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Results of the contest
Thread poster: Manuela Ribecai
Manuela Ribecai
Manuela Ribecai  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:34
English to French
+ ...
Jul 9, 2012


I did not find the results of drawing of lots which involved the members registered before June 14 . Has it already happened? Where can we see the results?
Thank you in advance.


Clarisa Moraña
Clarisa Moraña  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:34
Member (2002)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Neither I did. Jul 9, 2012

But I received an official email from informing me that I was one of the lucky winners! And Im really happy. This is the second time in my whole life that I win something in a contest!



Manuela Ribecai
Manuela Ribecai  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:34
English to French
+ ...
Congratulations Clarisa. Jul 10, 2012

Well, it seems to mean that I have not won anything.


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Results of the contest

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