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Off topic: Three-syllable girl's names ending with "ay" or "y"
Thread poster: veratek
Arabic & More
Arabic & More  Identity Verified
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Another Mar 11, 2013


Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:33
Member (2003)
Danish to English
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Dorothy Mar 11, 2013

Dorothy has not been suggested yet

I once met someone called Ivonny too.

Local time: 11:33
Member (2002)
French to English
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Kimothee Mar 11, 2013

or Kimothy, we had a local reporter with that name.

Anna-Lee, if it hasn't already been offered, or Shauna-Lee or Sarah-Lee

Arabic & More
Arabic & More  Identity Verified
Arabic to English
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An Arabic name... Mar 11, 2013


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Three-syllable girl's names ending with "ay" or "y"

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