Pages in topic:   < [1 2] Certified and non native
Thread poster: Paola Dentifrigi
tazdog (X)
tazdog (X)
Local time: 05:55
Spanish to English
+ ...
good point, Jana Oct 29, 2008

Jana Zajicova wrote:

Now, I do think it would make sense to show in the profiles for which language combination(s) the certification is valid and that the filters should take this in account as well.

Absolutely agree.

Viktoria Gimbe
Viktoria Gimbe  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:55
English to French
+ ...
Update: certification language pair now visible upon mouseover Oct 29, 2008

I just noticed that, when I mouse over the red P in my profile, a popup note clearly states that my certification applies to English > French. Just thought I'd let you all know.

Jana Zajicova
Jana Zajicova  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Member (2007)
English to Czech
+ ...
Filter fixed as well Oct 29, 2008

The Romanian-Italian pair had 4 allegedly certified members this morning. I checked again and no translator corresponded to my selection criteria.

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 00:55
You beat me to the punch, Viktoria Oct 30, 2008

Hello all,

Thanks Viktoria for pointing this out, and thanks to all who have posted so far with their feedback. As Viktoria has stated, mousing over the PRO icon will now show you the specific language pair in which the member has been certified.

Best regards,


Kevin Lossner
Kevin Lossner  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:55
German to English
+ ...
Elegant solution Oct 30, 2008

Jared wrote:
... mousing over the PRO icon will now show you the specific language pair in which the member has been certified.

Looks good, easy to use. I assume this will be explained somewhere for site users (outsourcers) who may not stumble across the feature.

Paola Dentifrigi
Paola Dentifrigi  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:55
Member (2003)
English to Italian
+ ...
Thanks Jared Oct 30, 2008


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