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Improvements to the invoicing tool
Thread poster: Jason Grimes
Oliver Pekelharing
Oliver Pekelharing  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:39
Dutch to English
Request confirmation Jun 17, 2014

I don't know if this feature has been requested before, but it would be really great if there was an option to request confirmation of receipt of the invoice.



Tom Gale (X)
Tom Gale (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:39
French to English
+ ...
Bug with auto-increment? Jul 27, 2014

Not sure if this is the right thread to post in but I've found a problem with the invoice tool:

When I create a new invoice the auto-increment is already in the invoice number field. However, when I save the invoice as a draft and come back to edit it later (for adding extra jobs to monthly invoices for example) the invoice number field is blank and I can't find a way of re-introducing the auto-increment.

Does anyone know how to manually put it back in?

Maria Kopnitsky
Maria Kopnitsky  Identity Verified
United States
Spanish to English
+ ...
Draft invoices are not numbered Jul 28, 2014

Tom Gale wrote:

Not sure if this is the right thread to post in but I've found a problem with the invoice tool:

When I create a new invoice the auto-increment is already in the invoice number field. However, when I save the invoice as a draft and come back to edit it later (for adding extra jobs to monthly invoices for example) the invoice number field is blank and I can't find a way of re-introducing the auto-increment.

Does anyone know how to manually put it back in?

Hello Tom,

Invoices are not numbered until they have been "Opened." In other words, an invoice is not numbered unless it was saved as a live version at the time it was created, or if you have not yet opened the invoice by clicking the "Convert from 'draft' to 'open'" link on the draft invoice's page.

Once you've opened the invoice, it will receive a number. If you need to edit the auto-increment, you can go to the invoice's page, click "Edit," and then click the "Edit auto-increment" link next to the "Invoice #" field.

I hope this helps, but please let me know if I've missed something or if I've misunderstood your request.

Best regards,


SueE  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:39
Member (2006)
French to English
Confirmation of receipt of invoice Aug 5, 2014

I should just like to second the request submitted by Olly Pekelharing for a confirmation of receipt of invoice. I have had several clients who have apparently not received the invoice despite a copy of the message being displayed on the site and a copy being sent to my own e-mail box.

Many thanks.

Sue Esplan

Karen Chalmers
Karen Chalmers  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:39
Member (2011)
Spanish to English
PO field appears to have shrunk Aug 29, 2014


Ive never had a problem sending my monthly invoices until today, all appeared fine until I checked before sending it and only 3 out of the 5 PO numbers appeared! I tried a few times in case I'd made a silly mistake but each time, the invoice only appears with the 3 numbers.

Please help

Thanks in advance and best wishes xx

Maria Kopnitsky
Maria Kopnitsky  Identity Verified
United States
Spanish to English
+ ...
Will need to know which specific invoices you're having trouble with Aug 29, 2014

Karen Chalmers wrote:


Ive never had a problem sending my monthly invoices until today, all appeared fine until I checked before sending it and only 3 out of the 5 PO numbers appeared! I tried a few times in case I'd made a silly mistake but each time, the invoice only appears with the 3 numbers.

Please help

Thanks in advance and best wishes xx

Hi Karen,

This issue may be specific to the latest invoices you've issued. Would you mind submitting a support request mentioning the invoices you're having trouble with?


Best regards,


Gail Tosto (X)
Gail Tosto (X)  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:39
Spanish to English
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Avoid unintentionally sending an invoice Sep 1, 2014

I love the invoicing feature of Proz, but on several occasions I've accidentally sent out invoices before my cover message was ready. Today I was attempting to add the e-mail address of a new recipient; I hit Enter, intending to save that new address to my list of recipients. The next thing I knew, the invoice/cover message were sent. It would be good if the invoice could only be sent by hitting the "send" button, not any time you hit Enter (or maybe some other keys as well) while working on th... See more
I love the invoicing feature of Proz, but on several occasions I've accidentally sent out invoices before my cover message was ready. Today I was attempting to add the e-mail address of a new recipient; I hit Enter, intending to save that new address to my list of recipients. The next thing I knew, the invoice/cover message were sent. It would be good if the invoice could only be sent by hitting the "send" button, not any time you hit Enter (or maybe some other keys as well) while working on the invoice.


absciarretta  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:39
Member (2008)
English to Norwegian
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Intermittent problems with emailing invoices Oct 20, 2014

I have been having intermittent problems with invoices not reaching their destination for several long-time clients (I know these people, okay). I will send an invoice from and it will not be received (no error messages), where an email from my email program to the same email address will be received.

