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Loving the "native in..." icon in KudoZ - thanks!
Thread poster: awilliams
Catherine Bolton
Catherine Bolton  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:07
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In memoriam
I don't see it either Aug 18, 2005

Maybe you have to be platinum to SEE it!

Parrot  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:07
Spanish to English
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'Native in' icons have been there for a long time Aug 18, 2005

and they have nothing to do with Platinum.

When opening a profile, you are asked your native language. Since everyone has at least one, that ONE comes out yellow. If you answer a question in your pair, it comes out yellow with the arrow pointing toward the N. If you answer a question in the inverse pair, it comes out yellow with the arrow pointing away from the N.

There are bilinguals among us, of course. Choosing two native languages causes the icon to appear in grey.
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and they have nothing to do with Platinum.

When opening a profile, you are asked your native language. Since everyone has at least one, that ONE comes out yellow. If you answer a question in your pair, it comes out yellow with the arrow pointing toward the N. If you answer a question in the inverse pair, it comes out yellow with the arrow pointing away from the N.

There are bilinguals among us, of course. Choosing two native languages causes the icon to appear in grey. (There is as yet no testing mechanism in place to determine bilingualism, dominant language and recessive language. This is often understood by outsourcers as regards places that are traditionally bilingual, and combinations that tend to exist as a tandem.)

United Kingdom
Local time: 02:07
Italian to English
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Not everyone could see them before Aug 18, 2005

Hi Parrot,
I think only certain users could see them before - although it seems like not everyone can see them now anyway. I give up.

See this forum:

[Edited at 2005-08-18 12:01]

Rebecca Hendry
Rebecca Hendry  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 02:07
Member (2005)
Spanish to English
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I couldn't see them before. Aug 18, 2005

I couldn't see them before, but I can now. I think they're great.

Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X)
Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:07
Still cannot see them Aug 18, 2005

Anyone knows for sure if this is a Platinum benefit only?
I understand the concept and think is is quite useful, but I just cannot see the Ns.

Pamela Peralta
Pamela Peralta  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:07
English to Spanish
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Credential not found Aug 18, 2005

Mine has a yellow background, but when I click on it it says "credential not found" Also, when I click on the check sign, nothing happens.
It was working fine yesterday.

Miomira Brankovic
Miomira Brankovic  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:07
English to Serbian
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I still do not see any Ns Aug 18, 2005

Parrot wrote:

When opening a profile, you are asked your native language. Since everyone has at least one, that ONE comes out yellow. If you answer a question in your pair, it comes out yellow with the arrow pointing toward the N. If you answer a question in the inverse pair, it comes out yellow with the arrow pointing away from the N.

Where does it come yellow? Since I could see nothing of the sort after repeated attempts, I went to your profile and the list of KudoZ answers you gave in your native language (English), but I still do not see any N icons or arrows. For example, Despite your claims to the contrary, this must be an option that is not visible to everyone.

Claudia Alvis
Claudia Alvis  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:07
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Screenshot Aug 19, 2005

I uploaded the screenshot. Maybe it only works for platinum members.

Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X)
Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:07
It must only be for Platinum members... Aug 19, 2005

... because I definitively do not have the same screen.

+ ...
No N's on my screen Aug 19, 2005

Rosa Maria Duenas Rios wrote:

... because I definitively do not have the same screen.

Neither do I. All I have are the answerers' names.

sarahl (X)
sarahl (X)
Local time: 18:07
English to French
+ ...
Verification Aug 19, 2005

How do you get your languages verified? My profiles doesn't mention the procedure.

Miomira Brankovic
Miomira Brankovic  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:07
English to Serbian
+ ...
Thanks, Caliaa... Aug 19, 2005

...for uploading the page. I thought I was looking in the wrong place and was beginning to question my intellect. I definitely do not have these icons on any of the pages and I see I am not alone. I only wonder why does not someone from the ProZ team solve the mystery for us.

Local time: 02:07
English to Japanese
+ ...
Could we have the N-icons for the comments too? Aug 20, 2005

I am finally seeing them and they are pretty useful - could we extend this function to those commenting (agree/disagree/neutral)?

It may be quite profitable to know this - e.g. native speakers in the source language may support one suggestion (deeper understanding of the text) and native speakers in the target language support another (what sounds natural in translation).

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Loving the "native in..." icon in KudoZ - thanks!

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