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Including CV in Proz profile
Thread poster: adanepst
adanepst  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
German to English
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Jan 28, 2015

Hello all,

I have just begun using as an active full member. I am wondering if it is recommended to include my CV in my profile, as opposed to the "CV available upon request" option. I would prefer not to have too much information about myself available on Google searches, etc., but I'm having the hunch that if a potential client has 30 quotes, he may not bother to request CVs from the quoters who don't provide them in their profile and only give his attention to the ones w
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Hello all,

I have just begun using as an active full member. I am wondering if it is recommended to include my CV in my profile, as opposed to the "CV available upon request" option. I would prefer not to have too much information about myself available on Google searches, etc., but I'm having the hunch that if a potential client has 30 quotes, he may not bother to request CVs from the quoters who don't provide them in their profile and only give his attention to the ones who do.

Does anyone have experience or advice here? I would be grateful.


Triston Goodwin
Triston Goodwin  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:31
Spanish to English
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Provide it as an attachment Jan 28, 2015

When you quote through the Proz system, just under the option to include the CV from your profile, you have the option to upload a file. You could just attach it along with your quote

United States
German to English
+ ...
The only problem... Jan 28, 2015

... is that it's not unusual for less successful translators to steal the CVs and identities of their more successful colleagues. But I reckon it's a risk worth taking - being able to put your CV online is valuable advertising.

Little Woods
Little Woods  Identity Verified
English to Vietnamese
Maybe you should just provide CV upon request Jan 28, 2015

There are a lot of scams now that use the stolen CV to attach customers under the stolen names, taking the customers money, run away and leave the stolen names taking the blame from the customer. There are many other scams around the public CV.

Small details adding.

[Edited at 2015-01-28 04:05 GMT]

Vesna Markovic
Vesna Markovic  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
Member (2022)
Chinese to Serbian
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Suggestion by Owner of Translation Agency Jan 28, 2015

My top language pair is Serbian>Chinese. I included CV in Proz profile because I was suggested by my friend from China, businessman and owner of translation agency to include CV in Proz profile.
I am not a full member, but I am planning to register for full membership.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:31
Member (2008)
Italian to English
pdf Jan 28, 2015

It's a risk. I've heard of CVs being stolen from this website. That's why many users only offer their CV on request. And it should be a PDF, not a Word file.

Yakub Kamil
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:31
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Customers Jan 28, 2015

Little Woods wrote:

There are a lot of scams now that use the stolen CV to attach customers under the stolen names, taking the customers money, run away and leave the stolen names taking the blame from the customer. There are many other scams around the public CV.

Small details adding.

[Edited at 2015-01-28 04:05 GMT]

Wow - a scam that takes money to the customers ! How can I get some of this?

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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Include it Jan 28, 2015

adanepst wrote:
I am wondering if it is recommended to include my CV in my profile, as opposed to the "CV available upon request" option. ... I'm having the hunch that if a potential client has 30 quotes, he may not bother to request CVs from the quoters who don't provide them...

That is exactly my thinking as well. I'm not an outsourcer myself, but if I were, then... if I had to select a translator from a pool of five, and one of them has no CV available, then that translator would drop off my list.

The "CV available on request" hints to me that you're not really interested in getting jobs via or that you're so busy with current jobs that I should not bother contacting you with mine or (worse!) that you expect me to select you based on your rate alone.

Remember, the "CV" that you provide at does not have to be a full curriculum vitae. You can shorten it to a one-page résumé that contains only details related to your translation work.

You're going to have to put some identifying and contact details in it, though. If you're really worried, you can convert the personal details section of the CV to an image, and paste it into the Word file before you convert the whole thing to PDF (experiment until it looks professional).

Eugenia Sánchez
Eugenia Sánchez  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:31
Member (2005)
French to Spanish
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Convert the personal details section of the CV to an image Jan 28, 2015

Thank you for this piece of advise Samuel!

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:31
Member (2007)
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Balance the risks and the advantages Jan 28, 2015

There are risks to having your CV online, but there are also advantages. You just need to find the balance you're happiest with, personally.

