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Search results: (162 matches)
Translation Theory and Practice TM Maintenance Gold or max [quote]Stepan Konev wrote: I use Excel and
TMX/TBX editors like Goldpan Editor, TMX Editor
from Maxprograms, Heartsome TMX Editor. I prefer
Maxprograms TMX Editor because it can search
Roy Williams May 24, 2022
Translation Theory and Practice TM Maintenance Yes to all of that I'm a full-time in-houser at an automation company
so I do a lot of pre-translating and concordancing
as the technical documentation tends to be
repetitive. I also translate the market
Roy Williams May 20, 2022
Translation Theory and Practice TM Maintenance Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right
forum for this question. But as the summer tends
to be a slow period for me, I decided it would be
a good time to clean up my TMs. So, I
Roy Williams May 20, 2022
Subtitling Subtitling courses Hello all, Recently I have been looking into
expanding my services into subtitling. During my
search or online courses and training, I came
across a website called go sub. They seem
Roy Williams Jun 9, 2021
MemoQ support Changing the export path of a folder structure. Is it possible to change the export path of a
folder (imported as a folder structure) in a local
Roy Williams Aug 21, 2019
Business issues Service Level Agreements: Translator's liability for losses Tried that [quote]Walter Landesman wrote: [quote]Kaya
Green wrote: What is people's experience of
these agreements, is it common to have to agree to
a clause like this? [/quote] I was asked
Roy Williams Jan 31, 2019
CafeTran support New to Cafe Tran Thanks! [quote]Jean Dimitriadis wrote: Hello, With
the translation memories loaded, you can
use: Translate > Insert all exact matches. This
action searches all source segments for exact
Roy Williams Nov 27, 2018
CafeTran support New to Cafe Tran Experimienting with CafeTrans I'm also new to Cafe trans and have been playing
around with it recently. The problem I'm having is
that I can't seem to find the pretranslation
function to leverage existing matches from
Roy Williams Nov 20, 2018
Translation news Amazon releases its own neural MT service Really This can't be good Roy Williams Apr 18, 2018
Software applications Best OCR and translator program Try Small Pdf I've had good results here
It converts Pdf to Word and other formats as well.
With the free version, you can convert two files
per hour. It does a really good job o
Roy Williams Jan 26, 2018
Money matters To Plus or not to Plus? I see your reasoning [quote]Anton Konashenok wrote: [quote]I'm
reconsidering becoming a paid member again
(business has picked up over the last few
years).[/quote] My reasoning is entirely
opposite t
Roy Williams Jan 16, 2018
Money matters To Plus or not to Plus? After having let my membership lapse some time
ago, I'm reconsidering becoming a paid member
again (business has picked up over the last few
years). While the Plus package seems attractive
Roy Williams Jan 15, 2018
German Warnung vor dem Online Business Verlag Vielen Dank! Danke für die Warnung! Roy Williams Nov 13, 2017
CAT Tools Technical Help How to quickly correct a translation using XBench? Thanks! @Riccardo and Pep, I'm up and running! Thanks for
your help!
Roy Williams Oct 9, 2017
CAT Tools Technical Help How to quickly correct a translation using XBench? Notepad opens by default Hi Riccardo, Thanks for the info. I did notice
that for .xtm files, xbench calls Notepad when I
have the default settings selected. However, it
does not highlight the corresponding segm
Roy Williams Oct 5, 2017
CAT Tools Technical Help How to quickly correct a translation using XBench? What about cleaning up a TM? I'm also testing Xbench 3.0 and I thought it would
be a good way to also clean up my TM in MemoQ.
However I can't seem to get Xbench to open the TM
editor in MemoQ from the TMX file I impo
Roy Williams Oct 4, 2017
Getting established Requirements for translators in Austria Eur 120 / year In Austria, translation falls under the category
Sprachdienstleistung. This also includes
interpreting, and language instruction. For
translation, at least when I applied for a
Roy Williams Sep 12, 2017
Money matters Billing to Spain as a foreign resident freelancer - what are the tax rules? That's odd I have clients in Spain, which a bill. I've never
paid nor had tax withheld from amounts due. In the
agreement it was even stated that as a freelancer
I was responsible for my own taxes a
Roy Williams Jul 17, 2017 Translator Coop Call for Site Testers: has a new site navigation that needs your test driving Nice! Like it a lot, navigating is a lot simpler now.
I'm definitely keeping it.
Roy Williams Jul 13, 2017
Internet for translators Do you use Skype? Not at all I have quite a few clients with whom I'm connected
on skype. It's actually faster than waiting for
one to check their e-mail. You can even send and
receive files. During business hours, my
Roy Williams Dec 7, 2016
Business issues TM Town... and what if you only work with clients' TM's? correct [quote]Mirko Mainardi wrote: [quote]Jo
Macdonald wrote: The directory search looks
pretty much like a Proz search but I don't know
