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Staff member Justin has passed away
Thread poster: Henry Dotterer
Danu  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:49
Member (2006)
English to Tigrinya
+ ...
what a bad news Sep 4, 2007

He was very very young. Sorry to hear this bad news. I know ProZians and its community have lost a valuable asset.
May God rest his soul.

I take this opportunity to say my heartful condolences to his family, if he was married for his wife and children and if not, for his parents.

Get courage and be comforted!


Oana Apetrei
Oana Apetrei  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:49
English to Romanian
+ ...
Condolences Sep 4, 2007

My sympathy for family, friends and all those who new him!
22 is the age to start your life not to end it...

Christine Biloré
Christine Biloré  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:49
English to French
+ ...
Such a sad news Sep 4, 2007

I didn't know Justin personnaly but I have read some of his posts here and remember "seing him" on proz.

What a loss....I'm speechless.

My sincere condolences to his family.

Ranjit Padda
Ranjit Padda  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:19
English to Punjabi
+ ...
translater Sep 4, 2007


Simon Mountifield
Simon Mountifield  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:49
French to English
Heartfelt sympathy Sep 4, 2007

My sincerest condolences go out to Justin's family. Life can sometimes be so cruel and indiscriminate. It is a tragic loss for his family, his friends and our community as a whole.

I did not know Justin personally, but I know he was held in high regard by all those that came into contact with him.


Walter Carollo
Walter Carollo  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:49
German to Italian
+ ...
Dear Justin... Sep 4, 2007

Dear Justin,

During my short presence in the community I haven't had the chance to know you personally, but I know that you were and you are a great man.

I would like to express the thoughts and the feelings that go round and round in my head after reading this sad news...

The only thing I want to tell you, Justin, is that I hope to meet you and all the people who love you in another place.

See you there, great man!

... See more
Dear Justin,

During my short presence in the community I haven't had the chance to know you personally, but I know that you were and you are a great man.

I would like to express the thoughts and the feelings that go round and round in my head after reading this sad news...

The only thing I want to tell you, Justin, is that I hope to meet you and all the people who love you in another place.

See you there, great man!


Kale75 (X)
Kale75 (X)
Local time: 04:49
English to Bosnian
+ ...
really sad news... Sep 4, 2007

My sincerest condolences to his family and his near and dear ones.

lorette  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:49
German to French
+ ...
My sympathies to Justin's family and friends. Sep 4, 2007

I did not have the honor of knowing Justin... Sending strength and courage to those he left behind, and remember he is in a good place, waiting for all of you to meet again.
Many Blessings.

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:49
Member (2003)
Danish to English
+ ...
Heartfelt sympathy Sep 4, 2007

I only knew him 'virtually' on the site, but Justin was always there if something needed adjusting in KudoZ or wherever, with an idea for how to solve it.

I feel for his colleagues and family, who will miss him most, and pray that in time his friend Mark will recover.

Keep the good memories alive.

'They shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old.
Age does not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
... See more
I only knew him 'virtually' on the site, but Justin was always there if something needed adjusting in KudoZ or wherever, with an idea for how to solve it.

I feel for his colleagues and family, who will miss him most, and pray that in time his friend Mark will recover.

Keep the good memories alive.

'They shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old.
Age does not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.'

-- Laurence Binyon wrote those words about young soldiers, but they apply to all young people who die too young.

My thoughts are with you today.

(I didn't see until later that Jack Doughty thought of the same poem too.)

[Edited at 2007-09-04 10:06]

Christine Schmit (X)
Christine Schmit (X)  Identity Verified
German to French
+ ...
Condolences Sep 4, 2007

My condolences to his family and friends.

Like so many others, I never met him in person, but I highly appreciated his friendly and helpful responses to my support requests.


Angeliki Papadopoulou
Angeliki Papadopoulou  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:49
English to Greek
+ ...
Terrible news Sep 4, 2007

I also did not know Justin. By all accounts he was a gifted, lovable young man of great promise - I can only imagine how devastating his loss must be to those who knew and loved him - I am sorry for your loss.

Farewell, Justin, I hope you are in a better place.

Lina Papadopoulou

Vlad Pogosyan
Vlad Pogosyan
Local time: 06:49
English to Armenian
+ ...
No words Sep 4, 2007

So sorry to hear about this loss. My deepest sympathies to Justin's family and his friends. I will say a prayer for him.


Natalie Wilcock (X)
Natalie Wilcock (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:49
+ ...
Very sorry to read of this Sep 4, 2007

Although not personally acquainted, I am nonetheless very shocked to read of this.
My sincere condolences to his family and all his friends, and of course all the strength to Mark.

Rosanna Saraceno
Rosanna Saraceno  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:49
Member (2006)
English to Italian
+ ...
It almost made me cry Sep 4, 2007

I didn't know him, anyway...reading such bad news filled my eyes with tears...
I'm really sorry for his family and friends, but I do believe he's in a much better place now...
Goodbye Justin!

Elena Matei
Elena Matei
Local time: 05:49
English to Romanian
+ ...
Very sad news, God be with him Sep 4, 2007

No words can express the sadness of losing a man from the supporting Proz staff..shocking happening in a car accident, I had a such sad experience in my family, so let all pray for them, the people who were with us and now so young went forever to God. Let all pray for them.
My sincere condoleance to his family and his friends.

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Staff member Justin has passed away

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