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Black ribbon for late colleagues.
Thread poster: Yaotl Altan
Yaotl Altan
Yaotl Altan  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Member (2006)
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Jan 30, 2015

In these days I received a message from a colleague who asked me what was going on with another one, but this died some years ago. She didn't know about his death.

I wonder if Proz could set a small black ribbon close to the name/icon of the late colleagues. It would be both a recognition for those who contributed to this site growth via Kudoz or in the forums, and a way to avoid this kind of misunderstandings.

Nice day.

Walter Landesman
Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:44
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in memoriam Jan 30, 2015

I think something like that already exists, Yaotl. Some profiles show a IN MEMORIAM sign.

Walter Landesman
Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:44
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Ernesto de Lara Jan 30, 2015

Ernesto is one example. Please see

Rocio Barrientos
Rocio Barrientos  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:44
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I don't think there are black ribbons for everyone who has passed on Jan 30, 2015

Two colleagues have died recently: Terry Burguess and Salvador Lozano (Sal Loz). I don't know if someone wrote a "little something" about them at, and what is the status of their accounts.

When Miguel Garcia Uriburu died for example a thread was opened and we all shared some thoughts about Mike...

[Edited at 2015-01-30 19:07 GMT]

Henry Hinds
Henry Hinds  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:44
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In memoriam
Miss Them Jan 30, 2015

Yes, I've heard nothing recently from some of the colleagues mentioned, and I miss their voices here. It is sad to learn they have departed from this world. It would probably be good that when known, Proz could give notice of such events to people in the deceased's language pair.

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:44
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I think you're right Jan 30, 2015

Yaotl Altan wrote:
I wonder if Proz could set a small black ribbon close to the name/icon of the late colleagues. It would be both a recognition for those who contributed to this site growth via Kudoz or in the forums, and a way to avoid this kind of misunderstandings.

There should be a convenient way of reporting this to staff (with a requirement for corroboration, of course - don't want any embarrassing mistakes) and then they should mark the profile somehow. The In Memoriam seems patchy and not necessarily appropriate in all cases.

Robert Forstag
Robert Forstag  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:44
Spanish to English
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Perhaps there should be an "In Memoriam" forum--along with a black ribbon Jan 30, 2015

It seems not a bad idea to have an "In Memoriam" forum where such news can be shared, and where deceased colleagues can be remembered by those who knew them. Right now, it seems like such information is passed on (if at all) in a haphazard way. If one doesn't happen to pay attention to the forum section on the homepage, this news can very well be missed.

For example, I had no idea that either Terry or Sal had died.

I think that the "black ribbon" is also a good idea. fo
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It seems not a bad idea to have an "In Memoriam" forum where such news can be shared, and where deceased colleagues can be remembered by those who knew them. Right now, it seems like such information is passed on (if at all) in a haphazard way. If one doesn't happen to pay attention to the forum section on the homepage, this news can very well be missed.

For example, I had no idea that either Terry or Sal had died.

I think that the "black ribbon" is also a good idea. for it would inform everyone at a glance that the person in question is deceased. Right now, some deceased members actually have blue ribbons next to their names, and one discovers that they are no longer around only by clicking on their names (which can be rather jarring).

[Edited at 2015-01-30 19:21 GMT]

Walter Landesman
Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:44
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Agree Jan 30, 2015

Yes, it seems like a good idea, and a better idea that the IN MEMORIAN box.
A black ribbon WITHIN the profile, next to the name.

Rocio Barrientos
Rocio Barrientos  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:44
English to Spanish
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I agree with Henry Jan 30, 2015

Henry Hinds wrote:

Yes, I've heard nothing recently from some of the colleagues mentioned, and I miss their voices here. It is sad to learn they have departed from this world. It would probably be good that when known, Proz could give notice of such events to people in the deceased's language pair.

I found about their deaths on Facebook, I tried to contact colleagues that knew them better than I did to open a thread or something.

We live in a virtual manner and relate with others on a virtual manner as well, we should have a place to grieve and share when a colleague passes on...

