OFF-TOPIC: (Updated) Meow Series New country photos
Thread poster: Jianjun Zhang
Jianjun Zhang
Jianjun Zhang  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:07
English to Chinese
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Oct 9, 2005

Here are some photos I just took this afternoon. Three kilometers north of my home, the country is bravely defying the sprawling city. More will come...

The cat is playing,
With full concentration.
And suddenly found
I am shooting...









[Edited at 2005-10-09 21:17]

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:07
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She looks best who stares last! Oct 10, 2005

I have not read the rules thoroughly, but am glad that someone started to share their photos. Now I can always say "He did it first!" and blame somebody else for my own wrong doing if I started putting photos on this forum.

Hi Jianjun, these are great shots.

The grass seems frost-bitten already in some spots. Are you in the north? But wherever you are, I remembered that every inch of tillable land was planted with some kind of crop for food. Why is this background lef
... See more
I have not read the rules thoroughly, but am glad that someone started to share their photos. Now I can always say "He did it first!" and blame somebody else for my own wrong doing if I started putting photos on this forum.

Hi Jianjun, these are great shots.

The grass seems frost-bitten already in some spots. Are you in the north? But wherever you are, I remembered that every inch of tillable land was planted with some kind of crop for food. Why is this background left wild?

[Edited at 2005-10-10 01:24]

[Edited at 2005-10-10 01:38]

Jianjun Zhang
Jianjun Zhang  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:07
English to Chinese
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Thanks David :) Oct 10, 2005

David Shen wrote:
I have not read the rules thoroughly, but am glad that someone started to share their photos. Now I can always say "He did it first!" and blame somebody else for my own wrong doing if I started putting photos on this forum.

You are so full of humor David. I believe the rules don't ban photos as long as these photos are decent for public viewing. But one thing I forgot is to mark it as Off-Topic when posting. Have to add that manually in the title; sorry for that.

Hi Jianjun, these are great shots.

The grass seems frost-bitten already in some spots. Are you in the north? But wherever you are, I remembered that every inch of tillable land was planted with some kind of crop for food. Why is this background left wild?

Thanks for your favorable comment. I'm living in Tianjin. The whether is still not cold. I took these photos without knowing I was using Digital zoom, so the result is not good that it seems some grass is frost-bitten. When I was back home I found that and thus turned it off. Hope I take better photos next time.

This is a place still defying a sprawling city as I indicated in the post. Very soon, it will be wiped out and replaced with crowded and ugly buildings and city rubbish. This perhaps explains why large areas of soil is simply left uncultivated. Simply not necessary to plant so much as sooner or later it will die out.

Sad thing...

David, from your post I guess you also have photos to show us? Why not post them here and let us enjoy the beauty?

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:07
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還是黑貓好度日 Oct 10, 2005


你這頭貓看來是一頭已經斬斷了是非根的雄貓,否則不會是那樣的體態,應該說是一頭年輕溫馴的貓公公。:D 我小時候鄉下還沒變成今日的城市,家裡四方來的貓隻不下兩打,吃飯時間很是熱鬧,我總想像著孟嘗君門下的景況,閒來就觀察貓的習性,也學會了不同年齡和性別的貓叫聲,還唬得住貓族們。不過,我很懶,我媽說我下輩子會是一頭全身漆黑的貓,只在鼻頭上有一小顆米狀的白點--如此在夜晚老鼠就自己送上門來了,呵呵。


Jianjun Zhang
Jianjun Zhang  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:07
English to Chinese
+ ...
貓咪 Oct 10, 2005

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:







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OFF-TOPIC: (Updated) Meow Series New country photos

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