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Pro-level KudoZ
Thread poster: Kim Metzger
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:32
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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The duties of the asker Oct 6, 2008

Tomás Cano Binder wrote:
Honestly Samuel, I would not want to fill a whole questionnaire to ask a question. Kudoz is OK as is for a good question. You only need to WANT to make a good question.

I often encounter a similar attitude in the mailing lists I manage. There are people who simply want everyone else to accept their bona fides and treat their posts seriously, no matter how minimalistic or hurriedly written.

My own belief is that an asker has a duty not to waste the time of the answerer.

The fact that the asker is in a hurry should be no reason why he can't spend a few seconds longer ensuring that the answerer's time spent is useful for everyone. Because really, filling in that little form of mine will take no more than ten seconds (if no text is filled in) or anything from twenty to fourty seconds (if some text is filled in).

If you get such a form, and you still expect answerers to believe you are a serious asker without proof, then simply fill in the last field with "asdfasdfasdf" and hit send. In my proposal, no-one is forcing anyone to explain himself all the time.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:32
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
I decide... Oct 6, 2008

Samuel Murray wrote:
The fact that the asker is in a hurry should be no reason why he can't spend a few seconds longer ensuring that the answerer's time spent is useful for everyone. Because really, filling in that little form of mine will take no more than ten seconds (if no text is filled in) or anything from twenty to fourty seconds (if some text is filled in).

You know very well that I used to agree with this. However, in recent times I think it's far more sensible to ignore badly prepared questions. If we all did the same, instead of writing for hours on end about bad askers, the problem would be fixed immediately: bad askers would not get good replies... ever!

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Pro-level KudoZ

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