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Call for Site Testers: has a new site navigation that needs your test driving
Thread poster: Nate Hill
Nate Hill
Nate Hill
United States
+ ...
Nice catch Jul 19, 2017

PROSGR wrote:

with the new menu, this is the dialog i get when i choose the search client option in the relevant field on invoice creation

[Edited at 2017-07-19 05:55 GMT]

Thanks for catching that! It's been fixed.

esperantisto  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:22
Member (2006)
English to Russian
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Ugly, can’t switch back Jul 19, 2017

This black stripe is just ugly. I click on Switch back, but on every new page that opens I see the ugly black stripe again and have to click on Switch back again and again. What’s the reason of such behavior? If you intend to force the new menu, just force it.

Member (2019)
English to Italian
+ ...
pleasant Jul 19, 2017

the sea green looks pleasant.

Maria Lapteva
Maria Lapteva  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:22
Member (2009)
English to Russian
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unable to use invoicing feature Jul 19, 2017

now it works.

[Edited at 2017-07-19 07:43 GMT]

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:22
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Nope Jul 19, 2017

Nate Hill wrote:

I've updated the button. For all paying members, it will no longer be shown.

I'm a paying member and the button is still showing. When will it be fixed so that I don't see it?

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:22
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Apologies Jul 19, 2017

Tom in London wrote:

Nate Hill wrote:

I've updated the button. For all paying members, it will no longer be shown.

I'm a paying member and the button is still showing. When will it be fixed so that I don't see it?

That was a bug. I apologize. It should be fixed now.

Nate Hill
Nate Hill
United States
+ ...
Apologies Jul 19, 2017

Tom in London wrote:

Nate Hill wrote:

I've updated the button. For all paying members, it will no longer be shown.

I'm a paying member and the button is still showing. When will it be fixed so that I don't see it?

That was a bug. I apologize. It should be fixed now.

Nate Hill
Nate Hill
United States
+ ...
It should be fixed now. Jul 19, 2017

esperantisto wrote:

This black stripe is just ugly. I click on Switch back, but on every new page that opens I see the ugly black stripe again and have to click on Switch back again and again. What’s the reason of such behavior? If you intend to force the new menu, just force it.

Thank you for pointing it out. There was a bug for some users. It should be fixed now.

BTW, if you don't like the dark green color of the menu, what color would you make it?

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:22
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Thanks Jul 19, 2017

Nate Hill wrote:

I've updated the button. For all paying members, it will no longer be shown.


MARLENE LE DUC (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:22
English to French
Brilliant Jul 19, 2017

Easier to use. really ergonomic.
Would you mind to do something about those bright orange buttons : Switch back and Discuss the new menu. It is quite disturbing.
I do appreciate the black bar, I know instantly where is the menu, as I have several internet pages opened, I get confused.

Nate Hill
Nate Hill
United States
+ ...
More details Jul 19, 2017

Maria Lapteva wrote:

After renewal I am unable to use my dashboard - invoice page just never loads

[Edited at 2017-07-19 07:12 GMT]

I didn't have any issues accessing the dashboard view of the invoicing tool. What browser are you using?

Nate Hill
Nate Hill
United States
+ ...
Great to hear! Jul 19, 2017


Easier to use. really ergonomic.
Would you mind to do something about those bright orange buttons : Switch back and Discuss the new menu. It is quite disturbing.
I do appreciate the black bar, I know instantly where is the menu, as I have several internet pages opened, I get confused.

I'm happy to hear that you find it easier to use. The switch back and discuss buttons are only temporary while people are still adjusting to the menu.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:22
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Yellow Jul 19, 2017

I now look forward to the disappearance of everything yellow (or "cream") from all pages including backgrounds and the ads on the right. Rather than individually change one particular colour in one particular thing, I suggest that an overall palette of coordinated colours, throughout the site, would probably be the way to go.

Anne vdB
Anne vdB  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:22
French to English
Effective minimal improvement Jul 19, 2017

The changes are efficient without disrupting the use of the web site. I usually hate it when websites are completely overhauled because knowing where to find information means quick and efficient use.

When websites are changed too much, it is a big waste of time for users.

So Bravo to Proz.

Safeya Mahmoud
Safeya Mahmoud  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:22
Arabic to English
+ ...
It's nice. Jul 19, 2017

It looks smarter. I like it.

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Call for Site Testers: has a new site navigation that needs your test driving

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