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Proposal for new classification system: top KudoZ askers
Thread poster: Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 07:41
English to Italian
May 19, 2005

I think that would make interesting reading, don't you agree? Hall of shame or fame? I hope this can be implemented, seriously! What do you think? I know it's possible to see the number of questions asked from the profiles, but a nice clear table listing the big offenders would be fantastic...


Kirill Semenov
Kirill Semenov  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:41
Member (2004)
English to Russian
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Wow! May 19, 2005

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL wrote:
I think that would make interesting reading, don't you agree? Hall of shame or fame? I hope this can be implemented, seriously! What do you think? I know it's possible to see the number of questions asked from the profiles, but a nice clear table listing the big offenders would be fantastic...

Great proposal, Giovanni!

Haiyang Ai (X)
Haiyang Ai (X)  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:41
English to Chinese
+ ...
Agree May 19, 2005

Yeah, I think that's a good idea.

Local time: 07:41
a kind of pillory?!? May 19, 2005

Well, Giovanni, don't you think that it would sound as a "war of the poors"?
Or maybe I don't get it!?!
It's already possible (as you spotted)from the profile why?
I'm not teasing and if I didn't get it, please let me understand.

[Edited at 2005-05-19 16:24]

Natalia Elo
Natalia Elo  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:41
English to Russian
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I've asked only two today May 19, 2005

Please, please let me ask my questions before the board is set up

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL wrote:

I think that would make interesting reading, don't you agree? Hall of shame or fame? I hope this can be implemented, seriously! What do you think? I know it's possible to see the number of questions asked from the profiles, but a nice clear table listing the big offenders would be fantastic...


But seriously, it is a very good idea.


Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:41
French to English
with answers = 0 ? May 19, 2005

I guess you mean those who ask hundreds of questions and answer none whatosever? Or possibly those with a ratio of 100:1 . We wouldn't want to "shame" the genuinely active... maybe have their names flashing red on the question page as well, or a pop-up that says "this person contributes nothing whatsoever"...

Dr. Janos Annus (X)
Dr. Janos Annus (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:41
English to Hungarian
+ ...
What about those who do not grade answers? May 19, 2005

I think asking questions is not a problem, as long as it is part of the participation in the community's life, i.e. answering quesions as well. However, those who ask questions and then never, or hardly ever care to grade them, that is something I do not want to name. Their attitude should not be tolerated.

[Edited at 2005-05-19 17:05]

Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:41
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German to Swedish
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In memoriam
I strongly disagree May 19, 2005

Cheap shot, Giovanni,

Askers should never be labeled 'offenders' and nobody needs a 'hall of shame'.
A question you do not like is to be skipped as fast as possible and never be a reason to defame somebody.


[Edited at 2005-05-19 19:50]

Ana Fernandez
Ana Fernandez  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:41
German to Spanish
+ ...
great idea May 19, 2005

I think it's a very goog idea. Interesting!

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 02:41
Asking page yes, list no May 19, 2005

Hi Giovanni.

Stats are shown on the KudoZ pages, if this is not prominent enough we can of course make it stand out more. I don't like the idea of a list, though.

Monika Coulson
Monika Coulson  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:41
Member (2001)
English to Albanian
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Disagree as well May 19, 2005

Nobody should be discouraged from asking questions IMO. I do not think asking is a shame; asking too many questions for translations that are outside your abilities is a shame in my opinion.

Mats Wiman wrote:
Askers should never be labeled 'offenders' and nobody needs a 'hall of shame'.
A question you don not like is to be skipped as fast as possible but be a reason to defame somebody.


[Edited at 2005-05-20 12:57]

Puicz (X)
Puicz (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:41
Swedish to English
First, get the right dictionaries! May 19, 2005

I think that if you regard yourself as a translator from let's say X language in Y fields, you should get the appropriate tools of your trade, i.e., the right dictionaries. For example a good Finance dictionary. And our fellow Proz translators, I'm sure, can help in telling us what dictionaries are essential. Once clear of this stage, so that you can dictionary check terms, there should no shame in asking.
However, a professional translator should not be asking about terms which are in the
... See more
I think that if you regard yourself as a translator from let's say X language in Y fields, you should get the appropriate tools of your trade, i.e., the right dictionaries. For example a good Finance dictionary. And our fellow Proz translators, I'm sure, can help in telling us what dictionaries are essential. Once clear of this stage, so that you can dictionary check terms, there should no shame in asking.
However, a professional translator should not be asking about terms which are in the dictionaries (I've noticed there are quite a lot of these and I've replied to one or two myself.)
Most 'umbly....
Mike Parsley

Kirill Semenov
Kirill Semenov  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:41
Member (2004)
English to Russian
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I just wonder... May 19, 2005

Mats Wiman wrote:
A question you don not like is to be skipped as fast as possible but be a reason to defame somebody.

I just wonder why the rule is not applied to forums, say, almost quoting your words:

"A *forum posting* you do not like is to be skipped as fast as possible but be a reason to defame somebody".

Is this a bad `golden rule', dear Mats?

Monika Coulson
Monika Coulson  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:41
Member (2001)
English to Albanian
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There is a difference I think May 19, 2005

IMHO, there is a difference between forums and answering KudoZ. A forum thread is open for us to discuss things/opinions between us.

A KudoZ answer is given to help someone in need.


Kirill Semenov wrote:

"A *forum posting* you do not like is to be skipped as fast as possible but be a reason to defame somebody".

[Edited at 2005-05-20 12:58]

Kirill Semenov
Kirill Semenov  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:41
Member (2004)
English to Russian
+ ...
Don't be indifferent May 19, 2005

Monika Coulson wrote:
IMHO, there is a difference between forums and answering KudoZ. A forum thread is open for us to discuss things/opinions between us.

Yes, everything is open. And what is common to both forums and kudoZ is that we should not be indifferent. My own `golden rule' is "don't pass by when you see that something is wrong". So when I see at proZ something I do not like (including kudoZ problems and abuses) I usually don't simply pass by -- I go to forums to discuss issues and to find solutions. Not just to say or hear `it's OK as it is, so forget it if you don't like it'.

[Edited at 2005-05-19 18:13]

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Proposal for new classification system: top KudoZ askers

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