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Off topic: 2006赛事集锦 (2006 World Cup)
Thread poster: Chinoise
Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:13
English to Chinese
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“Tous Ensemble”歌词非常漂亮,值得译成中文(Any volunteer? ^_^)! Jul 2, 2006

Tous Ensemble

(Johnny Hallyday)

On est champion
On est tous ensemble
C'est le grand jeu
La France est debout
Votre passi
... See more

Tous Ensemble

(Johnny Hallyday)

On est champion
On est tous ensemble
C'est le grand jeu
La France est debout
Votre passion toujours nous rassemble
Aller les bleus, on est tous avec vous.

Aller, vous portez nos espoirs
Vous gravez nos histoires
Et dans nos coeurs vous serez toujours vainqueurs
Le bleu c'est notre couleur.

La blâme, à l'autre bout du monde
Envie chaque seconde à vos cotés
Oh oui la France est à vos pieds
Vous serez toujours les premiers.

[Edited at 2006-07-02 21:22]

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:13
Member (2005)
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英国得赌盘看好的四强, Jul 2, 2006



专业赌博公司就这水平, 可真够笨的。

[Edited at 2006-07-02 20:15]

Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:13
English to Chinese
+ ...
由此看来: Jul 2, 2006

jyuan_us wrote:

英国得赌盘看好的四强, 只猜对了意大利。

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:13
Chinese to English
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德意法葡 Western European Monopoly Jul 2, 2006

Like the whole stadium audience, I was rooting for England. Some of them were singing "Que, sera, sera" when it came down to penalty kicks.

Here's something that's played when a contestant gets booted off from American Idol...
... See more
Like the whole stadium audience, I was rooting for England. Some of them were singing "Que, sera, sera" when it came down to penalty kicks.

Here's something that's played when a contestant gets booted off from American Idol...

Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:13
English to Chinese
+ ...
Yes, indeed! --"The future's not ours to see..." Jul 2, 2006

"Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be."

I used to sing it when I was a kid...I actually learned it from " English on Sunday" , which was hosted by 彭文兰 over twenty years ago...

wherestip wrote:

Like the whole stadium audience, I was rooting for England. Some of them were singing "Que, sera, sera" when it came down to penalty kicks.

[Edited at 2006-07-03 09:59]

Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:13
Member (2003)
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I scratched my head so hard but could not get a clue Jul 2, 2006

Hello, Everyone

Just learned from CCTV that the death toll in China directly related to the World Cup 2006 has reached to 9 people by now. One of them jumped out of the window from a high-rise building after he saw the Dutch team lost in a game. I must be either too old or too detached from the real world. I scratched my head so hard but have trouble to understand why this happens in China, let alone the Chinese team was not even there.


[Edited at 2006-07-0
... See more
Hello, Everyone

Just learned from CCTV that the death toll in China directly related to the World Cup 2006 has reached to 9 people by now. One of them jumped out of the window from a high-rise building after he saw the Dutch team lost in a game. I must be either too old or too detached from the real world. I scratched my head so hard but have trouble to understand why this happens in China, let alone the Chinese team was not even there.


[Edited at 2006-07-02 23:32]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:13
Chinese to English
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The Right Perspective Jul 2, 2006

Kevin Yang wrote:

Just learned from CCTV that the death toll in China directly related to the World Cup 2006 has reached to 9 people by now. One of them jumped out of the window from a high-rise building after he saw the Dutch team lost in a game. I must be either too old or too detached from the real world. I scratched my head so hard but have trouble to understand why this happens in China, let along the Chinese team was not even there.


That's horrible. I wish these people could have listened to "bad day" before they lost all perspective.

I think that's one good thing about most American TV programs. Most of them end with an uplifting message and a positive outlook, even when the person or team that you were rooting for lose in a competition.

[Edited at 2006-07-02 23:27]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:13
Chinese to English
+ ...
Songs we never forget Jul 2, 2006

Chinoise wrote:

"Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be."

That's the song that I used to sing before I was 10 years old...I actually learned it from " English on Sunday" , which was hosted by 彭文兰 twenty years ago...


I don't know who 彭文兰 is. You must be a lot younger than I am

I used to listen to 彭其婉 on 北京人民广播电台的少年儿童节目"小喇叭"

I can still find some info on her by doing a search. Isn't the internet and the google search engine wonderful?

Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:13
English to Chinese
+ ...
Yes, it is!! Jul 2, 2006


Here is a link about Ms. Peng:

P.S. How can I forget that sweet and familiar voice “小喇叭广播完了,小朋友们再见!”from China National Radio?

wherestip wrote:
Isn't the internet and the google search engine wonderful?

[Edited at 2006-07-03 10:01]

Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:13
English to Chinese
+ ...
Yes, that's really shocking and terrifying-- Jul 3, 2006

I wish it were untrue.

Kevin Yang wrote:

Hello, Everyone

Just learned from CCTV that the death toll in China directly related to the World Cup 2006 has reached to 9 people by now. One of them jumped out of the window from a high-rise building after he saw the Dutch team lost in a game. I must be either too old or too detached from the real world. I scratched my head so hard but have trouble to understand why this happens in China, let alone the Chinese team was not even there.


[Edited at 2006-07-02 23:32]

Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:13
Member (2003)
English to Chinese
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Life is the most valuable thing. Jul 3, 2006

Chinoise wrote:

I wish it were untrue.


CCTV is usually pretty accurate. It was reported by its news anchor Lu Jian.

Life is the most valuable thing. My mother, a retired doctor, believes the heart attach might have played a role. To die for the World Cup is too ridiculous in my opinion.


Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:13
English to Chinese
+ ...
CCTV is certainly reliable. Jul 3, 2006


If it's CCTV News, then I believe it's true. I agree with your mother that their deaths might have been caused by Heart Attack. Besides, committing suicide for the World Cup is really absurd and silly.

Kevin Yang wrote:

CCTV is usually pretty accurate. It was reported by its news anchor Lu Jian.

[Edited at 2006-07-03 09:55]

chance (X)
chance (X)
French to Chinese
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估计有人把全部积蓄都赌上了,所以才会发生这种事情 Jul 3, 2006



[Edited at 2006-07-03 14:32]

chance (X)
chance (X)
French to Chinese
+ ...
Wherestip, Jul 3, 2006

今年环法自行车大赛也开始了,有世界杯,而且没有Lance Armstrong 参赛,我几乎没看。大多数参赛运动员倒是松了一口气,他们总算该有出头之日了

不过这次Armstrong 原队友和朋友George Hincapie 也有机会显示他的才华和能力,我发现他居然长得也象 Armstrong !

[Edited at 2006-07-03 08:55]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:13
Chinese to English
+ ...
Tour de France Jul 3, 2006

chance wrote:

今年环法自行车大赛也开始了,有世界杯,而且没有Lance Armstrong 参赛,我几乎没看。大多数参赛运动员倒是松了一口气,他们总算该有出头之日了

Yes, I heard that in the news.

Also mentioned was something about a doping scandal involving some of the top cyclists being caught using performance enhancing drugs. They somehow got busted... I wasn't paying too much attention though.

Had a glimpse of Sheryl Crow on TV yesterday talking about her failed romance with Lance Armstrong... I also clicked to another channel.,26334,1156475,00.html

I'd better stop. I don't want to be thought of as the official rumor monger.

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2006赛事集锦 (2006 World Cup)

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