Export mdb file from termstar nxt?
Thread poster: Wilmer Brouwer
Wilmer Brouwer
Wilmer Brouwer
Local time: 02:47
English to Dutch
+ ...
Jul 20, 2010

Does anyone know if it is possible to export an MDB file from termstar nxt to Excel or any other file format that can be used in other software?
I tried the obvious option to go to dictionaries > export terminology > excel but as with most functions in Transit this does not seem to do what I would expect. Nothing seems to happen when I try that option.
I would really appreciate any help.

[Edited at 2010-07-20 15:04 GMT]

Antoní­n Otáhal
Antoní­n Otáhal
Local time: 02:47
Member (2005)
English to Czech
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export to martif Jul 20, 2010

which is more or less straightforward, and then use my macro for converting martif to xls below - the resulting xls is in unicode, by the way.

Sub mtf2xls()

Dim fs, a, strs, rets, langs(10)
Flag = 0
strs = InputBox("path to martif")
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(strs, 1, -2)
j = 0
Do While f.AtEndOfStream True
rets = f.ReadLine
lgd = Len(rets)

If (Left
... See more
which is more or less straightforward, and then use my macro for converting martif to xls below - the resulting xls is in unicode, by the way.

Sub mtf2xls()

Dim fs, a, strs, rets, langs(10)
Flag = 0
strs = InputBox("path to martif")
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(strs, 1, -2)
j = 0
Do While f.AtEndOfStream True
rets = f.ReadLine
lgd = Len(rets)

If (Left(rets, 1) = " ") Then
lgk = lgd - 1
rets = Right(rets, lgk)
GoTo lab1
End If

If Left(rets, 10) = "

Antoní­n Otáhal
Antoní­n Otáhal
Local time: 02:47
Member (2005)
English to Czech
+ ...
the macro did not paste Jul 20, 2010

so here is a link to a txt file with it.


Wilmer Brouwer
Wilmer Brouwer
Local time: 02:47
English to Dutch
+ ...
None of the options seems to do anything Jul 20, 2010

thank you for your reply. I think my question is more basic than you expect.
When I open a termbase nothing happens. No errors, just nothing.
I now discovered that if I open a project and then the termbase for some reason I can open the termbase.
But then when I click on the option to export to martif or any of the other options nothing happens.
I think the termbase may be locked with a password, but i do not receive an error message that this is the case.

Gillian Scheibelein
Gillian Scheibelein  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
German to English
+ ...
Macro Jul 22, 2010

Hi Antonin,

This macro is just what I am looking for. But how do you use it exactly?

Best regards,

Antoní­n Otáhal
Antoní­n Otáhal
Local time: 02:47
Member (2005)
English to Czech
+ ...
using my mtf2xls macro Jul 22, 2010

Copy and paste it to a module in MS Excel VBA - I still use the hidden "Personal" book which was in fashion long time ago but I find this approach satisfactory; anyway, pasting it to any VBA module will work, I suppose.

Running the macro from Excel: it asks for a full path to a martif file, from which an xls file is generated.


[Edited at 2010-07-22 11:38 GMT]

Gillian Scheibelein
Gillian Scheibelein  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
German to English
+ ...
Wonderful Jul 22, 2010

Thanks Antonin, it is working perfectly now. I can finally export all the received dictionaries, clean them up and put them in my main dictionary.


Antoní­n Otáhal
Antoní­n Otáhal
Local time: 02:47
Member (2005)
English to Czech
+ ...
You are welcome Jul 22, 2010

Glad to hear that this macro, which I originally wrote more or less for myself only (hence no bells and whistles), helps other people as well.


Simone Unger
Simone Unger
Local time: 02:47
English to German
+ ...
Thank you Apr 4, 2012

Easy to use and very effective macro. Thank you


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Export mdb file from termstar nxt?

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