Sandra & Kenneth Grossman |
Proposed translations
2 hrs
dezintegrarea energiilor
Fraza asta nu are predicat si e perfect ambigua.
Poate fi:
1. extragerea/inlaturarea dezintegrarii energiilor de catre fluxul de impulsuri [creat de lumina aceea filtrata prin sticla albastra].
2. inlaturarea [infectiei?] de catre fluxul de impulsuri rezultat din dezintegrarea energiilor
ori altceva...
Tind sa ghichesc spre [1]
Indiferent ce alegi, important e sa sune coerent...
Note added at 1 day18 hrs (2012-11-09 08:45:15 GMT) Post-grading
Poate fi:
1. extragerea/inlaturarea dezintegrarii energiilor de catre fluxul de impulsuri [creat de lumina aceea filtrata prin sticla albastra].
2. inlaturarea [infectiei?] de catre fluxul de impulsuri rezultat din dezintegrarea energiilor
ori altceva...
Tind sa ghichesc spre [1]
Indiferent ce alegi, important e sa sune coerent...
Note added at 1 day18 hrs (2012-11-09 08:45:15 GMT) Post-grading
Note from asker:
Drago Sangro, am constatat ca uneori singurul mod de a obtine coerenta este utilizarea foarfecului :) ... dar inainte, im ifac datoria sa mai dau o sansa. |
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Multumesc mult! E o chestie sa dai forma unei propozitii (vorba vine, ca n-are predicat)care poate ca nu are sens :)"
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