what the ranking is based on. [/quote] Number
Roy Williams Jul 11, 2016
TM-Town is acquiring TM-Town Will privacy still be protected? Will the TMs/work uploaded still be private and
Roy Williams Apr 13, 2016
Translator resources What do you think about this new predictive-typing translation technology? Thanks [quote]Michael J.W. Beijer wrote: I wouldn't
really worry about Tom, he doesn't even use a CAT
tool, so his opinion in such matters will
obviously be, how shall I put this? ...slightly<
Roy Williams Apr 6, 2016
Translator resources What do you think about this new predictive-typing translation technology? You assume much [quote]Tom in London wrote: Great piece of
viral advertising there. I see this campaign is
continuing unabated. [/quote] So what exactly
are you accusing me of Tom? I simply vo
Roy Williams Apr 6, 2016
Translator resources What do you think about this new predictive-typing translation technology? Tried it, liked it I checked out lilt after seeing them here on Proz.
Despite not being as feature rich as the offline
tools that I use, I think it has a great deal of
potential. It was interesting to se
Roy Williams Apr 6, 2016
Business issues My diversified client portfolio dried up! I'm a CAT person As a technical translator, CAT tools are
essential. especially at my in-house position. Yes
manuals, product descriptions and technical
documentation can be boring and ARE repetitive.
Roy Williams Feb 12, 2016
Getting established Including CV in Proz profile Have had my CV stolen I had my CV posted on this and another translator
portal. Then I was notified by the operators of a
scam-watching web site that my CV was found in the
translator data base of known scammer
Roy Williams Jan 28, 2015
Multilingual families Bilingual child, what to do and not to do? one parent, one language My wife and I follow the one parent/one language
method. Since we met and lived in the US for a
time, we still speak english with each other
although we now live in her native country
Roy Williams Jan 5, 2015
Translation news U.S. schools are saying goodbye to foreign languages Re: sad and misleading [quote]Jonathan Norris wrote: I just want to
support the other posts, first that this article
in no way reflects the state of education in the
U.S. as a whole. Simply interviewing the "C
Roy Williams Dec 23, 2014
Getting established Anyone have any experience with waste of time [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: I don't know how
much time I spent on there but it was too long.
Unless you're prepared to work for EUR 5 per hour
(less 10%) you aren't going to get any job
Roy Williams Nov 25, 2014
Money matters Has anyone ever had an agency tell them they weren't charging enough? Never ever I certainly envy all of you. I've only been asked
if I could come down with my writes. And when I
quote my minimum, I hear crickets.
Roy Williams Oct 30, 2014
German Wortpreis für Übersetzungen Deutsch <> Englisch Sie verkaufen sich unter Wert. [quote]brummsumsel wrote: Liebe Freunde und
Kollegen, Ich brauche in einer dringenden
Angelegenheit etwas Hilfe. Ich bin seit fast
10 Jahren als freiberufliche Übersetzerin tät
Roy Williams Oct 14, 2014
Translation Theory and Practice Response to Post-Machine Translation Editing Request at 50% Discount of Standard Rates I've taken a whack at it I've done some translation work of the agency in
question when I started out. That was before they
started pushing PEMPT. They weren't (and still
aren't) one of my preferred clients, but w
Roy Williams Oct 1, 2014
Marketing for language professionals Are you getting jobs through LinkedIn? Recently registered I recently registered on Linked, because I thought
it might get me some work. So far nothng, but as
some one mentioned, it is a good source of
information and some interesting reading.
Roy Williams Sep 29, 2014
Money matters Quirks in memoQ upgrade policy Another option I'm still running memoQ V6.06 as my main tool. But
I also downloaded the new version since I have
clients that use it. They simply send me an ELM
license, I log into their server then down
Roy Williams Jun 18, 2014
Scams ID theft Report Too bad [quote]Tony M wrote: [quote]Roy Williams
wrote: I've also taken my CV out of the public
domain. [/quote] I did the same, Roy — or
thought I had! Be aware, though, that your CV m
Roy Williams Apr 2, 2014
Scams ID theft Report Re: I do Well, so far I've no indication of my CV having
been used. I hope, now that I've been alerted and
have posted this information, they will be less
inclined to do so. I've also taken my CV o
Roy Williams Apr 1, 2014
Scams ID theft Report Re: ID theft [quote]Sarai Pahla wrote: I'm afraid I've
been subject to the same thing - it is very
unpleasant, but most reputable translation
agencies around the world will attempt to verify
Roy Williams Mar 31, 2014
Scams ID theft Report BB rating [quote]Thayenga wrote: On a sidenote, I am
surprised that these well-known scammers are
allowed to collect BB entries of all
5's. Thayenga [/quote] I find that odd
Roy Williams Mar 31, 2014
Scams ID theft Report Re: ID theft [quote]Jeff Whittaker wrote: I think we should
all take up a donation and hire a gang of thugs to
go and pay them a visit.

