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Search results: (135 matches)
German SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 - Programm startet nicht Beim Recherchieren habe ich diese Lösung - in englischer Sprache -
Wolf Kux Jan 7, 2018
German SDL Trados Studio 2017 SR1 - Programm startet nicht Falls möglich, eine provisorische Lösung wäre mit einer älteren Trados-Version öffnen, falls
Sie Trados 2017 als Upgrade angeschafft haben.
Ich habe mein Projekt eben mit Trados 2014
geöffnet. Natürlich ist dies eine extre
Wolf Kux Jan 7, 2018
Scams AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI) Orders [quote]Susana E. Cano Méndez
wrote: [quote]Catherine V. Howard
wrote: ** I urge other members to
check if their identity has been stolen by this
outfit as well. **
Wolf Kux Apr 15, 2016
Getting established How can you check if an outsourcer is ok Thanks for geographic location of the IP! [quote]Srini Venkataraman wrote: 1. check in
google for the company name- some may have already
reviewed the company 2. Check the company website
for address, phone nos, details of the
Wolf Kux Mar 10, 2016
General technical issues format c, or how do I save an old computer? My 2 cents: I think that reformatting is the last from the
last from the last option you can do to recover
the files or the damaged drive to use it. So,
try following: purchase Norton Utilities f
Wolf Kux Oct 17, 2014
General technical issues format c, or how do I save an old computer?

[Editada em 2014-10-17 21:13 GMT]
Wolf Kux Oct 17, 2014
Trados support Trados 14 showing all segments as verified, need to undo this All you need is to understand the "pipeline concept" on Trados: Trados 2014 use is a chained process with many
steps, as you soon may observed: a) Project
preparation - where you inform language
combinations, folders, source files, translation
Wolf Kux Apr 25, 2014
Spanish Los 20 carteles peor traducidos de la historia E esto ... Visto en Brasil: "Não entre" "Do not between" Wolf Kux Apr 15, 2014
Business issues Language of the invoice? Put all languages on your invoice of potential readers of that invoice: your client
language, English for finance issues worldwide and
your local or home languages. Since I live in
Brazil and have clients in Germany, I
Wolf Kux Mar 26, 2014 technical support Receiving too many "blind" applications from translators Steve, a suggestion: since my email is on many lists with millions of
emails on them and which are sold everywhere, I
receive about 200 ore more scams - every
day!! E.g. if I add all money that Nigerian
Wolf Kux Mar 12, 2014
Money matters How to compete against experience and LOW rates? (rant warning) .. . a bit off-topic [quote]Elda Veiga wrote: I'm actually not
frustrated/upset, just... well, stunned. My
country has been going through some serious
economic hardships, but someone can find a day job
Wolf Kux Mar 9, 2014
German Urkundenübersetzen: Was machen mit Stempeln + Unterschriften? Eine beglaubigte Übersetzung wird ja niemals angefertigt, bloß um sie im Wohnzimmer an die
Wand aufzuhängen, sondern sie wird mit dem
Original-Dokument einem Bürokraten vorgelegt, der
damit ein Verfahren einleitet oder einleiten
Wolf Kux Feb 2, 2014
Marketing for language professionals online reputation survey Survey ... responded. Wolf Kux Jan 5, 2014
Business issues Is this contractual clause too draconian? A TM may contain phrases .... that others of your clients may used on their
translations, correct ? On the other hand, nobody,
no company is owner of any phrases nor any word on
any language. OK, exceptions may be regi
Wolf Kux Dec 14, 2013
Scams Is it normal to let other people send out your CV? (MOD: pls check existing threads on Languagemet) Some Reputation sites ... ... where you could find out
reputations: http://translationethics.blogspot.
Wolf Kux Dec 8, 2013
Portuguese Paypal ou wire transfer? IBAN Além disto, existe ainda o IBAN (International
Bank Account Number), que nada mais é do que uma
maneira internacional de informar os campos
banco/agência/conta/titular das transferênci
Wolf Kux Nov 25, 2013
Smart shoppers Who of you have used data recovery services (for dead hard drives)? One point to avoid or put down ... the probability to loose a PC or a hard disk
due to power glitches or surges is to insert a
no-break device between your equipment and your
electrical provider. A no-break device u
Wolf Kux Nov 22, 2013
Portuguese Paypal ou transferência bancária No Brasil também temos o código IBAN ... ... para transferências bancárias
internacionais, desde julho de 2013. Veja a
circular número 3625 do Banco Central do Brasil
Wolf Kux Nov 18, 2013
Business issues A good news story Honest and correct clients ... ... do exist! That's all. I hope this
client comes back to you in near future.
