URGENT: Transit wordcount
Thread poster: Graziano Scaldaferri (X)
Graziano Scaldaferri (X)
Graziano Scaldaferri (X)
Local time: 06:23
English to Italian
Sep 8, 2007


I have recently completed a project in Transit Satellite PE 3.0, and I need to know how many words were originally untranslated, as it included a number of pretranslated segments. How could I get such information?

Gabriella Fisichella
Gabriella Fisichella  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
German to Italian
+ ...
Opzione Project/Status/Report Manager Sep 8, 2007

Ciao Graziano,

nel menu Project, vai su Status. Si apre la finestra Report Manager. Da lì puoi ottenere il conteggio delle parole o simili. Il tipo di Report da selezionare nel tuo caso dovrebbe essere Translation, visto che il progetto è completato. Io lo faccio sempre dopo aver importato quindi scelgo Import. Fammi sapere se funziona.


PS: Per vedere il conteggio, devi premere su Update.

[Edited at 2007-09-08 11:10]

Graziano Scaldaferri (X)
Graziano Scaldaferri (X)
Local time: 06:23
English to Italian
haven't made myself clear Sep 8, 2007

Hi Gabriella,

I haven't made myself clear enough (I was in a rush when I wrote the message). I knew about the Status/Report menu, but when I set it to Translation for the source language and then click update, I get the total number of the words contained in the project in the Import/Not translated column, while every other column displays a list of zeroes. But that can't be right, because there was a number of pretranslated segments when I received the project, so I don't know the
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Hi Gabriella,

I haven't made myself clear enough (I was in a rush when I wrote the message). I knew about the Status/Report menu, but when I set it to Translation for the source language and then click update, I get the total number of the words contained in the project in the Import/Not translated column, while every other column displays a list of zeroes. But that can't be right, because there was a number of pretranslated segments when I received the project, so I don't know the exact number of originally untranslated words. I hope that's clearer now.

p.s. I wrote in English because perhaps this might be useful information in the future for non-Italian speakers.

Endre Both
Endre Both  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
English to German
Need full version of Transit for detailed count Sep 8, 2007

As far as I know, you need the full version of Transit (rather than the Satellite PE version) to do a detailed count. So I'm afraid you have to rely on the word count provided to you by the outsourcer.


Gabriella Fisichella
Gabriella Fisichella  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
German to Italian
+ ...
I can do it for you Sep 8, 2007

Hello Graziano,

sorry, I could not remember the Satellite version is different. You can send it to me if you like and if it is not too late. I can try and create a report for you. You can use the form on my website www.gftranslation.com.


Attila Piróth
Attila Piróth  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Target language statistics Sep 8, 2007

Graziano Scaldaferri wrote:
I knew about the Status/Report menu, but when I set it to Translation for the source language

You should apply these statistics to the target language.
You have another possibility if you still have the pxf file: open Transit, receive this project again (giving it a different name if necessary), and check the statistics for the target language.


Graziano Scaldaferri (X)
Graziano Scaldaferri (X)
Local time: 06:23
English to Italian
Attila is right Sep 12, 2007

Thanks everybody for helping me out. Special thanks to Gabriella who also helped me privately.

I'm back here to write that Attila is right, I confirm the right procedure is to receive the project again and generate a report for the target language. Just in case anybody will need this in the future

Bruno Scokaert
Bruno Scokaert  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 06:23
English to French
+ ...
Thanx! Jan 24, 2008

Thanx Graziano for trying to help the community... This has solved my problem, as I was exactly in the same situation as you were!

And thanx Attila too, of course!


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URGENT: Transit wordcount

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