Please use the 'should be pro' checkbox when answering KudoZ questions
Thread poster: Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 20:55
Nov 25, 2003

When responding to "easy" KudoZ questions, answerers are now given the option of checking a box to indicate that the question should have been classified as pro. Please use that when appropriate. Votes will be tallied so that questions can be automatically reclassified by consensus.

The site definition of an easy question is one that *could be answered by any bilingual person.* Please apply this definition liberally. Examples: "hello", "how are you" and "My name is Samantha" can be
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When responding to "easy" KudoZ questions, answerers are now given the option of checking a box to indicate that the question should have been classified as pro. Please use that when appropriate. Votes will be tallied so that questions can be automatically reclassified by consensus.

The site definition of an easy question is one that *could be answered by any bilingual person.* Please apply this definition liberally. Examples: "hello", "how are you" and "My name is Samantha" can be translated by any bilingual person and are therefore easy. Any term that is specific to a field (like "corner kick" in soccer/football) could not necessarily be translated by *any* bilingual person--(s)he would have to know soccer terms--and for this reason it should be classified as "pro". (Think of "easy" questions as everyday conversation, and "pro" questions as everything else.)

Many questions that should be classified as pro are initially classified as easy (the reverse misclassification is not nearly as common.) So don't be shy! Active participation in reclassification of questions will help form the basis for a more useful searchable archive and KOG.

PAS  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:55
Polish to English
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monolingual? Nov 25, 2003

How do you judge whether a monolingual question is easy or pro?

Magda Dziadosz
Magda Dziadosz  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:55
Member (2004)
English to Polish
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Monolingual Nov 25, 2003

PAS wrote:

How do you judge whether a monolingual question is easy or pro?

I would say, 'easy' is what any speaker of this language would know, and 'pro' requires some specialized knowledge in the subject field. Correct, Henry?


Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 20:55
Yes, in monolingual, 'easy' means something any speaker would know Nov 25, 2003

Magda Dziadosz wrote:
PAS wrote:
How do you judge whether a monolingual question is easy or pro?

I would say, 'easy' is what any speaker of this language would know, and 'pro' requires some specialized knowledge in the subject field. Correct, Henry?


Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:55
Member (2003)
Danish to English
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... and wait for a reasonable answer before you give four points! Nov 26, 2003

As far as I understand the system, Kudoz is not simply a race.

So askers, please, don't just automatically give four points to the first answer you get!

Very often, people need time to find an explanation and check references.

OK, some questions are clear-cut: either you know or you don't, and someone out there knows. But the first person to guess is not always the one with the best answer.
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As far as I understand the system, Kudoz is not simply a race.

So askers, please, don't just automatically give four points to the first answer you get!

Very often, people need time to find an explanation and check references.

OK, some questions are clear-cut: either you know or you don't, and someone out there knows. But the first person to guess is not always the one with the best answer.

Besides, as the answers are kept in the system for future reference, it is important to get as many nuances as possible, or as complete an answer as possible to record.

So wait at least an hour or two before giving points, until you know it's not going to get any better.

It's a great system, and I've noted a lot of terms from Kudoz in my dictionaries and word lists, but the comments and explanations are important too, so give people a break when they're trying to help!

And thanks to all who contribute!

gianfranco  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:55
Member (2001)
English to Italian
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24 hours before grading is recommended Nov 26, 2003

CRAndersen wrote:
As far as I understand the system, Kudoz is not simply a race.
So wait at least an hour or two before giving points, until you know it's not going to get any better.

Well said! KudoZ is NOT a race!

The new KudoZ interface recommends to wait at least 24 hours before grading, to allow more members and participants (in all time zones) to contribute with their expertise.

The askers may have more urgent needs, but they can still use the best answer arrived within their deadline, and still wait before grading, for the sake of better archives and future reference.

It is still too common to see questions closed in 10-20 minutes, even before a knowledgeable member notices the pending question...

We are currently discussing if the 24 hours limit should be kept as 'advised' or rather make it 'compulsory', to reduce the impact of quick answers (sometimes lacking proper research, explanations or references) to the detriment of the archives and glossaries.


[Edited at 2003-11-26 13:59]

Elvira Stoianov
Elvira Stoianov  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:55
German to Romanian
+ ...
maybe voting shouldbe more accessible Dec 9, 2003

I have now seen that someone has voted for a question that it should be Pro and wanted to make a vote myself, but didn't know where to look for the button. Is this function limited to one person, i.e. the one giving an answer? Does this make sense? you can only vote if you give an answer.

Margaret Schroeder
Margaret Schroeder  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:55
Spanish to English
+ ...
Why not make 24 hour wait mandatory? Dec 9, 2003

Gianfranco Manca wrote:

We are currently discussing if the 24 hours limit should be kept as 'advised' or rather make it 'compulsory', to reduce the impact of quick answers (sometimes lacking proper research, explanations or references) to the detriment of the archives and glossaries.

[Edited at 2003-11-26 13:59]

Indeed, why not make it compulsory? There has been some improvement since the 24-hour advisory was started, but not enough. Moreover, even wrong answers are sometimes supported by "research", "explanations" and "references", which the asker may mistake for reliable knowledge.

What reasons might there be for not making it impossible to grade an answer before 24 hours have passed?


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Please use the 'should be pro' checkbox when answering KudoZ questions

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