Wolf Kux Oct 30, 2013
German Anfangen als Stümper? Ein anderer Trick zur Selbsteinschätzung ... ... wäre z.B. auf der Internetseite der EU einige
Artikel herunterladen, die in deiner
Ausgangssprache ** UND ** in der Zielsprache
verfasst wurden, diesen übersetzten
Wolf Kux Oct 23, 2013
Off topic Where would you place EUR 100,000+? In a European bank? Since money does not bring happyness ... ... what about to give it to me and so you become
happy ? ;)

[Editada em 2013-07-07 21:26
Wolf Kux Jul 7, 2013
Trados support Trados Studio 2011 - jumps over 100% confirmed matches Another suggestion ... Open your file to be translated in Trados Edit
mode. Select "show 100% matches" (or
alike). Trados will show all corresponding 100%
matches to you. Select first segment, then scroll
Wolf Kux Jun 11, 2013
Trados support Studio 2011 will not start after Windows update InsufficientPrivileges 108 problem ... ... solved! On Trados Studio 2011 this problem
suddenly appeared when I tried to start it. I
opened a ticket at SDL, but tried to solve it
again by myself. At Trados' shortcut
Wolf Kux Jun 6, 2013
Money matters Hilarious job offer Maybe an interesting answer of this task.... ... to tell them, that they are too expensive,
because they got such translation for free by, for
example, Google Translation!
Wolf Kux May 24, 2013
Off topic Translation agencies on high horses There are translation agencies and translation agencies ... ..., some of the first type of them ask you to
fill out forms, on which they want to know among
other infos, your shoe size, your blood group,
your mass/body index, etc.; later they ask y
Wolf Kux May 11, 2013
Business issues Dealing with a rude client Some people in Brazil have ... ... ironic answers to such crude guys: "Let me
know where you learned your good manners - I think
it was at the beautiful american army site at
Guantanamo, correct ?" "You are very w
Wolf Kux Apr 28, 2013
Trados support Java 1.7 x TRADOS 2009/2011 - Enemies!! Dear All, earlier today I worked with Trados
2011, with no problems. Sometimes I do run Secunia
PSI, a program that points out new versions of my
program list. Today it found a new v
Wolf Kux Jan 20, 2013
Trados support All empty segments became confirmed A suggestion ... ... if you have a copy of the source text file,
copy it with a small change on file name (e.g.
sourcefile.ext to sourcefile_B.ext) and insert
this now renamed file as a new file to be
Wolf Kux Nov 18, 2012
Trados support capital accented letters in trados studio 2009 Try this software ...: After
learning to use it, you could type in almost every
special symbol directly on keyboard. Also,
another suggestion is to install a shortcut o
Wolf Kux Nov 11, 2012
Translation Project / Vendor Management Help with pricing. Remember to ask ... ... an advancement fee in order to start
working. Usually 20% may be a good starting
point. If questioned, tell your costumer that such
money is to stay calm. About discounts: I
Wolf Kux Jul 1, 2012
Trados support Regular expression in Trados 2011 File Types > Inline Tags Try this ... [quote]timber2380 wrote: Hi everybody,
I am trying to localise a LNG file and I need
trados to show just the part of the text that come
after the = symbol. I know I can use rege
Wolf Kux Jul 1, 2012
Lighter side of trans/interp Euphemisms like "kick the bucket" for death in other languages? others in portuguese From policemen - a bit harsh: acordar com a
boca cheia de formigas ... (wake up with mouth
full of ants) others: vestir pijama de
madeira (Wear a wood pijama) ir para o rei
Wolf Kux Jun 24, 2012
Trados support SDL Trados Studio 2011 Freelance Plus Partial Answer [quote]Fernando Santos wrote: (...)
Finally, I want to ask if SDL Studio 2011
Freelance Plus is compatible with Windows 7,
Professional or Home Premium, 64 bits, Service
Pack 1?
