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Do you use Skype?
Thread poster: Tom in London
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:32
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Dec 7, 2016

I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?

Roy Williams
Roy Williams  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:32
German to English
Not at all Dec 7, 2016

I have quite a few clients with whom I'm connected on skype. It's actually faster than waiting for one to check their e-mail. You can even send and receive files. During business hours, my phone is always connected to the internet and my skype is always active. So the only faster way of reaching me is to call directly.

Sergei Leshchinsky
Sergei Leshchinsky  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:32
Member (2008)
English to Russian
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Do... Dec 7, 2016

Do you use telephone? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use dishwasher? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use TV-set? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use Facebook? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use Viber? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use ICQ? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use Google? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use CAT-tool? I don't
... See more
Do you use telephone? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use dishwasher? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use TV-set? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use Facebook? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use Viber? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use ICQ? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use Google? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use CAT-tool? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use smartphone? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use door bell? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use fridge? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:32
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Articles too Dec 7, 2016

Sergei Leshchinsky wrote:

Do you use telephone? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use dishwasher? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use TV-set? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use Facebook? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use Viber? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use ICQ? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use Google? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use CAT-tool? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use smartphone? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use door bell? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?
Do you use fridge? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?

Do you use articles? Apparently not those either.

Personally I prefer not to interrupt whatever I'm doing with phone calls or Skype calls. Email is good because I reply when I want to/need to. Phone calls waste time. I don't need to talk to my clients, any more than they need to talk to me. This has never been a problem.

[Edited at 2016-12-07 14:53 GMT]

Sergei Leshchinsky
Sergei Leshchinsky  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:32
Member (2008)
English to Russian
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LoL Dec 7, 2016

Do you live? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?

Sergei Leshchinsky
Sergei Leshchinsky  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:32
Member (2008)
English to Russian
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all is in your hands Dec 7, 2016

Tom in London wrote:
Do you use articles? Apparently not those either.

That was a quote from above. I simply changeв one word in it.

Personally I prefer not to interrupt whatever I'm doing with phone calls or Skype calls. Email is good because I reply when I want to/need to. Phone calls waste time. I don't need to talk to my clients, any more than they need to talk to me. This has never been a problem.

Phone calls, Skype and other things waste time, when you permit to.
I is you who wastes time, not skype etc.

[Редактировалось 2016-12-07 14:58 GMT]

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:32
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Sometimes Dec 7, 2016

Sergei Leshchinsky wrote:

Do you live? I don't. Doesn't it waste a lot of time?

Sometimes it feels like it. It depends who I'm talking to. Emoticons and LOLs do waste a lot of time, which is why most ppl don't use them any more.

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:32
Member (2007)
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Only for pre-arranged communication Dec 7, 2016

I like to come out of periods of deep concentration in a controlled way. It can happen quickly, e.g. with the last full-stop of a translation, or it can slowly dawn on me that if I don't take a pee pause soon there will be hell to pay ! But a ringtone or a knock at the door can totally wreck my concentration right in the middle of a job. If I know I'm expecting a call it's different - I don't let myself get too deeply into anyth... See more
I like to come out of periods of deep concentration in a controlled way. It can happen quickly, e.g. with the last full-stop of a translation, or it can slowly dawn on me that if I don't take a pee pause soon there will be hell to pay ! But a ringtone or a knock at the door can totally wreck my concentration right in the middle of a job. If I know I'm expecting a call it's different - I don't let myself get too deeply into anything, or I write more things down so I can get back to that point without retracing the previous thought processes.

Refusing to use Skype at all seems a bit like shooting yourself in the foot though. Unless you accept ordinary phone calls or whatever. Personally, I have to pay for landline and mobile calls outside Spain, so I can accept that my clients might have a similar problem.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:32
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Spinach Dec 7, 2016

Sergei Leshchinsky wrote:

That was a quote from above. I simply changeв one word in it.

Popeye the Sailor Man! I always has time fer him.

Sergei Leshchinsky
Sergei Leshchinsky  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:32
Member (2008)
English to Russian
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yes Dec 7, 2016

Tom in London wrote:Sometimes it feels like it. It depends who I'm talking to. Emoticons and LOLs do waste a lot of time, which is why most ppl don't use them any more.

Reading social posts "with liking" takes almost double time if compared to skimming "with no hands".

Sergei Leshchinsky
Sergei Leshchinsky  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:32
Member (2008)
English to Russian
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i prefer... Dec 7, 2016

... written communication, but allow for any means of communication. it can be skype, viber, email, facebook chat, whatever else... and i never expect to get the answer in no time. i respect the time of others.

Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:32
Member (2006)
Dutch to German
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No - not even phone Dec 7, 2016

No, I don't. I even actively discourage clients to call me by regular phone. It disturbs my concentration, and it's usually unproductive. In most of the cases, a phone call will end with something along the lines of "Ok, just send me the text you want to have translated and I'll have a look at it" - the client might as well do that right away. So in my book, phone calls are indeed a waste of time, and I'd certainly not want to have more than one phone ringing, so no, thank you, I don't need Skyp... See more
No, I don't. I even actively discourage clients to call me by regular phone. It disturbs my concentration, and it's usually unproductive. In most of the cases, a phone call will end with something along the lines of "Ok, just send me the text you want to have translated and I'll have a look at it" - the client might as well do that right away. So in my book, phone calls are indeed a waste of time, and I'd certainly not want to have more than one phone ringing, so no, thank you, I don't need Skype.Collapse

Tony Bennjamin
Tony Bennjamin  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:32
Member (2013)
Indonesian to English
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Yes, Dec 7, 2016


I'm always online.

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:32
English to Portuguese
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In memoriam
Skype is my globalphone Dec 7, 2016

I keep it open at all times while I am at the computer. Amazingly, my contacts respect that, and they use it only if they would be calling me by phone. A few advantages are that they can easily send me URLs, files, e-mail addresses, etc.

On the other hand, I don't use WhatsApp. I have no interest in learning about the outcome of someone's - whose mobile phone number I happen to have there - latest visit to the john. I think it is a major nuisance. I only open it once or twice in a w
... See more
I keep it open at all times while I am at the computer. Amazingly, my contacts respect that, and they use it only if they would be calling me by phone. A few advantages are that they can easily send me URLs, files, e-mail addresses, etc.

On the other hand, I don't use WhatsApp. I have no interest in learning about the outcome of someone's - whose mobile phone number I happen to have there - latest visit to the john. I think it is a major nuisance. I only open it once or twice in a week, as some clients use it to ask me about fulfilling their urgent translation needs.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:32
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
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No, I don't... Dec 7, 2016

Erik Freitag wrote:

No, I don't. I even actively discourage clients to call me by regular phone. It disturbs my concentration, and it's usually unproductive. In most of the cases, a phone call will end with something along the lines of "Ok, just send me the text you want to have translated and I'll have a look at it" - the client might as well do that right away. So in my book, phone calls are indeed a waste of time, and I'd certainly not want to have more than one phone ringing, so no, thank you, I don't need Skype.

... and I also discourage my clients calling me by phone. Usually when my phone rings is either a marketing call and someone trying to make me buy something I don't need or a potential new client and the conversation ends as you described: "please send me the text by email and I'll have a good look at it"...

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Do you use Skype?

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