[Edited at
2014-03-31 13:04 GMT] [/quote] Are you f
Roy Williams Mar 31, 2014
Scams ID theft Report Hello all, I've just been informed via the
Scammers Intelligence Group, the operators of the
new site, that I'm listed
in the data base of the following known sc
Roy Williams Mar 31, 2014
DTP - Desktop Publishing A PDF translation using Infix walkthrough Great tutorial I tried the demo version of Infix on a simple
document and was really impressed with the result.
although I didn't delve to deeply and wasn't aware
of its full capability. Great informatio
Roy Williams Mar 18, 2014
Business issues Translator started working without PO PO please Whenever I get an inquiry, I ask for a sample. If
I accept the job, I ask specifically for a PO. If
confirmation is given in "go right ahead" email, I
keep in my customer folder. That
Roy Williams Feb 18, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help Why should I purchase CAT software? Proven useful As an in-house translator at a tech company, a cat
tool has proved invaluable. Since documentation is
continuously created for new products, many
containing similar or identical sections f
Roy Williams Nov 28, 2013
Translation news The strange rise of Denglisch more terms The ones I hate the most include: down/upgeloadet
and upgedatet
Roy Williams Nov 7, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help CAT: Trados Studio OR memoQ - which is best Not so simple The most popular doen't necessarily mean the best.
I switched from Wordfast to MemoQ some years ago
and have been completely satisfied. I tried Trados
and found it extremely cumbersome. An
Roy Williams Oct 16, 2013
Business issues I just fired an agency laughable [quote]Jeff Whittaker wrote: Jobs are assigned
to you automatically and if you do not decline
each one, it is considered that you have accepted
the project. [/quote] Well, you kno
Roy Williams May 22, 2013
Software applications Aligning and Translating InDesign Files IDML files I use MemoQ for both translation and alignment of
Indesign files, however it can only process the
IDML or INX versions thereof. If you have
InDesign you can simply export the file to e
Roy Williams May 17, 2013
Business issues Can anybody comment on my experience? German to English Translator going crazy Desensitized I've been in-house translating at a tech company
for several years now and still have this problem.
I've since become desensitized. When "suggestions"
aren't completely horrible, I simply
Roy Williams Dec 12, 2012
Translator resources What online dictionary do you hit first? Linguee Linguee is usually my first choice since its
possible to go directly to the source of the
translation for context.
Roy Williams Nov 23, 2012

Translation industry discussion forums

Open discussion on topics related to translation, interpreting and localization

Protemos translation business management system
Create your account in minutes, and start working! 3-month trial for agencies, and free for freelancers!

The system lets you keep client/vendor database, with contacts and rates, manage projects and assign jobs to vendors, issue invoices, track payments, store and manage project files, generate business reports on turnover profit per client/manager etc.

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Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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