Wolf Kux May 4, 2012
Office applications MS-Word: problem with creating new documents Alter explorer configuration . Sometimes Explorer hides paths and files. So,
open Windows Explorer / Tools / Path Tools
. Open 2nd. tab, between General and
Search. Go to Advanced configuration and unmark
Wolf Kux Mar 21, 2012
Office applications MS-Word: problem with creating new documents To find ... try this: open Windows Explorer, on the path
name insert "c:" on upper right corner insert
this filename on search field and press
Enter one or two times. Wait until you
Wolf Kux Mar 21, 2012
Trados support Trados 2011 does not put Excel Autoform's translated text ... ... into target files. Dear All, a client of
me sent some Excel spreadsheets concerning
administrative procedures to translate and he put
a flow diagram on last page, that he mounted
Wolf Kux Mar 5, 2012
German Zweideutigkeits-, Mehrdeutigkeitswörterbuch ... Hallo, Alle! ich hatte vor einigen Tagen ein
Übersetzungsproblem, dass mein Kunde erst
bemerkte als ich ihn dazu aufmerksam machte.
Es handelte sich um eine ganz besondere
Wolf Kux Feb 29, 2012
Smart shoppers LCD TV or big monitor as a computer screen? ... which is this monitor provider ? [quote]Henning Holthusen wrote: I recommend
getting two widescreen monitors. I have one 27
inch with 2560x1440 and one 23 inch with
2058x1152. If I had to buy monitors now, I
Wolf Kux Jan 9, 2012
Smart shoppers LCD TV or big monitor as a computer screen? ... which is this monitor provider ? [quote]Arianne Farah wrote: I have a 32" HD
screen - it's not a TV though - it's a computer
monitor. It's perfect - I can have all my
windows open at the same time and it makes
Wolf Kux Jan 9, 2012
Trados support Hiding Project Information Dear All, on next week I'll get a visit from a
translator who is a competitor on my translation
business, but she needs some knowledge about
Trados Studio. I am angry that she could rea
Wolf Kux Nov 26, 2011
Interpreting Studying to become a Conference Interpreter Try this ... ... to get experienced in interpretation: Get a
headset; Open a speech recorder on
windows; Select a news channel shown, for
example, on youtube in your source
language; Listen c
Wolf Kux Nov 1, 2011
Trados support Your best practices for long term projects and jobs management I use to ... ... open a folder for every new client, and inside
it I insert a subfolder named with date received
(YYYYMMDD), inside this one, I create a
subsubfolder named TRADOS; on TRADOS Studio I
Wolf Kux Sep 30, 2011
Business issues Recurring problem with job offers Pricing: ... ... on older days, when a Company needs to do a
salary survey for a specific position, then the HR
Dept. put an announcement like this on
newspapers: Company XXX is hiring someone
Wolf Kux Sep 23, 2011
Trados support Can not save a file, or save it as target in Studio 2009 A similar problem ... ... may occur if your source .docx file contains
annotated revisions, e.g. deletions and/or
insertions. Try to finish such revisions, create a
new copy of this source file without them and
Wolf Kux Sep 9, 2011
Office applications Office 2010: German spellcheck not working, but English spellcheck working fine Sarah, Micro$oft sells spell checkers separately, and
could be owned using credit cards ore alike.
Another suggestion: I found an interesting
german spell checker here:
Wolf Kux Sep 3, 2011
Interpreting How to learn simultaneous interpreting - suggestions needed Try this: First, purchase a headphone with a
microphone; Second, try to get image & sound from
a news TV on your PC (e.g. Al-Jazeera english,
DWelle, CNN, etc.); Third, listening news on your
Wolf Kux Sep 3, 2011
Trados support "Exception of type "system.OutofMemoryException" was thrown Circumventing ... ... this error: Close all other open programs,
and try again. If this does not solve this
problem, try to restart your computer, but open
only Trados. Close all other unnecessarily<
Wolf Kux Sep 1, 2011
Being independent Translation Test Yes, do a translation test ... ... and put it on your PROZ profile. So, if
someone asks to do a translation test, simply say
to "refer to a test on my profile on site
Wolf Kux Aug 31, 2011
Money matters Is this a joke or a mistake? A response may be ... [quote]Tom in London wrote: I've just received
this message: "we are searching somebody who
can translate for us from Italian to English and
from English to Italian. We pay 0.02
Wolf Kux Aug 27, 2011
Trados support New to Trados, Spell check and accent marks not working If you use accent marks like áéíóú, ãõñ, âêîôû ÀÈÌÒÙ .... ... maybe that the problem is not on TRADOS
itself, but on the keyboard driver. Here I am
typing on a portuguese keyboard
driver: áéíóú ÁÉÍÓÚ âêîôû ñãõ
Wolf Kux Aug 11, 2011

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