The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Serbian to English Idioms / Maxims / Sayings Translation Glossary

Serbian term English translation
šaka jada wretched
šišati ovce Sheep are for fleecing
da me zelja mine indulge me
držati sveću. Play gooseberry
gurnuti u vatru "to be thrown in at the deep end"
Hleb sa sedam kora bread with seven crusts
Kadija ti sudi kadija te tuži judge, jury and executioner
Ko neće brata za brata, on će tuđina za gospodara a house divided against itself cannot stand
Latini su stare varalice Latins are old cheats
Magareća klupa naughty chair
na izvolte (na izvolite) for the asking
ne da se meni sitno samleti There’s no fence against ill fortune
ničija nije gorela do zore Nothing lasts forever
Od igle do lokomotive from soup to nuts
Pas laje, vetar nosi \"Though the dogs bark the caravan moves on\"
Poštovati kućni red act according to the rules of conduct
pomoću štapa i kanapa in a makeshift manner
puj pike, ne važi the deal is off
Pustiti niz vodu Throw someone under the bus/Sell down the river
s prljavom vodom izbaciti i dete throwing the baby out with the bathwater
sit gladnom ne veruje The fat sow knows not what the lean one thinks
u hodu as I go along
Udarna pesnica the battering ram of ... / the attack dog of ... / the bludgeon of ...
Vetar u leđa wind in one\'s sails
Vidimo se u nekom drugom filmu (I\'ll) see you when I see you
zavijati u oblande (to) sugarcoat
\"Ne može šut s rogatim\" (Can not) kick against the pricks
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