Are there any problems going on? Is there a way of getting confirmation of receipt?


Maria Kopnitsky
Maria Kopnitsky  Identity Verified
United States
Spanish to English
+ ...
Specific examples would be helpful Oct 22, 2014

absciarretta wrote:

I have been having intermittent problems with invoices not reaching their destination for several long-time clients (I know these people, okay). I will send an invoice from and it will not be received (no error messages), where an email from my email program to the same email address will be received.

Are there any problems going on? Is there a way of getting confirmation of receipt?


Hello Birgitte,

If you could supply some specific examples of the notifications you're referring to via your support request on this issue, that would be helpful in trying to narrow down what the source of the problem is.


Best regards,


Tural M. Afandi
Tural M. Afandi
English to Azerbaijani
+ ...
A request regarding "Payable" Feature Oct 23, 2014


Thank you very much for providing such a great feature. I've been using it for my invoicing purpose for 1 year now and I really like it.

I wonder if there's any chance to improve "Payable" feature? I would like for example to get invoices to my Payable account, or to be able manually input them. That would be really very helpful for the members who run a translation agency or outsource their work and could enable your invoicing tool to be a full-solution
... See more

Thank you very much for providing such a great feature. I've been using it for my invoicing purpose for 1 year now and I really like it.

I wonder if there's any chance to improve "Payable" feature? I would like for example to get invoices to my Payable account, or to be able manually input them. That would be really very helpful for the members who run a translation agency or outsource their work and could enable your invoicing tool to be a full-solution accounting tool

I would be pleased to hear from you in this regard.

Thank you again.

Kind regards,

Tural Afandi

Richard Pitwood
Richard Pitwood  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:39
Member (2014)
French to English
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Add new clients Dec 8, 2014

Sorry i don't know if it has been asked for before, but you can't add a new client from within the invoicing system, you have to go to the list of translation companies and send an invoice from there.

Otherwise, this feature is fantastic, it really helps me not miss money coming in.

Oliver Pekelharing
Oliver Pekelharing  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:39
Dutch to English
Feature request: confirmation before delete. Dec 19, 2014

I would like to get request for confirmation before deleting a line in an invoice. I regularly click on the delete button by mistake and then have to fill in all the details again.



absciarretta  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:39
Member (2008)
English to Norwegian
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Combined currencies for Payments received Jan 2, 2015


I am trying to do my taxes here and print out what I made last year. Could we please have an option for combined currencies under Payments received (same as for Sales by Client) so I don't have to do this by hand?



Nicolas Racine
Nicolas Racine  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:39
English to French
Include PO# in excel report Jan 6, 2015


I am not sure if I mentioned this before, but it would be very useful to incluse the PO number in the Excel report exported from a liste of invoices.

Since the PO number is used by many companies to follow up on the invoices, it would make the word a lot easier if it were included in the Excel export instead of us having to open each invoice to check the number.

I suppose it would not be very difficult since there is already a specific field for it.... See more

I am not sure if I mentioned this before, but it would be very useful to incluse the PO number in the Excel report exported from a liste of invoices.

Since the PO number is used by many companies to follow up on the invoices, it would make the word a lot easier if it were included in the Excel export instead of us having to open each invoice to check the number.

I suppose it would not be very difficult since there is already a specific field for it.


Hajnalka Kis
Hajnalka Kis  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:39
Member (2009)
German to Hungarian
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Export reports into Excel Jan 12, 2015


Is it possible to export the yearly "Report by client" sheet into an Excel format? All I would need is to make a comparison between the different years, when I invoiced a client to see, if they are better or worse clients to the previous years.

It also would do if there'd be a "compare" button for this with the filter: all clients, specific client.

Thank you,

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Improvements to the invoicing tool

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