Cercasi avvocato a Venezia/Mestre
Thread poster: Tom in London
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:33
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Jan 12, 2015

Sto cercando un avvocato a Venezia/Mestre che abbia conoscenza del nostro settore e che sia bravo a convincere chi non paga, a pagare.

C'è qualche collega gentile che può suggerire un nome ?

Anthony Green
Anthony Green  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:33
Italian to English
+ ...
BlueBoard Jan 12, 2015

Hi Tom
I presume you have tried using the threat of the Blue Board and then going ahead with it, have you?

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:33
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Not yet Jan 12, 2015

Anthony Green wrote:

Hi Tom
I presume you have tried using the threat of the Blue Board and then going ahead with it, have you?

Non ancora, Anthony. Sto seguendo una procedura diversa. Non è ancora il momento del Blue Board (e poi delle fasi successive).

Ho già completato le fasi 1 e 2 (preferisco non dire in cosa consistono).

Fase 3 consiste nel chiedere, qui, il nome di un avvocato nella medesima giurisdizione dell'agenzia che non paga. Ciò in quanto (a) vorrei veramente sapere e (b) molte agenzie seguono questi forum.

E' possibile che questa particolare agenzia legga il presente thread. Altrimenti potrei - come dire? - portarlo alla loro attenzione.

Chiunque volesse conoscere il nome dell'agenzia può naturalmente chiedermelo in privato. The more the merrier !

Non ti preoccupare, alla fine pagheranno. Nessuno è mai riuscito a non pagarmi - anche se molti hanno provato.

Dunque cari colleghi - conoscete un bravo avvocato a VE?

[Edited at 2015-01-12 11:06 GMT]

Manuela Dal Castello
Manuela Dal Castello  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:33
English to Italian
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Ti ho scritto in privato Jan 12, 2015

E in pubblico ribadisco "in bocca al lupo"!

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:33
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Grazie Jan 12, 2015

Manuela Dal Castello wrote:

E in pubblico ribadisco "in bocca al lupo"!

Grazie Manuela !

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:33
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Continua Jan 12, 2015

Ringrazio i vari colleghi che mi hanno contattato in privato. Però se altri hanno ancora altri nomi di suggerire, sarei grato di sapere chi sono !

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:33
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Problema risolto Jan 13, 2015

..e pagamento effettuato. Ringrazio tutti anche se non ho dovuto prendere le vie legali.

Domenico Trimboli
Domenico Trimboli  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:33
English to Italian
Ipse dixit Jan 13, 2015

Tom in London wrote:

Non ti preoccupare, alla fine pagheranno. Nessuno è mai riuscito a non pagarmi - anche se molti hanno provato.

Tom in London wrote:

e pagamento effettuato. Ringrazio tutti anche se non ho dovuto prendere le vie legali.

Tutto è bene quel che finisce bene

United States
German to English
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Here's one lawyer not to use... Jan 13, 2015

My British great-aunt married an Italian and lived in Mestre.

Towards the end of her life, she got Alzheimer's. Fortunately, the neighbours in the flat above her were delightful people - they would look in on her and do her shopping.

After she died, we discovered that they'd stolen her chequebook and had been milking her bank account of thousands of euro for years. To do this, they found a crooked lawyer who drew up a fake power of attorney.

The case got co
... See more
My British great-aunt married an Italian and lived in Mestre.

Towards the end of her life, she got Alzheimer's. Fortunately, the neighbours in the flat above her were delightful people - they would look in on her and do her shopping.

After she died, we discovered that they'd stolen her chequebook and had been milking her bank account of thousands of euro for years. To do this, they found a crooked lawyer who drew up a fake power of attorney.

The case got considerable newspaper coverage. The lawyer would have been struck off, but conveniently died before this could happen. We never did get my great-aunt's money back.

So it sounds like you were more fortunate, Tom...

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:33
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Thanks Jan 13, 2015

philgoddard wrote:

So it sounds like you were more fortunate, Tom...

Yes, Phil. Lawyers are best avoided, wherever possible.

I've come across the phenomenon you describe although in this case, it wasn't a lawyer who did the dirty deal, but another type of professional.

Many years ago in Italy, I was involved in a court case in which a building surveyor had spent a long time working his way into the trust of an elderly lady, taking her flowers when she was in hospital, fixing various small things in her apartment, etc., until he got her to a point where she was willing to sign a document she didn't really understand (which was in fact, power of attorney). By this means she transferred ownership of the property to him. The house, the garden - everything.

During this court case, my lawyer did say to me that this is a very common practice in Italy. I don't know if it's common elsewhere too. I wouldn't say that only Italians can be devious rascals. In fact we have many here in the UK who are actually in the government, and one who is currently the Mayor of London.

[Edited at 2015-01-13 17:29 GMT]

Josephine Cassar
Josephine Cassar  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:33
Member (2012)
English to Maltese
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La forza del sito Forum? Jan 14, 2015

Complimenti per aver risolto il problema così facilmente Tom. Auguro a tanti altri di fare lo stesso, un passo così semplice ma effettivo, complimenti.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:33
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Caso a caso Jan 15, 2015

Josephine Cassar wrote:

Complimenti per aver risolto il problema così facilmente Tom. Auguro a tanti altri di fare lo stesso, un passo così semplice ma effettivo, complimenti.

Il sistema da adottare varia a secondo il caso. Chi vuole sapere come ho fatto in questo caso mi può contattare in privato.

Local time: 23:33
English to Italian
serve anche a me Jan 29, 2015

Un avvocato per tipo 5% di clienti in FVG. Non ho nessuna voglia di chiamare, chiamare, chiamare....


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