For me, having all the information there has, I'm sure, been very useful. I've searched for translators and proofreaders a few times, looking for colleagues to recommend to clients who need services other than those I provide. And I disregard those with no CV uploaded unless there is an awful lot of other information about them, e.g. if all the
... See more
There are risks to having your CV online, but there are also advantages. You just need to find the balance you're happiest with, personally.

For me, having all the information there has, I'm sure, been very useful. I've searched for translators and proofreaders a few times, looking for colleagues to recommend to clients who need services other than those I provide. And I disregard those with no CV uploaded unless there is an awful lot of other information about them, e.g. if all the details that would normally be in a CV are there in the "About me" section. I'm not going to bother sending off messages and then waiting for replies. My need may not be urgent, but things are always best done straight away. If you're only expecting to receive work here from job posts, then it isn't an issue, but most of my clients approach me personally through my profile, and I'm sure they need my CV up there.

Some people put their CVs up in Word format. And some even divulge all their personal information to all and sundry: their email addresses in clear for those "bots" to harvest, their phone numbers and even their complete postal addresses. That's something I wouldn't be happy with. CVs in PDF format used to be much safer. I don't think the type of PDF I have currently is very safe, as PDFs are now just as editable as Word documents. But a scanned PDF (as I will definitely have, mañana) is a small risk, especially if it carries a watermark or electronic signature or something like that.

But it all comes down to our personal feeling about risks. And if you're not happy with anything over zero then you shouldn't be a freelancer at all.

Georgie Scott
Georgie Scott  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
French to English
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Linkedin Jan 28, 2015

I took mine down from Proz after a series of posts from people who appear to have had theirs stolen.

A lot of the information from my cv is available on Linkedin and I have a personal preference for working with people who take the time to at least scan Linkedin profiles.

If I quote for jobs, I include my cv.

That said, I haven't managed to create a very good cv as I can't provide client names due to NDAs and I find it difficult to choose which projects to
... See more
I took mine down from Proz after a series of posts from people who appear to have had theirs stolen.

A lot of the information from my cv is available on Linkedin and I have a personal preference for working with people who take the time to at least scan Linkedin profiles.

If I quote for jobs, I include my cv.

That said, I haven't managed to create a very good cv as I can't provide client names due to NDAs and I find it difficult to choose which projects to include from the very long list of translations I've worked on. Hence why I'm always happy to complete a short translation test (for a company whose profile I've checked out on Proz and Linkedin to make sure they aren't just gathering translations to sell on).

Little Woods
Little Woods  Identity Verified
English to Vietnamese
I agree with Sheila on the About me part Jan 28, 2015

I don't leave details about my specific projects and other things online but I try to include many details about my translation experience and education in the About me. I dont know if it works for me. I also include my CV when I quote for jobs, which has details about project scope and some names of agencies, names of my schools and training.

Roy Williams
Roy Williams  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
German to English
Have had my CV stolen Jan 28, 2015

I had my CV posted on this and another translator portal. Then I was notified by the operators of a scam-watching web site that my CV was found in the translator data base of known scammers located in the middle east. After that I took it down and know only provide it in response to bids.

If this costs me a job or two, so be it.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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NEVER! Jan 28, 2015

(Sorry for screaming.) Never publish your CV online. Anyone can grab it and use it for unlawful purposes, as has happened very many times to many of us translators. Send the CV upon request when an interesting, legitimate customer comes around.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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If time is the only important thing... Jan 28, 2015

Samuel Murray wrote:
That is exactly my thinking as well. I'm not an outsourcer myself, but if I were, then... if I had to select a translator from a pool of five, and one of them has no CV available, then that translator would drop off my list.

A customer who does not take the time to examine the CVs and only cares about having the job assigned quickly is not really my type of fish.

Maybe this is not everyone's business model, but in my case I want customers who value and need my special expertise and experience in particular fields, and of course is willing to pay for that expertise.

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Including CV in Proz profile

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