I did write to Proz and I got this answer, I confess I have not visited the link given until now.

I do do agree with Henry about the notification to the language pair colleagues and maybe an option to a section of "In Memorians" to which we may subscribe, in the same manner we do to get some other news, and yes as another colleague says such events should be corroborated.

This is the answer from proz when I asked them about the topic:

Link for "Honors / Citations" forum and profile information
Dear Rocio,

Thank you for contacting the support center, and I'm sorry to hear about your loss of two colleagues. Regarding sharing this news to other site users, please note that you can use the "Honors / Citations" forum in, .

Could you please also provide me with the link for their profiles and the exact date they passed away so this can be indicated on their profiles?

Please re-open this support request to submit a reply.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Karen Zaragoza Staff

[Edited at 2015-01-30 19:29 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-01-30 19:31 GMT]

Yaotl Altan
Yaotl Altan  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Member (2006)
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:( Jan 30, 2015

Rocio Barrientos wrote:

Two colleagues have died recently: Terry Burguess and Salvador Lozano (Sal Loz). I don't know if someone wrote a "little something" about them at, and what is the status of their accounts.

When Miguel Garcia Uriburu died for example a thread was opened and we all shared some thoughts about Mike...

[Edited at 2015-01-30 19:07 GMT]

Didn't know! Terry lived in my country.

Yaotl Altan
Yaotl Altan  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Member (2006)
English to Spanish
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True. Jan 30, 2015

Walter Landesman wrote:

I think something like that already exists, Yaotl. Some profiles show a IN MEMORIAM sign.

Oh, it's true! Thanks, Walter.

Yaotl Altan
Yaotl Altan  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Member (2006)
English to Spanish
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Sample Jan 30, 2015

Sheila Wilson wrote:

Yaotl Altan wrote:
I wonder if Proz could set a small black ribbon close to the name/icon of the late colleagues. It would be both a recognition for those who contributed to this site growth via Kudoz or in the forums, and a way to avoid this kind of misunderstandings.

There should be a convenient way of reporting this to staff (with a requirement for corroboration, of course - don't want any embarrassing mistakes) and then they should mark the profile somehow. The In Memoriam seems patchy and not necessarily appropriate in all cases.

Yes, perhaps something similar like this sample:

Thank you, Sheila.

[Modifié le 2015-01-31 00:05 GMT]

texjax DDS PhD
texjax DDS PhD  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:44
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. Jan 30, 2015

Henry Hinds wrote:

It would probably be good that when known, Proz could give notice of such events to people in the deceased's language pair.

It is indeed a good idea.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:44
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Excellent idea Jan 31, 2015

I completely support the idea.

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
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Not only in the language pair, and it would be good to have an 'in memoriam' forum Jan 31, 2015

I discovered only last week that a German colleague, Nicole Schnell, is no longer with us.

I was so sad. I found her first comments a little 'sharp' when I joined the site, but soon came to respect her and love her wit. I had missed her, but then found the 'in memoriam' when an earlier discussion was reivived, quite by chance.

The announcement was only made in the German forum, but she contributed a lot to English discussions too.

And please add dates - 'pa
... See more
I discovered only last week that a German colleague, Nicole Schnell, is no longer with us.

I was so sad. I found her first comments a little 'sharp' when I joined the site, but soon came to respect her and love her wit. I had missed her, but then found the 'in memoriam' when an earlier discussion was reivived, quite by chance.

The announcement was only made in the German forum, but she contributed a lot to English discussions too.

And please add dates - 'passed away recently' is relative. When do you edit that? Quite rightly, these in memoriams remain permanently, so there needs to be an anchor point.

Another thought - maybe slightly off topic - shouldn't some of our colleagues have entries in the Hall of Fame? I thought this was a good initiative, but it never really got off the ground.

Entries on Henry, the founder, and Yolanda Broad, the first moderator, would be appropriate - they are luckily still with us! There are lots more who deserve a mention.

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Black ribbon for late colleagues.

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